10 Science-Based Reasons to Eat More Protein

Scientists are still hotly debating about carbohydrates, but no one doubts the benefits of protein.

Teenagers and children need this element for growth and normal development, adults need it to maintain health and good physical shape, and trainers in gyms even recommend protein supplements to athletes.

In this article, we’ll take a look at 10 science-based reasons to eat as much protein as possible.

10 Reduces hunger

10 Science-Based Reasons to Eat More Protein Buckwheat, apple and other similar diets are able to withstand a few, so we can say that they are losing popularity.

If there is very little or no protein in the diet, a person almost always feels hungry, even if he eats more or less normally.

A large amount of protein allows you to get by with a minimum calorie content and a small portion size. A person who consumes such foods will still not feel as strong hunger as someone who is on a carbohydrate diet.

It is better to opt for non-fat-free protein products: this way you can keep the feeling of satiety for an even longer period.

9. Increases strength and muscle mass

10 Science-Based Reasons to Eat More Protein Here we can recall Brandon Lilly, record holder and powerlifter. Once an athlete was asked what supplements should be taken to become strong and big.

Lilly said that for $15 he would buy some eggs, a piece of meat, and a carton of milk. This meal would be enough for a day in order to get enough “fuel” after intense workouts in the gym.

Vegan athletes say they shouldn’t eat meat, but they eat plenty of plant-based protein. Otherwise, they simply will not be able to build muscle.

During the “drying” athletes also try not to limit themselves to protein products and consume protein.

8. Makes bones stronger

10 Science-Based Reasons to Eat More Protein It used to be thought that eating too much protein could be bad for your bones and teeth. Today, scientists have proven otherwise.

Protein is necessary for strong bones, it prevents the occurrence of problems with the musculoskeletal system. This is especially true for older people.

7. Reduces evening snacking and food cravings

10 Science-Based Reasons to Eat More Protein

One of the biggest problems of a person who is on a diet is constant snacking in the evenings. It is recommended to exclude them and eat food no more than 4 times a day.

However, many of our contemporaries do this almost constantly: for example, they drink tea with sugar several times a day, and even with cookies and sweets. Some people manage to eat a lot of “healthy” apples, which also does not lead to anything good.

Protein foods reduce cravings for empty snacks and sweets. If a person constantly snacks, eats in the evenings, does not eat up, it is worth eating more proteins for breakfast.

6. Accelerates fat burning and metabolism

10 Science-Based Reasons to Eat More Protein Proteins speed up metabolism much more efficiently than carbohydrates and fats. We can say that “eat and lose weight” is no longer even about fruits and vegetables, but about various fish dishes and steaks.

However, it should be borne in mind that without a daily calorie deficit, you still won’t be able to lose weight. No one has yet been able to achieve results by overeating.

Either exercise intensely to burn calories, or try to eat less. We should not forget about full sleep: an adult needs at least 7-8 hours a day.

5. Reduces blood pressure

10 Science-Based Reasons to Eat More Protein For some reason, many people believe that meat increases blood pressure, but experts have proven that this is not so.

Quite the opposite: protein, which is abundant in meat, is very effective in reducing blood pressure. In addition, protein products improve blood composition and reduce the amount of “bad” cholesterol in the human body.

4. Helps to improve the figure

10 Science-Based Reasons to Eat More Protein The diets that people were on before did not allow them to achieve good results precisely because of the lack of protein foods in the diet.

It cannot be said that carbohydrate diets improve the figure, besides, they are very poorly tolerated, but protein diets not only contribute to weight loss, but also help to avoid sagging muscles and skin.

Diets, which can be called traditional, “drain” the muscle mass of a person, which is why the beautiful outlines of the body and relief are very quickly lost.

3. Helps preserve kidney function

10 Science-Based Reasons to Eat More Protein Some people believe that regular dietary proteins and protein significantly increase the risk of developing kidney pathologies, but this opinion is not based on scientific research.

Experts have proven that protein preserves kidney function, but only in healthy people. Eating protein foods is not recommended for kidney failure.

However, if the disease has already appeared, they are allowed, but only in limited quantities. During an exacerbation, the patient usually has to sit on a low-protein diet.

2. Helps to recover from injuries

10 Science-Based Reasons to Eat More Protein Doctors usually advise an injured person to consume more protein foods. In clinical practice, people who need treatment after injuries and burns are often restored with supplemental amino acid preparations.

Protein supplements contribute to the restoration of the human body, even if the athlete simply overexerted himself during an overly intense workout.

1. Helps keep fit at any age

10 Science-Based Reasons to Eat More Protein Protein helps slow down the aging process. Such an element prevents senile loss of muscle mass, therefore, at a certain age, the use of protein products becomes necessary.

However, scientists note that to maintain good physical shape, it is not enough just to eat protein and eat more high-protein foods: you should also work out in the gym, and regularly.

Of course, it should be remembered that older people should perform exercises with the utmost care and avoid too much stress.

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