10 scariest and mind-breaking movies

They say that art is something that you want to look at again. But, in the history of world cinema, there were many such films that you want to quickly forget after watching.

There may be brutal scenes of murders, sexual violence or all kinds of bullying, after which the viewer will have to recover for a long time, in a naturalistic way.

And if a person who is extremely impressionable or with a weak psyche wants to watch such a film, then the consequences can be more severe.

Of course, it should be recognized that many of these films received critical acclaim or were awarded prestigious awards, but such tapes rarely cause unconditional delight among the mass audience.

We present 10 pictures that can harm the psyche.

10 Destination | 2000-2011

10 scariest and mind-breaking movies This is a whole cycle of horror films based on the unrealized script of one of the episodes of the cult television series The X-Files.

The main idea touched upon in each of the episodes is fatalism and the inevitability of death. Visually, the series are slashers, where the death of the characters happens as a result of a chain of, at first glance, ridiculous accidents and is shown in an extremely naturalistic way (terrible scenes of disasters, knocking people down by transport, death in an explosion or fire, falling from a great height, suffocation, drowning, decapitation, eye gouging, and other various methods of killing a living being).

9. Radiance | 1980

10 scariest and mind-breaking movies The protagonist of the picture is a writer who, in order to inflow fresh creative forces, decides to move away from the noisy city life. He becomes a caretaker in one of the hotels, which is far from civilization.

Together with his family, the main character is faced with mysterious things that cannot be comprehended by a cold mind …

8. Behind glass | 1987

10 scariest and mind-breaking movies In the center of the plot of the picture is a former fascist doctor, paralyzed from head to toe after an unsuccessful suicide attempt, who experiences an irresistible sexual attraction to young boys.

He decided to take his own life after the murder of his last victim. Now, being in a pitiful weak state, this crippled maniac is forced to take in as a nurse a guy who became an unwitting witness to the very cruel crime committed by his employer several years ago.

Now the “nurse” begins to blackmail the paralyzed patron. He revels in the terrible details of the life of a Nazi doctor, set out in his diary: at first he experimented on living people, and then this terrible scientific activity grew into pedophilia and murder …

7. Funny games | 1997

10 scariest and mind-breaking movies On the seashore there is a small country cottage where a decent family from Austria comes. A man named Georg, along with his wife Anna, as well as their ten-year-old son Georgie. They also took with them a dog named Ruth.

Very soon, they will have to face the terrible characters living in the neighborhood, who will offer the couple to play a nightmarish game in which they can lose their lives …

6. Irreversibility | 2002

10 scariest and mind-breaking movies The narrative in the picture develops backwards. Darkness of the night, crimson reflections on the walls of a dirty brothel, pale frightened faces.

An angry man rushes about in an endless maze of stairs and passages. He wants only one thing: to find and get even with the man who beat and raped his beautiful lover to death.

What follows is a brutal scene of the murder of a rapist by a heartbroken man…

5. Blue velvet | 1986

10 scariest and mind-breaking movies This is a terrible story about a young man who, to his misfortune, found a cut off human ear in a wasteland and, starting his own investigation, got into a terrible situation…

4. Screen test | 1999

10 scariest and mind-breaking movies Shigeharu Aoyama was widowed seven years ago. His 17-year-old son Shigehiko constantly tells his father that it’s time for him to get married again, because the guy plans to start an independent life after graduation and does not want his father to be left all alone.

And then one day, Aoyama’s friend, Yoshikawa, a film producer, offers to organize fictitious screen tests of applicants for the main role in an allegedly new film so that Aoyama can choose a new wife among them.

However, neither the main character nor his friend even suspect what a nightmare this false audition will turn into …

3. Antichrist | in 2009

10 scariest and mind-breaking movies The main characters of the tape are a married couple, he is a successful psychoanalyst, she is a medieval historian working on her dissertation.

A terrible tragedy occurred in their family – their young son died. Not having the strength to cope with the grief that has befallen them, they go to nature, to the forest, enjoy the fresh forest air and put their psyche in order.

But, every day the woman’s condition is getting worse – she turns into an obsessed with sex, and her husband’s refusal of intimacy infuriates her …

2. Tideland | 2005

10 scariest and mind-breaking movies Jeliza Rose is a simple girl who is very unlucky with her parents. They are drug addicts, completely consumed by their addiction. Mom relaxes by buying a myriad of shoes, and dad is a fanatic about hard rock and Vikings.

The unfortunate girl, in spite of everything, tries to help her parents in everything, and even participates in the preparation of the next dose. The only joy in her life is finger puppets.

The mother’s drug addiction eventually leads her to the grave. After that, Jeliza’s father decides to drastically change his and his daughter’s life. He decides to return to his childhood home, where he plans to start life from scratch.

1. Martyrs | 2008

10 scariest and mind-breaking movies This mysterious story took place in France in the 70s of the last century. A little girl named Lucy, who had been missing for a year, was finally found.

The child is shocked by what happened to her to such an extent that he cannot tell those who saved her, who kidnapped her.

Law enforcement officers find out that all this time Lucy was kept in an old slaughterhouse. But then what happened to the girl a year ago? And how did she manage to escape from this terrible place?

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