10 signs that it’s time to put an end to a relationship

At the beginning of a relationship, we often idealize a partner. It seems to us that we met the same love from melodramas with a happy ending. But then, all of a sudden, everything starts to crumble… By what signs can you understand that it’s time to end the relationship?

1. Lack of trust

Trust is the foundation of relationships. When people meet, they start building it up brick by brick. However, betrayal can destroy everything.

We tend to forgive and give chances, hoping that a loved one will no longer deceive. But if the person provides constant reasons for doubt, move on. Everyone has their own limit of patience, but don’t wait too long.

2. Codependency

We are not always able to distinguish love from habit. Dependence is manifested in the fact that a person requires constant attention and energy. We all feel the need for a reliable partner, but this desire should not turn into a vital necessity.

If you feel that in your relationship one only consumes and squeezes all the juice out of the other, it is time to make a decision: is it worth continuing?

3. The need to change for a partner

Sometimes we love so much that we seem ready for anything. But trying to become a different person leads to the loss of yourself. If you constantly have to pretend to be someone else, then the relationship is most likely not developing by mutual consent. Perhaps it is a matter of claims from the partner, or perhaps it is your personal desire to adapt. Either way, you can’t be yourself, which is the main criterion for an unhealthy relationship.

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4. Communication with a partner has become a burden

Love is when it’s good. Good is when communication brings positive and uplifting mood. Everything can’t always be sweet, that’s understandable. But if the interaction becomes a burden, it’s time to think about the consequences.

Many, in order not to swear and maintain relationships, prefer to avoid each other. And they live like this for years. But is it worth it?

5. Different goals in life

It is impossible to run in one harness for a long time if you are pulled in different directions. If the partners’ goals in life do not intersect in any way, they will not be able to build long-term relationships.

6. Lack of attention

No matter how busy you are, relationships should come first. Neither work, nor his / her mother, nor friends, nor even children should interfere with spending time with each other. This does not mean that you should drop everything and be always together. Sometimes it’s enough just to call and find out how things are going, write a message or send an emoticon. Happiness is in the little things.

7. Failed expectations

It happens that the partner turns out to be too far from the image that you have come up with for yourself. In this case, you should not cram it into an ideal framework, give each other freedom.

8. Constant care for a partner 

No one owes nothing to nobody. And forcing a partner to do something for you is a dead end for the development of relationships.

You can be happy in a couple when two people independently choose to take care of each other. If you feel that you are busy with your beloved, and in response — silence, your union can hardly be called complete.

9. Emotional abuse

Unlike physical and sexual abuse, emotional abuse is much less discernible. With it, the manipulator gains almost unlimited control in the relationship. This type of violence can take a variety of forms, ranging from seemingly harmless but frequent ridicule to open insult and humiliation.

10. Disconnect

It appears when partners stop discussing problems and difficulties. In this case, discontent grows, and as a result, everyone is looking for support on the side: from friends, relatives, new acquaintances. Often, it is this scenario that leads to new loves and betrayals.

Relationship building is a skill that we must learn throughout our lives. People are not perfect. Everyone has their own shortcomings that you have to put up with. But, as they say, everything has its limit…

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