10 signs you’re about to have a stroke

A stroke is a violation of blood flow in the brain, rupture or blockage of blood vessels. Such attacks often lead to very sad consequences: because of them, irreversible damage to this most important organ occurs. To avoid the occurrence of a stroke, significantly reduce the risks, you should understand the factors that contribute to its occurrence.

10 Heredity

10 signs youre about to have a stroke

A person has a third increased risk of a stroke if any of his relatives had such attacks. Genetic disorders are a very common reason for the development of such a pathology. Of great importance is the ethnicity of a person. In people with black skin color, stroke occurs more often, because they are prone to developing pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Of course, you cannot change your genes, but you can start to monitor your health, get rid of various bad habits.

9. Heavy alcoholic drinks

10 signs youre about to have a stroke

People who drink frequently and in large quantities often suffer from unhealthy changes in blood pressure. The blood of alcoholics usually becomes thicker and begins to pass through the vessels much worse. In such people, a stroke develops very often: the most critical age period is 50-60 years. To reduce the risk of such an attack, you need to consume as few alcoholic beverages as possible or refuse them altogether. It is better to allow yourself a glass of quality wine several times a week than not to drink alcohol for a week or two, and then get drunk on the weekends.

8. You’re a man

10 signs youre about to have a stroke

The stronger sex is more at risk of stroke. However, most often they cope better with such attacks than women, recover faster after them. To protect himself, a man can minimize risk factors: for example, normalize nutrition, stop drinking alcohol, and so on. Attention should be focused on what can be controlled.

7. High blood pressure

10 signs youre about to have a stroke

The risk of stroke is directly related to high blood pressure. Due to high pressure, blood vessels can be damaged, as a result of which the walls of the arteries become more rigid and thick. Because of this, clots appear, the outflow of blood worsens significantly.

The pressure must be monitored: it is recommended to measure it at least once a year. If it is often elevated, it is better to consume less salt and eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible. This way you can reduce the pressure. If the case is more advanced, you will need to see a doctor. He will prescribe appropriate medications.

6. Overweight

10 signs youre about to have a stroke

The risk of pathologies of the cardiovascular system automatically increases in people with a body mass index of 25. To reduce it, you need to control the amount of calories consumed, move more (ideally, go in for sports). The risk of stroke can be significantly reduced even if a person loses a few pounds. When the weight decreases, the pressure automatically normalizes, which further minimizes the risk of an attack. One of the best is considered the Mediterranean diet, which involves the use of seafood, olive oil, low-fat dairy products, fruits, vegetables, herbs and other healthy foods.

5. Lack of exercise

10 signs youre about to have a stroke

The risk of stroke is significantly increased by a sedentary lifestyle. Mobile people who are prone to active pastime are healthier: their body is resistant to various diseases. To improve the quality of your life, to prevent the development of problems with the cardiovascular system, you need to devote at least half an hour to physical exercises every day. You can just walk fast or ride a bike. If you can’t exercise daily, try to do it at least a few times a week.

4. High cholesterol

10 signs youre about to have a stroke

Cholesterol is high fat. Due to an excessive amount of such a substance, plaques appear in the arteries, which significantly impair the outflow of blood. The amount of “bad” cholesterol must be monitored: check it at least once every few years. This will need to be done more frequently if the person has any other cardiovascular problems. Through exercise and a healthy diet, you can increase the amount of “good” cholesterol, which ensures the excretion of “bad” substances.

3. Smoking

10 signs youre about to have a stroke

Smoking contributes to vasoconstriction, thickening of the blood, cell damage. In the vessels of smokers, clots are more likely to occur. Smoking reduces the amount of “good” cholesterol, increases blood pressure. Passive smoking is also dangerous, so it is not recommended to even stand next to a person who has a lit cigarette in his hands. If it is difficult to give up such a bad habit for your own sake, you need to do it at least for your loved ones.

2. Weak heart

10 signs youre about to have a stroke

Atrial fibrillation (tachyarrhythmia) causes blood clots that cause a stroke. A tachyarrhythmia can occur if a person’s blood pressure is frequently elevated and is not treated or controlled in any way. That is why, if such a problem occurs, it is better to immediately consult a doctor: timely treatment will help to avoid serious complications.

1. Diabetes

10 signs youre about to have a stroke

Diabetes is the presence of a large amount of sugar in the blood. Because of this, blood vessels throughout the body are damaged, and as a result, the risk of stroke is significantly increased. Starting to control the level of sugar in the body, you can reduce this risk to a minimum. To improve the quality of life with diabetes, you need to devote time to physical exercises every day, eat only healthy food.

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