10 short and beautiful poems about the sea from great poets

The sea is a favorite theme of poets. It contains many images: the sea can describe both the state of the soul and the character of a person. When you stand on the seashore, it is impossible not to feel anything. It brings us back to ourselves – we feel lonely, but this is not the loneliness that torments the soul, on the contrary, it is warm, enveloping, original.

Many who feel spiritually wounded come to the sea because it gives a feeling of flight, freedom and infinity. Looking into the unknown, all problems subside by themselves – the sea calms, heals and, of course, gives scope for the creativity of poets.

You can read poems about the sea anywhere: at home by the window or on the way somewhere. In this article, you will learn a brief information about how the authors were associated with the water element, about which they wrote their poems.

We bring to your attention 10 short and beautiful poems about the sea. Poetry of classical and modern authors – naive children’s and funny lines that will stick in your memory for a long time.

10 Joseph Brodsky, “Over the Sea”

Joseph Brodsky – an original poet, a loner. He created his own poetic language, which did not fit into generally accepted stylistic norms. The sea acts as a poetic model of Brodsky’s world, and hides a symbolic meaning.

Concerning “With sea views”, in the work of Brodsky, the reader encounters a paradoxical combination, when homesickness is combined with a desire to live away from home. However, being close to the sea!

If it is already impossible to return to Leningrad, then one can always return to the sea. The whole existence of Brodsky is connected with him, he himself said in an interview that he could not live away from the sea.

9. Valery Bryusov, “The Sea in Powerless Peace”

Russian poet Valery Bryusov – one of the founders of Russian symbolism. His deep poems in content are sometimes too cold and detached in their perfection. Bryusov is a connoisseur of ancient history, a refined esthete, a master of symbolism, a decadent, he was very fond of the sea and in his poems one can even notice admiration for him.

In the sea, rolling its waves indifferently for centuries, Bryusov wanted to find traces of the disappeared ancient civilizations. The sea of ​​the poet is the eternal element of symbolism, which tends to change. This element is a treasure that holds secrets and mythology. “Sea in powerless peacetells about the stormy, mystical elements.

8. Marina Tsvetaeva, Prayer to the Sea

Marina Tsvetayeva was a very controversial person – what she once hated, after a while she could admire it. “So many places, but you can’t walk”, Marina Tsvetaeva complained, looking at the sea.

She brilliantly used marine images and colors, creating lines either solemn or full of universal sadness. Tsvetaeva felt her connection with the sea, so many of her poems are devoted to the elements, for example, “Prayer to the sea».

It was at sea, when the poetess was visiting Maximilian Voloshin in Koktebel, that she met the man who later became her husband, Sergei Efron.

6. Alexander Pushkin, “To the Sea”

Pushkin admired the sea, feeling his own soul in the free and powerful element. He connects with the sea people who are distinguished by their love of freedom. Poem Alexander Pushkin “To the Sea” absorbed all the best that is stored in poetic baggage: penetration, lyrical mood, rich content, etc.

In its mood, “To the Sea” is a lyrical monologue, the poet’s communication with the elements. The lyrical monologue is close to the poet, he often resorted to it. The philosophical elegy is based on the experiences of the poet himself.

6. Vasily Zhukovsky, “Sea”

“Sea” Zhukovsky written in the spirit of romanticism. From the poem it becomes clear how subtly the poet felt the powerful elements. Zhukovsky in his elegy draws the elements in three different states: calm, during a storm and after it. Each state is shown masterfully.

The poet was fascinated by the opening abyss; in his poem, the sea personifies the human soul. Through descriptions of nature, the author shows readers his emotional experiences.

When you read the linesyou breathe; confused by love” and others, you understand that Zhukovsky came to the sea to calm his soul.

5. Fedor Tyutchev, “How good you are, O night sea”

Fyodor Tyutchev hid his feelings behind his lines of landscapes. The peculiarity of his work can be seen in the poem “How good are you, O night sea».

Beloved Tyutcheva died, and this poem was written in memory of her. Her death was an ordeal for him. He tried to at least slightly reduce his pain by talking about Elena Denisyeva and writing poems.

Tyutchev compared his beloved with the waves of the sea. The “conversation” of the lyrical hero and the sea, which is conducted in the poem, takes place without unnecessary participants, so the poet sincerely expresses sympathy for the water element.

4. Afanasy Fet, “Sea and Stars”

From the poem “Sea and stars“It can be understood that the marriage in which Fet was was not successful. However, he could not destroy it, because for a long time he went to financial well-being and the return of his social status, which was lost for some legal reasons.

However, the poet, having married, did not assume that his life with a person for whom he did not have feelings of love would bring suffering, and for whom, over time, he would begin to experience negative feelings.

A trip to the sea had a positive effect on the relationship of the spouses, and in this Athanasius Fet sees his merit. The poet notes that from the sea “healing power blew into the soul”, and under his influence he revised his attitude to life – he began to perceive it more easily.

3. Konstantin Balmont, “White Fire”

When you read the lines Konstantin Balmont from the poemwhite fire”, covers a melancholic mood, although it is difficult to understand why this is happening, because the readers are masterfully drawn a picture of the sea coast, which is being attacked by waves.

The last line of the first stanza evokes sadness and sets a certain tone for the entire poem. The thing is that it opens the philosophical theme of fleeting life and death, which comes when it pleases. The excitement of the water in this poem is like the fate of a person – restless, tense and fleeting.

2. Yuri Levitansky, “Why does a fool need the sea?”

In the poem “Why fool the sea?» Yuri Levitansky philosophical thought. Very often, people, living their lives, “exchange for small things”, without fully realizing their loss. In addition, many things are treated with a certain prejudice, sometimes without even really understanding things, they do not appreciate what is given as a gift – gifts, and they themselves do not think about the meaning of the gift.

Above all, pragmatists need things they can touch, which is what a fool does in the first place. People do not value the interlocutor, believing that it is better to spend time on yourself. The inner world of others tires people, so they turn their backs like a fool to the surf.

1. Ivan Bunin, “On the high seas”

10 short and beautiful poems about the sea from great poets

Lines in a poem Ivana Bunin. “Again, again, it reminds of what is forgotten forever! they talk about the desire to erase the beloved from the memory, which is obviously caused by some events, but Ivan Bunin does not report them, leaving an understatement in the prehistory of these relations.

The current role of his beloved is characterized by two words – forgotten and distant. However, in the second part, the reader understands that it is too early to make a final verdict. The traveler sees the look of blue eyes in the sea surface … His beloved is direct, like the element of water.

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