10 signs of mental fatigue

Prolonged mental or emotional stress drains inner strength. We feel overwhelmed, it is very similar to depression. Attempts to cheer up, switch to positive thinking, return to an active life are in vain, emptiness and fatigue do not go away. What is the reason?

We need time to recover, physical and psychological fractures do not heal instantly. The soul of a person needs treatment no less than the body. If you do not notice in time that resources are at zero, the consequences can be serious: chronic anxiety, mental problems, depression.

Signs that it’s time to pay special attention to your condition

1. Drowsiness

All day you want to fall asleep, often overcome by drowsiness, you can hardly wake up and get out of bed. Nights are haunted by bad dreams and nightmares.

2. Weakness

Constant ailments, for no reason it hurts and dizzy, stomach aches, pressure jumps, it gets dark in the eyes.

3. Difficulty understanding feelings

When they ask: “What is wrong with you?”, words get stuck in your throat because you don’t know how you feel. Something complex is happening inside, it is impossible to describe it.

4. Broken state

The physical state often does not coincide with the emotional, you do not feel like a whole person.

5. Emotionality

Sensitivity is so high that sometimes you can cry for no reason, the heart is either overflowing with love, or bursting with longing.

6. Panic attacks

You have panic attacks, anxiety becomes chronic.

7. Loneliness

The feeling of loneliness does not leave among people, it would be nice to talk to someone, but it’s hard to open up, the internal block works.

8. Cynicism

Everything causes sarcasm, envy, anger, annoyance, although usually you are a sympathetic, generous and caring person.

9. Lack of energy

The body feels weak, any movement is exhausting. The energy is gone, there is no pleasure from fitness and jogging, now it’s hard work.

10. Fear of the future

The future began to frighten, confidence in the future disappeared. There is such an emptiness inside that you want to pack your bags, leave and start life anew, everything that used to please has lost its taste.

What to do?

It’s time to think about yourself and take care of your soul. Rest as much as necessary, turn off the phone and do pleasant things. Enjoy a hot bath, meditate, listen to music, spend time with your loved ones. Avoid negative thoughts and internal dialogues. Stop criticizing and berating yourself. Try to manage balance.

If you listen to your inner needs, you will be able to get rid of everything that irritates and deprives you of strength, and focus on positive thoughts and events. And then you will be able to feel the beauty of life and a surge of creative energy.

Source: thepowerofsilence.co

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