10 shocking theories that completely change world history

Each epoch-making event is not some kind of accident, but the result of a deliberate and carefully planned conspiracy. The powerful of this world (Masons, reptilians, globalists, etc.) are doing everything to hide from the people the most important things and documents that expose their activities.

But the world is not without competent analysts who love to dig the ins and outs. That is why every now and then shocking theories and unique documents emerge that can completely turn the history of mankind.

Below we present a selection of 10 such amazing and unsolved theories.

10 Treasures of the Vatican

10 shocking theories that completely change world history A chic place that gathers thousands of pilgrims and tourists from all over the world. There really is something to see here: unique sculptures, masterpieces of painting, ancient temples and palaces, holy relics. All this is available to the eye of the layman, but what do the walls of the Vatican hide?

There is a version that the real Ark of the Old Testament is hidden in the city, and not on the mountain, as eyewitnesses with rare photographs prove.

Also, the Vatican has recently been credited with keeping the Holy Grail, which was hunted by archaeologists and historians around the world. In addition, valuable archives, erotic materials of the ancient Romans, and according to rumors, some occult texts have also gathered here.

9. The Kennedy Assassination

10 shocking theories that completely change world history According to the official version, Lee Harvey Oswald shot the president. But investigators have a suspicion that more “big fish” were involved.

There is a version that Kennedy, like Lincoln, was killed by order of the Jesuits. It is known that the president planned to end the war in Vietnam ahead of schedule, and this could prevent the papacy from planting Catholicism in the Asian country.

And besides, the financial support of the Jesuits under the state is a separate topic for suspicion.

8. Popess Joanna

10 shocking theories that completely change world history There is a version that this great woman was born on the day of the death of Charlemagne. She was the daughter of an English missionary who, at the age of 12, fled with a monk, disguised as a young man, to Athos.

The couple wandered for a long time, after which they settled in Rome. There, Joanna was able to take the position of notary of the curia, then evolved to a cardinal, and after the death of the famous Leo IV, she legally became the new Pope. A woman gave birth in one procession and soon after that departed for another world.

7. Versions of the death of the Titanic

10 shocking theories that completely change world history In addition to the famous version about the iceberg, there are 3 different guesses among the people about what could actually happen on that ill-fated day.

The first version says that it was not the Titanic that sank, but the twin Olympic, which was built a year earlier.

According to the second theory, at the time of departure, the ship was already on fire in the area of ​​​​the coal bunker. The red-hot wall sank under the pressure of the iceberg and began to leak water.

The third version claims that an ancient Egyptian sarcophagus bringing misfortune was transported on board. Lord Canterville transported it as part of his collection and, apparently, called trouble on all the passengers of the unfortunate liner.

6. Death of Michael Jackson

10 shocking theories that completely change world history Fans are haunted by the version that the beloved singer died so suddenly from an unexpected illness. Until now, the following facts seem strange: the last photograph was forged, the lack of video from working surveillance cameras, as well as the doctor’s testimony, the star’s full health a few days before his death.

It is also noteworthy that the coffin was not opened, and the family expressed anguish very sparingly. Later, they allegedly found a diary where the singer plans to stage his death. And finally, a photo of Jackson’s daughter was published 3 years ago, where, when zoomed in and working with lighting, you can see dad in the back seat of a car.

5. Misconceptions in Egyptian History

10 shocking theories that completely change world history Despite the “accurate” numbers in the textbooks, science still does not have sufficient evidence to confirm the age of the Egyptian pyramids. At the same time, the assumptions of historians diverge not by some centuries, but by several millennia.

In 1857, for example, a stele was found, which indicates that the Egyptian pharaoh Khafre restored the already built sphinx. And the furrows on the body of the statue are traces of rain erosion, while such monsoons have not been recorded in Egypt for about 8 thousand years.

After the publication of the data, the stele mysteriously disappeared, as did the traces of erosion on the monument.

4. Three extra centuries in chronology

10 shocking theories that completely change world history The famous scientist Newton first raised the topic of violations in the chronology. Now it is not known for certain how many pharaohs of Egypt were. The founder of Egyptology, Champollion, fixed the erroneous chronology of the state in the amount of the 3rd century.

In Russian history, the 3rd century disappeared on its own, because after the 6th century (the formation of the first Slavic settlement), we observe how Kyiv abruptly became the capital.

The concealment of the chronology of Rus’ is attributed to Nestor, possibly by order of Monomakh. Charlemagne with his monumental palaces and the Carolingian dynasty were also in question of existence.

3. Pearl Harbor was provoked by the United States

10 shocking theories that completely change world history It is no longer a secret that Roosevelt was going to influence global history by intervening in the war and redistributing the financial costs of maintaining it.

However, the public did not share the ruler’s ambitious plans. And then the president issued a document with an ultimatum content, which provoked the Japanese to be the first to unleash a war.

Roosevelt knew exactly about the coming attack and withdrew the army’s aircraft carriers from the base well in advance. Historians believe that in terms of global governance and the positive outcome of the war, the president made a smart maneuver.

2. Location of Troy

10 shocking theories that completely change world history There is a version that the heroic Troy existed on a Turkish hill called Hissarlik, which was first discovered by the archaeologist Schliemann. Colleagues, on the other hand, consider the historian not a scientist, but only a treasure-hungry swindler.

So a popular theory appeared that this scientist simply found suitable ancient ruins and buried a vessel with jewels called “Priam’s treasure” there. It is noteworthy that after Schliemann was accused of forgery, the museums of the world did not want to take the find to penates.

1. The events of 11/XNUMX were orchestrated by the government

10 shocking theories that completely change world history Many watched the sensational film “Zeitgeist”. It turns out that terrorism is one of the government’s ways of manipulating society. And the September 11 terrorist attack confirms the version in the best possible way.

As a result of the attack, the US government received the right to issue the “Patriot Act”, which allows at any time to organize searches in homes, freely read correspondence and listen to telephone conversations of any people without the appropriate permission of the court.

A fooled crowd is easier to control, and understanding people are dangerous for the authorities. This is how disinformation is born among the masses, which is actively promoted by paid media.

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