10 serious diseases that obesity can cause. Some are surprising
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Already half of Poles are overweight, and one in five is obese. WHO talks about an epidemic – over 2,5 million people die every year in the world due to diseases caused by or related to obesity. What problems does obesity lead to?

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1/ 10 Diseases of the circulatory system

Significant overweight is most often accompanied by: coronary artery disease (ischemic heart disease), atherosclerosis, and arterial hypertension. Ischemic heart disease is diagnosed in over 40% of people. obese people. Compared to people with a normal body weight, obese people are 1,5 times more likely to develop this disease. 10 percent weight loss reduces 20 percent. risk of coronary heart disease. Cardiovascular diseases due to atherosclerosis include not only coronary heart disease, but also myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis of peripheral arteries. Obese people usually have several cardiovascular risk factors, including high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol. The risk of a heart attack for an obese woman is about three times higher than for a slim woman of the same age.

2/ 10 High lipid concentration

Obese people are at higher risk of developing elevated levels of triglycerides, low-density lipoproteins (LDL, “bad” cholesterol) and reduced levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDL, “good” cholesterol). A combination of these factors leads to the development of life-threatening abdominal obesity. Losing 10 kg of weight can lead to a 15% reduction in LDL cholesterol and an 8% increase in HDL cholesterol.

3/ 10 Hypertension

The relationship between hypertension and obesity is well documented. Hypertension is 30-65 percent. obese people. The blood pressure value increases with the BMI value. The higher the BMI, the higher the blood pressure. Losing weight leads to a drop in blood pressure, for every 1 percent. In weight loss, blood pressure is lowered by 1-2 mmHg.

4/ 10 Type 2 diabetes

The greater the obesity, the greater the risk of developing diabetes. Among people suffering from diabetes, 80 percent. are obese people. Abdominal obesity, i.e. the accumulation of adipose tissue inside the abdominal cavity, favors the development of diabetes. This is because the fat in the viscera promotes the development of insulin resistance in the tissues. Women who are obese are 12 times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than women who are of normal weight. People with a hereditary burden of diabetes, maintaining a healthy body weight protects – at least partially – against the development of diabetes.

5/ 10 Diseases of the gallbladder

Gallbladder diseases are six times more common in overweight people. High cholesterol in bile and low bile acids increase the propensity for stone formation. As a result of excess fatty tissue in the abdomen, fatty liver also occurs and the digestive tract is disrupted. Bad eating habits (eating fatty and sweet foods) and lack of exercise lead to constipation and promote the formation of hemorrhoids. There is also an increased risk of the formation of kidney stones in obese people.

6/ 10 Breathing disorders

People who are overweight have lower lung capacity and tire faster. The fatness of the chest walls forces the body to exert more effort to inhale. The layer of fat in the abdomen pushes the liver upwards, reducing the space in the chest. The lungs cannot relax freely. This disrupts the gas exchange in the lungs. The body is constantly hypoxic. Problems with proper breathing also translate into poorer quality of sleep in obese people. Most of them suffer from the so-called sleep apnea, which is when you stop breathing for more than 10 seconds more than 5 times an hour. Obese people get up tired, which makes them sleepy during the day. Periodic disruption of breathing during sleep also leads to cardiovascular failure.

7/ 10 Menstrual disorders

Obese women often suffer from disturbances in the menstrual cycle and prolonged bleeding. They also have hormonal disorders that often make it difficult to get pregnant. When they manage to conceive, they endure pregnancy hard. At this time, the risk of hypertension, gestational diabetes and urinary tract infections also increases. Childbirth is rarely done by force of nature. Obese women are more likely to develop hirsutism (facial hair) and polycystic ovary syndrome than those of normal weight. Obese men produce inferior quality sperm, often unable to fertilize an egg. The risk of infertility in obese men is increased by 25%.

8/ 10 Arthritis

Osteoarthritis of overweight joints, such as the knee joints, is a very common complication of obesity and overweight. Too much pressure on the joints will damage the lining of the joints. Overloaded spine joints cause pain in the lumbar region. Another joint disease that commonly occurs in obese people is gout, which is a build-up of sharp crystals in the joints. Years ago, this disease was called the disease of the rich, who did not shy away from fatty food and alcohol abuse.

9/ 10 Neoplastic diseases

It is increasingly said that obesity is one of the risk factors for cancer. It has been proven that obese women are more likely to develop endometrial, nipple, gallbladder and colon cancer. Obese men are more likely to develop cancer of the prostate and colon. All obese people also have a higher risk of cancer of the pancreas and liver.

10/ 10 Mental disorders

It is often said that obese people are friendly, kind, cheerful. Sometimes, however, it is sometimes a mask under which complexes and loneliness hide. Obese people often suffer from compulsive overeating, which makes their excess weight worse. Obesity is viewed unfavorably. These people find it harder to find partners and work. Besides, obesity slows down the work of the brain. It may be associated with the development of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, some scientists have said.

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