10 secrets of famous magic tricks that illusionists are silent about

When we watch the performances of great magicians, we don’t even think that their answer may lie on the surface! Illusionists delight and, probably, each of us would like to at least sometimes resemble a powerful and bright magician.

However, the illusionist is an ordinary person, and he never ceases to hone his professional skills. Someone manages to write brilliant novels, someone cooks deliciously, and magicians show amazing numbers that excite our imagination …

To create tricks, you need to have dexterous hands and have a good mind. From this collection you will learn about famous tricks, the secrets of which illusionists do not like to reveal.

10 Levitation

Tricks can be performed from different angles: sitting or lying down, but they have one feature – this is levitation (hovering in space).

Have you seen in programs or on shows how a person hangs in the air? In fact, the secret of such a trick is simple – there is a hidden support, and no miracles!

The magician passes the ring through the assistant floating in the air … Do you think this is real? No, it lies on a plank supported by a metal support. The magician skillfully hides it, so his location determines how successfully this trick is performed.

9. Half sawing

Not a single magician’s program is complete without the old and already well-known trick – sawing a person. The magician wants to show us that dividing a person into two parts is possible, but we know that it is not!

According to information, the roots of such illusions go back to Ancient Egypt. The trick saw the Light for the first time in 1920 in London’s St. George’s Hall, and not by the public, but by theatrical agents. The trick was shown by one famous illusionist of that time – Percival Thomas Tibbles.

Sawing consists in the fact that a person (pay attention, only thin assistants perform tricks) simply tightens his legs, and in another box there is a model of feet. There is another option for performing the trick – the second assistant is hiding in the second box.

8. The disappearance of the Statue of Liberty


The Statue of Liberty is a neoclassical sculpture located in the USA, its opening date: October 28, 1886. It is always in place, but David Copperfield (American illusionist) in 1983 wanted to make us think that the statue could disappear!

The secret of such a seemingly difficult number is explained very simply. The sculpture was covered with material and the backlight was turned off, but the light from the spotlights is not touched, they continue to shine. They blind the audience, and an illusion of emptiness is created in their eyes.

When the veil falls off, it is difficult for people to see the contours of the monument in the dark, their vision simply does not have time to adapt.

7. Passing through the mirror

Everyone perceives this unique trick with delight! In addition to being mysterious in itself, it is also connected with mirrors shrouded in secret parallel worlds … Now they are trying to repeat this trick and surprise them, however, having learned its secret, it becomes less exciting …

To deftly dissolve in the mirror, the magician needs screens with slits in the middle. Mirror panels (there are two of them) are hidden in the back of the mirror in a slot. Such a cunning design allows you to move the main mirror, and put 2 false mirrors in its place. The magician crawls through the hole, and at the end of the trick, cute assistants put the main mirror in its rightful place.

6. Walking on water

We all understand that walking on water is more fantasy than reality. And in this we are right. However, the illusionists want to trick us and show that we are wrong.

This trick has been known for a long time, but how is it done? Very simple. The trick is always performed by magicians in the pool where the water is cloudy, and always where people bathe, due to which waves are created.

The main purpose of such a simple trick is to divert attention, and the cameras should not capture a transparent platform that is under water. It is on it that the magician walks or lies.

5. Truck Disappearance

Have you ever wondered how to make a truck (it can be an airplane or other heavy objects) that is under the fabric disappear? Is this possible if the ring is surrounded by spectators?

Of course, yes, if this trick is shown on TV, and not live.

The cover is attached to a structure prepared in advance, it is important that it is always in one place. Next, you need to call fake spectators and take the truck to the back room.

4. Saw of death

It seems that after such a trick, no one will survive! However, everything is thought out to the smallest detail. The trick in which a magician cuts a person in two is similar to sawing in half, only here it is a circular saw.

This number needs two skinny assistants. The secret of the trick lies in the structure of the table – it is not solid, but consists of 2 parts, there is a thin gap between them. It is not through him that the saw of death passes. One assistant has her upper body hidden, while the other has her lower body hidden. That’s the whole point!

3. Passage through walls

On stage or on TV, the wall looks real, and it really is. But the magician does not pass through the wall.

First, the magician approaches one side of the wall, at which point his assistants help him to hide with the help of screens on wheels. At the same moment, the viewer sees exactly the same construction on the other side of the wall, and the illusionist is already there.

The thing is that a V-shaped tunnel is hidden under the wall, and unlike the wall, the floor is not real, the magician successfully moves along it from one side of the wall to the other, it only takes a couple of seconds.

2. Catching a bullet with your teeth

Bullet catching is one of the oldest tricks, but the same can be said about the bullets themselves.

In order for the trick to work successfully, and the audience to be satisfied, you need not so much preparation as sleight of hand and tongue.

The trick is performed as simple as shelling pears – the bullets are made such that there is no doubt that they are real (for this, wax bullets are coated with the color of real ones.)

The following happens – blank bullets explode inside the gun, and the illusionist has to hide the real bullet in his mouth in advance.

1. Pigeons from a scarf

Without this focus, it is difficult to imagine entertainment shows. The trick is so old that, probably, it is already known to everyone.

The illusionist shows his handkerchief to the audience, giving the opportunity to examine it from all sides, and then a live dove appears from somewhere!

This trick requires diligence and preparation – the magician, before going on stage, places pigeons under his vest: one on the right side and the other on the left.

When he first covers his left hand with a silk handkerchief, with the other he imperceptibly takes out a dove, and after that he holds it under the cloth. It remains to remove the scarf and surprise the audience! The same is done with the other dove and with the other hand.

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