10 signs you’re about to become an old maid

Every girl dreams of meeting her only one, but it often happens that years pass, but he is still gone. Single women are trying to find the answer to the question: why is this happening? Of course, no one wants to be an old maid.

Most girls begin to reproach themselves, look for flaws. They think that the cause of loneliness is being overweight or having a big nose. The point is not only in external beauty (although here it plays an important role), but in behavior.

The girl is so used to being alone that she does not notice how day after day she is increasingly closing herself off from the world. And some of them are not even aware of the true state of things. They are sure that everything can still change, that the prince is already saddling a horse.

Maybe you should not hope for a miracle, but rather take care of yourself? If you still haven’t met your love, read this article.

Perhaps you will find some signs in yourself that you will soon become an old maid. Then rather change yourself and your attitude to life, you still have a chance to fix everything.

10 Do not accept courtship

10 signs youre about to become an old maid This mistake is made by many single women. A nice colleague invites you for a cup of coffee, a neighbor on the site all the time offers his help, and the brother of your friend’s husband seems to be partial to you too. Men invite you on dates, but you do not agree, motivating this with a vague phrase: “I didn’t hook it.”

You will continue in the same spirit, you will definitely remain an old maid. Love at first sight happens very rarely, and to truly love a person, you need to communicate with him at least a little.

Perhaps when you get to know a man better, your opinion about him will change. Meet, chat, go on dates, give men a chance. No one is forcing you to get married after two dates. If you realize that the man is “not the hero of your novel,” you can simply cut off communication.

9. boring wardrobe

10 signs youre about to become an old maid Perhaps you don’t find your wardrobe boring. You have a couple of fashion items that you bought three years ago. You love dark colors, and also hide your hated kilograms with hoodies.

Indeed, hardly anyone will pay attention to such a woman. If you want to find your soul mate, you have to work hard. If funds allow, pay for the services of a stylist or just call your friends, go shopping.

Choose things that you would never wear before. Of course, everything is within reason. Let your new clothes accentuate your feminine curves. Buy a few bright things, avoid black and gray.

8. Shoes without heels

10 signs youre about to become an old maid You no longer remember the last time you wore high heels. Your motto: “Comfort first!”. Do not go to extremes. If you sit in the office all day, you can at least wear high-heeled shoes every day.

If, by occupation, you have to walk or stand a lot, then opt for convenience. But you do have days off. Put on a nice dress, heels and go for a walk.

If you are so worried about your feet, it is not necessary to buy high-heeled shoes. There are many beautiful shoes with a stable heel of medium height. The gait will change, and most importantly your feelings, you will feel like a woman.

7. weekend houses

10 signs youre about to become an old maid You get so tired at work that you prefer to spend your weekends at home. A soft blanket, hot tea, emotional films. The picture is quite pleasant, but it is a sure way to loneliness. You probably have friends you haven’t seen for a long time. Go to a cafe or just take a walk in the park.

If there is no suitable company, then this does not mean that you need to lock yourself at home. Visit an exhibition, have a cup of coffee in a coffee shop, go shopping.

Usually girls do not like to visit public places alone. There is nothing wrong. To be honest, it’s much more likely to get to know each other. A man is unlikely to get acquainted if the woman he likes is surrounded by a crowd of girlfriends.

6. Gloating over the relationships of others

10 signs youre about to become an old maid You don’t succeed with men, and you are also very happy when friends or acquaintances have difficulties in relationships.

If a friend or sister complains to you about her husband (made a mess, offended, cheated), you may not show it, but you will feel relieved. You understand that there is nothing to rejoice here, but you cannot help it.

The sad stories of your acquaintances once again confirm that it is better not to mess with men. Still, nothing good will come of it, it’s better not to try.

Look at the situation from the other side. Even if your friend was left alone, she was happy after all. The man gave her a few happy years. Perhaps they can fix everything, and if not, a new love awaits them ahead. And you will remain alone, again you will rejoice at other people’s failures.

5. After work – straight home

10 signs youre about to become an old maid You have already understood that at home you are unlikely to find a suitable man. That’s just all the same, after work, rather strive to be in your cozy little apartment or a huge cottage, it doesn’t matter. It is important that at home and alone. Do not rush home, the sofa will not run away from you anywhere.

The gym, various courses, trainings, walks in the park, gatherings in a cafe – there are many ways to have a great evening. If you don’t find a man, at least learn something new or put your figure in order.

4. Condemnation of married girlfriends

10 signs youre about to become an old maid You now and then condemn married girlfriends. One thinks only of her husband, cooks, washes, irons. The other got married after a couple of months of dating. You feel like they are misbehaving.

Don’t waste your strength. Every person is free to live the way they want. Moreover, in most cases you experience envy, but you cannot admit it to yourself. You, too, would like to take care of your loved one, to please him. Of course, if he proposed marriage to you, you would not hesitate to answer: “Yes.”

3. Feeling disgusted with men

10 signs youre about to become an old maid You think that the man in the house is worse than the dog. Yes, it has a lot of wool and dirt, it can ruin new repairs and make a puddle on a white carpet. A man will scatter his socks everywhere, drink beer, leave a mess behind.

In fact, everything is not so sad. No one is forcing you to take care of a man like a child. This is an adult and independent person. He can load things into the washing machine himself, vacuum, clear the table. Again, if you love him, you will not soon remember that you experienced disgust for men.

2. Low self-esteem

10 signs youre about to become an old maid Even if you are smart and beautiful, but your self-esteem is underestimated, nothing will work with men. They like confident women.

If you still consider yourself unworthy of love, urgently correct the situation. Take care of yourself, love yourself. Take a bath, put on a fragrant cream, put on a beautiful dress, do your hair, put on makeup. Now look in the mirror. Do you like yourself? Probably yes.

If you can’t cope with your complexes and psychological problems on your own, you can contact a specialist.

1. Do not use cosmetics

10 signs youre about to become an old maid You think that if you are destined to meet a prince, you will meet him. And he will love you, even if you look like a gray mouse. Don’t be fooled. Do not believe that the beauty of the soul is important to men.

First of all, they look at the figure and face, so make sure that your appearance is pleasing to the eye.

Don’t rely on the fact that men love natural beauty. Yes, they do, but between a woman with natural make-up and one who does not use makeup at all, they will choose the former. And they will be 100% sure that it is not made up.

With the help of cosmetics, you can hide the flaws and emphasize the advantages, you will feel more confident. The result will not keep you waiting. No man can resist a beautiful and confident woman.

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