10 Signs That Your Child Will Be Successful in Education

Highly qualified specialists, people with unique knowledge and skills have always been valued and will continue to be valued.

Without education it is difficult to find a good job, to secure a decent life. Parents understand this too. Often they demand that children study well, scold schoolchildren for poor grades and make them sit for hours on homework.

But in order to achieve academic success, it is not enough to hire tutors or punish a child for mistakes. It is important to create an educational environment in the house, to keep the child interested in everything new.

Psychologists are sure that the following signs can indicate the future success of a child in school.

10 The baby takes a long time to study new faces

10 Signs That Your Child Will Be Successful in Education In the 80s, psychologist Joseph F. Fagan came up with special tests for children. Babies up to 6 months old were shown several pictures. At first it was 2 faces, then one photo was replaced with another, and the second was left. Scientists tracked the time that children spent learning new faces.

When the children grew up and were going to go to school, their IQ level was measured. It turned out that the babies who stared at unfamiliar faces the longest showed the best results.

Scientists explained it this way: the more inquisitive the mind of the baby, the more interesting it is for him. Therefore, a smart child will learn everything new.

9. The child has developed speech

10 Signs That Your Child Will Be Successful in Education The more words used by children at an early age, the more complex the grammatical constructions in a child’s speech, the more likely it is that over time he will succeed in many scientific fields.

Scientists have confirmed this. First, he will be literate. Florida State University researchers worked with 9 children who were between 9 months and 2,5 years old. They listened to their babble. Later, these same children were tested at 6 years of age.

They were able to prove that there is a connection between children’s mumbling and literacy: the more difficult the babble was, the more confident the children felt among the letters at 6 years old.

Another study by researchers at the University of Washington found that children who spoke well received good grades in school.

8. Baby is curious

10 Signs That Your Child Will Be Successful in Education Previously, experts were sure that children who work out much harder than their peers achieve great success.

But they did not take into account that simply by forcing yourself to do something, you cannot make a breakthrough in science. There must be real interest.

And this was proved by scientists from the University of Texas. They analyzed data on 1 twins between the ages of 8 and 14. And they were able to discover that the aptitude for mathematics and interest in literature had nothing to do with diligence, but were based on a more prosaic feeling – curiosity.

7. The child develops early motor skills

10 Signs That Your Child Will Be Successful in Education All children develop differently, which is why pediatricians warn that they can stand on their feet, roll over or crawl for the first time either a little earlier or a little later. But as it turned out, the early formation of motor skills is a good sign.

In 2016, a group of American scientists observed the development of 600 children. Their mothers gave a detailed account of all the achievements of the kids: when they sat down, stood up, etc.

When the children were 4 years old, cognitive tests were carried out. And the researchers could not help but notice one pattern: the earlier the child was able to bring himself to an upright position, the better he passed the test.

6. There are many educational toys and books in the house.

10 Signs That Your Child Will Be Successful in Education Now many parents are buying mountains of toys and books, hoping that this will help the further development of the child. And studies have confirmed that this is indeed the case.

Scientists from the State University of New York regularly visited 2 families with children. When the first visits took place, the babies were only 1 year and 2 months old. They were followed for 10 years and then tested on their vocabulary, problem solving and cognitive skills.

Children who grew up among books, designers, materials for creativity showed the best results. This means that it is not worth saving, and it is necessary to create a developing environment for the baby.

But there is another important sub-point here. It is not enough just to buy toys. You need to deal with the child, constantly tell him something, answer his questions.

5. Strong faith in yourself and your strengths

10 Signs That Your Child Will Be Successful in Education Many parents do not understand why preparation for school is needed, because. It is the teacher who must teach the child to read and count. But in kindergartens, children are engaged for a reason.

If a child comes to school prepared, he will feel confident as a student. This feeling of confidence will determine how he will feel about learning. When everything works out for him, the desire to study will also appear, and poor preparation for school can forever discourage the desire to attend classes.

4. You praise the child for his efforts

10 Signs That Your Child Will Be Successful in Education American experts constantly promote a positive attitude towards children. In America, it is customary to praise them, and this really gives results. Toddlers who consistently hear kind words from their parents perform better in reading and math.

But Dr. Carol Dweck of Stanford University warns that kids should be praised the right way, not for their intelligence, but for their efforts. Then they improve their performance.

So, in one experiment, some children were constantly told how smart they were, while others were praised for doing a great job. Those who were praised for their efforts improved by 30%, while those who were praised for their intelligence, on the contrary, worsened their results by 20%.

If a child is praised incorrectly, he stops trying, relying on his natural abilities, and it is difficult to experience failure.

3. Develops emotional intelligence

10 Signs That Your Child Will Be Successful in Education There is a lot of talk about emotional intelligence these days. Recently, scientists are convinced that it is no less important than IQ.

The ability to build relationships with peers, social skills also affect his mental abilities. If he has developed emotional intelligence, he can easily work in a team.

Communicating with other people, the baby expands his horizons. If he was taught from childhood to listen to his feelings, he will be able to understand what profession is close to him, in what direction he would like to develop.

It is no secret that those who do what they love achieve the greatest success.

2. The child tried to read and write before school

10 Signs That Your Child Will Be Successful in Education If a child attended preparatory classes, even before school he began to count and read, this was reflected in his academic performance. This was confirmed by scientists from Northwestern University in 2007. They tested 5-year-olds and then tracked their progress in school from 7 to 14 years old. Those who read and counted well at an early age also got good grades later.

1. The child is creative

10 Signs That Your Child Will Be Successful in Education Scientists from George Mason University have found that if a child is engaged in music, dancing, drawing, etc., then his academic performance increases.

Professor Adam Winsler’s team studied the performance data of 31 students aged 11 to 14. About 40% of them were engaged in various types of art.

The researchers were able to establish that those children who devoted their free time to these activities received higher marks in mathematics and reading, they had better cognitive skills. As soon as the child began to master a certain type of art, in the same year his academic performance increased.

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