10 signs that you are deficient in vitamin D: expert opinion

10 signs that you are deficient in vitamin D: expert opinion

We usually get vitamin D, which provides strong bones and strong immunity, from the sun’s rays and from food. However, if it ceases to be enough, for example, in the dark season, then this can have a very negative effect on our health.

The scientific literature suggests that excessive sweating in newborns is one of the early indicators of vitamin D deficiency. One of the most subtle symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in adults is excessive sweating of the head compared to the rest of the body. If you have frequent head sweats, it may be due to a lack of vitamin D, and you should see your doctor.

Vitamin D deficiency can affect the body’s ability to supply calcium to bone, which can lead to osteomalacia, or weakened bones. At the same time, various pains in the bones, especially in the tibia, can be felt. It is recommended that you take your daily dose of the vitamin regularly to avoid pain, fractures, and diseases such as osteoporosis.

An insufficient amount of vitamin D in the body can affect not only bones but also muscles, causing severe pain, weakness, loss of muscle mass, and poor recovery from intense physical activity. Low vitamin D levels can also cause chronic pain throughout the body, which is the main symptom of fibromyalgia.

Vitamin D plays a huge role in maintaining our immune system. Doctors began to intuitively use this vitamin long before antibiotics were discovered. For example, patients with tuberculosis were sent to sanatoriums, where they were exposed to sunlight, which, according to doctors, directly eradicated the infection. If you have frequent viral infections, low vitamin D levels may be the cause.

We often blame overwork or lack of sleep as the cause of fatigue. However, vitamin D deficiency may also be a cause. Research has shown that vitamin D supplementation in patients with chronic fatigue resulted in significant symptom relief after vitamin D levels returned to normal.

In the experiment, people with diabetes took vitamin D supplements for 12 weeks, which led to a significant reduction in leg ulcers. Scientists believe that vitamin D has a positive effect on blood glucose stabilization and cholesterol levels. If wounds heal slowly (especially if you have diabetes), then pay attention to the level of this vitamin in your body.

Hair loss is caused by many factors, one of which is vitamin D deficiency. A lack of it can disrupt the hair replacement cycle and make hair thinner due to hair loss. Vitamin D is an integral part of the hair growth process, starting from the root itself, and therefore can be used as a supplement in the treatment of hair loss.

8. Anxiety and depression

Vitamin D is a unique vitamin that affects many parts of our body, including the brain. Once absorbed through food or synthesized in the skin, it generates neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which affect brain function. Scientists claim that a lack of this vitamin can cause anxiety, depression, and even mental illness, including schizophrenia.

9. Overweight or obesity (or higher muscle mass)

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble, hormone-like vitamin, which means that fat in the body acts as a sink, collecting it. If you are overweight or obese, then you most likely need more vitamin D than slim people, and this also applies to people who gain weight from muscle mass.

Since D is a fat-soluble vitamin, this means that if there is a gastrointestinal disease that affects the ability to absorb fat, the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin D may be reduced as well.This can cause bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease, celiac disease and intestinal inflammation.

If you have any of these vitamin D deficiency symptoms, schedule a visit to your doctor who will assess your level in your body (blood test) and prescribe the vitamin D you need.

And as soon as the sun suddenly looks out from behind the clouds, drop everything and substitute your face and hands for it, so that vitamin D is produced in them naturally!

Alexey Kalinchev, endocrinologist:

– Vitamin D cannot be obtained from food in an adequate dose. Almost all dairy products in our stores are also artificially enriched with it – look at the label. Most of all in its natural form it is found in cod liver. But in fatty red fish, which is grown artificially, it is extremely small. If you try to replenish it exclusively in its natural form, you will get serious health problems, as you will have to eat too much liver, fish, eggs. These will be kilograms of food. It is best consumed in pill form, which are sold at a pharmacy. It costs very, very cheap. The average dose of vitamin D is 5000 units. Testing can determine whether you have a vitamin D deficiency, but it is quite expensive. Its average price in Russia is 3000 rubles, which is one of the most expensive among such analyzes. But if you or your children are often sick, it is better to get tested with it.


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