10 signs you look cheap

We all want to look attractive and dignified in society, so we try to take care of our skin, follow fashion, choose the right hairstyles, etc. Unfortunately, not all people have an innate sense of taste, style, and, most importantly, measure … In fact, in the city there are girls who abuse one or another care procedure, use some things for other purposes, and amaze with strange combinations of clothes. They are not to blame, because from the outside they do not see that some signs betray in them, so to speak, a provincial taste. This does not mean that a person looks really “cheap”. Just small nuances of style can be perceived by others unambiguously and even labeled as “village”.

Let’s see what 10 touches give our appearance provinciality and bad taste.

10 unkempt hands

10 signs you look cheap

This moment is neglected by many girls in fact. Someone works on their own land, so their hands are too tanned, with calluses and abrasions, and treacherous dirt starts up under the nails. Others have specific jobs (typesetters, jewelers, doctors, etc.), so long extended nails get in the way. And many teenagers completely ignore the need for a manicure, nibbling the cuticles and forming hangnails. Whatever your occupation, try to keep your nails neatly trimmed with a healthy, natural tone. Do not forget to moisturize the skin of the hands at night, because the dry, wrinkled surface primarily betrays our age.

9. Ignoring makeup base

10 signs you look cheap

Young ladies continue to apply foundation and powder in the old fashioned way on unprepared skin with natural bumps, pimples and vascular networks. But for many years, special makeup bases have been available on the cosmetics market, which allow you to smooth the surface of the epidermis as much as possible, protect it from external factors and prepare it for applying cosmetics. Decorative elements fit the better, the better the “plaster” is chosen. Do not ignore primers, eye shadow base and lipstick for the perfect look. Moreover, makeup with such a “foundation” lasts much longer, which determines the appearance of the face at the end of the day.

8. Lack of regular exfoliation

10 signs you look cheap

Exfoliation of the skin allows you to renew the cells of the epidermis, visually rejuvenate it, open and clean the pores. Any caring, moisturizing or nourishing product applied after peeling penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and produces the maximum effect, while conventional superficial care has practically no result. The absence of scrubs in daily care leads to a loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin, and visually it looks more pale and age-related, “heavy”.

7. Cheap jewelry

10 signs you look cheap

Plastic trinkets or inexpensive pieces of iron, made of an incomprehensible alloy, immediately attract attention. That’s just what … Have you seen gypsies in the city, hung from head to toe with vulgar hoops, bracelets, brooches? Does it look stylish or is it flashy and defiant enough? That’s it, sometimes bright jewelry, which is so suitable in color to the chosen outfit, visually “cheapens” our image. But precious metals and stones, even the most modest and inconspicuous, have always been classics and emphasized the status of their mistress. Although, however, it is best not to hide the natural beauty behind various chains and other “decorations”. Few people know that the opposite sex likes our necks and collarbones, thin wrists and neat earlobes without any embellishment.

6. Too much black eyeliner

10 signs you look cheap

Through the fault of clips and Hollywood films, our people have a misconception of attractiveness. Now, starting from adolescence, girls tend to demonstrate their sexuality and puberty right and left, for which they do not hesitate to wear fishnet tights, abuse red lipstick and black eyeliner. Various sites and magazines sing to us how black eyeliner transforms the eyes, makes the look predatory, like a cat, sexy and provocative. Firstly, adult and adequate men completely refute this statement. Secondly, eyeliner on aging skin looks really cheap, significantly weighing down the look, making the image gloomy and yearning for attention. Think about whether this is the impression you want to make by summing up your eyes with a thick layer of black paint?

5. “Grandma’s” perfume

10 signs you look cheap

Heavy cologne-type perfumes are a sore subject in public places and transport. What many people still don’t realize is that modern eau de toilette is made from high quality specialty ingredients, which allows it to unfold on the skin in gentle plumes and attractive shades. But fragrances like “Chanel No. 5” or “Chypre” are no longer suitable even for older ladies over 70. Fashionable old ladies now know how to lose a couple of years with the help of refreshing light fragrances. Do not save on perfumes or do not use them at all, otherwise you risk “strangling” any interlocutor with your ambre.

4. Cheap print

10 signs you look cheap

The final chord of an illiterate combination of clothes can be a cheap print, which is abused by many Chinese and Turkish factories, as well as local textile manufacturers. It may be a misspelled label; trendy colors and brand words printed on frankly cheap and dubiously cut fabric; a vulgar combination of bright geometric shapes or abstractions. Well, at least the famous leopards, snakes and zebras, which look very cheap and fussy, began to go out of fashion. But some girls who do not follow fashion even manage to combine these rich elements with each other.

3. Mascara on lower lashes

10 signs you look cheap

Eyelash tinting has always been relevant, as natural hairs burn out under the sun, so they visually appear shorter. And not all girls are naturally endowed with a thick “fan” framing their eyes. But the desire to make eyelashes long and thick without fail leads to the fact that we get untidy “branches” with traces of mascara and lumps. This looks especially untidy on the lower eyelashes, which are naturally thinner, weaker and barely noticeable. People get used to seeing them just like that, so long hairs to the cheeks, and even carcasses covered with breasts, give out a provincial hostess.

2. Infrequent use of hair conditioner

10 signs you look cheap

Many may be outraged, they say, why apply conditioner to absolutely healthy hair. Yes, there is no doubt that the owners of undyed hair (of which there are very few left) really do not need to regularly apply the balm, but it does not hurt from time to time, since even healthy hair tends to tangle and electrify, not to mention split ends. Cosmetologists advise to nourish them at least 1-2 times a week, which will strengthen and visually make them more well-groomed, while the “washcloth” in the hair immediately catches the eye, including representatives of the opposite sex.

1. Bright makeup

10 signs you look cheap

Provocative bright make-up, which does not correspond to the time of day or event, immediately attracts attention, unfortunately, negative. You think you’re being stared at because you’re beautiful. But in fact, a man or woman will think to himself: “what a nightmare, and where did she put on so much makeup, well, just like a girl of easy virtue.” Everything should have its time, place and measure. If you are a teenager of 12 years old, then the use of huge black arrows and red lipstick is inappropriate – it’s too early to demonstrate your sexual maturity. If it’s daytime outside and you’re wearing glitter nightclub makeup, don’t be surprised by the gossip behind your back. And in general, any abuse of blush, shadows and eyeliner has long been considered a sign of bad taste, since nude or natural make-up is firmly in fashion.

It seems to be trifles, but they give out in a person the inability to follow the appearance, ignorance of fashion or lack of a sense of style. If you objectively understand your gaps in such knowledge, then it is better to contact a stylist, makeup artist or cosmetologist who will help you choose the most harmonious image that emphasizes your advantages.

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