10 scientific evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life

The inhabitants of the Earth believe that they are the only living beings in the solar system. Like, only on planet Earth conditions for the development of living organisms were formed.

Of course, it is interesting to meet brothers in mind, but the interest of scientists is also fueled by the question, are there any living conditions on any of the planets of the solar system similar to those on Earth?

10 Water on Mars

10 scientific evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life

Data obtained from the radar of the European Space Agency. On the polar ice cap of the South Pole of the planet discovered a reservoir of liquid water, which is covered with water ice. The device fixes it for 3 years. Its length is about 20 kilometers.

The fact that water is in a liquid state suggests that a significant amount of salts are dissolved in it.

It’s very cold at the South Pole. Temperatures drop below minus 68 degrees Celsius. It is quite obvious that at this temperature water cannot be in a liquid state.

This water is not suitable for human drinking. But for the living of any organisms – maybe.

9. “Footprints in the Sand”

10 scientific evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life

The rover’s drilling rig obtained organic compounds in lake sediment rocks. These are nitrogen, hydrogen, phosphorus, carbohydrate.

It turns out that in the crater of the volcano there was a lake in which life could exist. The method of gas chromatography was able to detect gas compounds with traces of organics.

8. Asteroids and comets

10 scientific evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life

Comets and asteroids are fragments of matter from which the solar system was formed 5 billion years ago. They used to be called “space mud”.

Asteroids move closer to the sun, comets move further away. And there are a lot of them in space. Currently, there is a hypothesis that these hermits of the Universe carry living organisms or their embryos through outer space.

In addition, comets are known to have a honeycomb structure inside, which is very convenient for transporting space water.

7. Satellite of Jupiter

10 scientific evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life

The next object to study is Europe. The sixth satellite. Previously, it was observed using telescopes. Currently – from spacecraft.

Beauty Europa is covered in ice. The surface is smooth and deep cracks are located throughout. The metal core heats up, and part of the water under the ice crust turns into a liquid state. The presence of microscopic creatures in it cannot be ruled out.

6. Satellite of Saturn

10 scientific evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life

Tiny Enceladus is covered in a layer of ice up to 22 kilometers deep. Under this layer, an underground ocean literally “splashes” with a depth of 40 kilometers.

On the surface of the satellite, where the temperature reaches minus 200 degrees, giant geysers are ejected. 250 kg of steam is ejected every second. Part reaches the surface. Part goes to the outer ring of Saturn.

Water contains sodium. And the composition is similar to the water of the oceans of the Earth. And if so, then potential life is more than possible.

5. strange objects

10 scientific evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life

All known life forms on Earth require the presence of water. In the Universe there are layers of this water, both in the form of cosmic ice and in a liquid state.

The Kuiper belt is located on the outskirts of the solar system. The icy ex-planet Pluto lives in its composition in commonwealth with other “dwarf planets”.

Radioactive processes in them emit such an amount of heat that water is in a liquid state under the surface of the planet. At an external temperature of minus 230 degrees Celsius.

4. Surprise Titan

10 scientific evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life

Saturn’s moon has a dense atmosphere. The satellite has water ice and rock. This is the only cosmic body in the Universe that contains liquid on its surface. Its peculiarity is that it is not water.

The largest sea is the Kraken. It is hydrocarbon. There are lakes of methane. There are also rivers!

Simulations through computational chemistry have shown that life in liquid methane is possible. And if this postulate is put at the forefront, then research will continue beyond the satellite.

3. Out of sight

10 scientific evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life

Space satellites have actually reached the edge of the solar system. Thanks to the calculated data, it is possible to simulate the probability of life in one or another corner of the Universe in experimental laboratories.

Materials are accumulated that require systematization. And there is no answer to the question of whether there is a suitable place for human life in the solar system, except for the Earth.

We must look further. Outside your galaxy. It doesn’t matter where. It is important that it be a “living planet”. Located away from ionizing radiation. So that life can be born on it. And she had enough usable water. And such a planet was found. But! It will take several generations to reach it.

2. Where do aliens live?

10 scientific evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life

The question is certainly interesting. The answer is in other galaxies. Maybe, unfortunately, or maybe not, but the “Milky Way” is the galaxy in which the solar system is located, not the best place for life.

According to scientists, there are more populated galaxies. And in them are planets where life conditions are similar to those on Earth.

1. Seeds of life

10 scientific evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life

The galaxy under the fabulous name “Milky Way” was born as a result of a powerful explosion. Life originated in the solar system.

The Universe is an unfrozen system. At vast distances, new stars are born and die, cosmic bodies collide with each other.

All this gives hope that as a result of such cataclysms, life will arise, as on planet Earth. Scientists believe that the search for extraterrestrial life, extraterrestrial civilizations is very, very honorable.

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