10 Russian performers whose concerts you shouldn’t go to

Each person has their own musical preferences. Someone loves hard rock, someone enjoys singing the next pop songs, someone likes rap and hip-hop. Everyone has different tastes, but absolutely everyone has their own idol, whose concert he would dream of going to.

Residents of the capital and some large cities have the opportunity to attend concerts and events, see the star and listen to her singing. Stars rarely visit the provinces, but fans are ready to give any money just to get to the concert of their favorite artist.

That’s just singers and singers do not always justify the hopes of fans. Some disrupt concerts, are late and sing to the soundtrack. Stars do not respect their fans, and do not strive to give their best. They think that “and so it will do.”

After such performances, the number of their fans can significantly decrease. Celebrities are not at all worried about this issue. Of course, not everyone does this. Below are 10 Russian performers whose concerts you should not go to

10 Yana Koshkina

10 Russian performers whose concerts you shouldnt go to

The famous TV presenter became a follower of Olga Buzova. At least that’s what the media says. The fact is that she also decided to try herself as a singer, she has the same manner of singing and an outstanding voice.

The girl recorded the song “Red Light”. She also took part in the show “Voice”, although no one appreciated Koshkina’s talents. Yana covered several songs of popular artists. This was the end of her career.

There is no official information about the performances of the girl anywhere, but she does not miss the opportunity to demonstrate her abilities. Although Yana has such luxurious forms that no one is interested in her vocal abilities.

9. Alice Vox

10 Russian performers whose concerts you shouldnt go to

Everyone knew Alice exclusively as a member of the Leningrad group. In 2016, she left the team and started her solo career. That’s just the hopes of the stars did not materialize. Nobody likes her songs, Alice does not shine with her vocal abilities either.

It is not surprising that her concerts are not very popular, although she has already released two albums. The only thing that the singer is good at is attracting attention to herself.

Two years ago, an unpleasant situation occurred, Alice shot a video for the song “Baby”. In it, she harshly criticized the youth who participate in protests. Later it turned out that Vox received the “government order” from a functionary of one political party.

If you like Alice’s singing, enjoy it at home. Even Sergey Shnurov notes that the subsequent vocalists of Leningrad sing much better than Vox.

8. coin

10 Russian performers whose concerts you shouldnt go to

Elizaveta Gyrdymova is only 20, but she has already become a popular singer. The girl herself writes the lyrics, and most of her songs are on acute social topics.

Apparently, Monetochka could not cope with star disease. She is disrespectful to her fans. The girl regularly cancels her concerts. This situation has been repeated many times. Frustrated fans are forced to hand over tickets.

Sometimes the singer does not consider it necessary to apologize. Even when fans manage to get to Monetochka’s concert, unpleasant impressions remain after the performance. The singer’s voice, as one no less famous singer Zemfira put it, is disgusting. However, many will not agree with this.

7. Vladimir and Yurkiss

10 Russian performers whose concerts you shouldnt go to

The boys were lucky, they were born in a star family. Father – music producer Vladimir Kiselev, mother – singer, TV presenter Elena Sever. It is not surprising that, having matured, the brothers rushed to storm show business.

Reviews about their work are very contradictory. There are, of course, those who like their songs. However, the majority is still of the opinion that nature did not reward them with abilities.

In addition, many songs of “young talented performers” are stolen (or bought?), The music of some tracks is similar to the music in the songs of other performers.

The guys didn’t even bother to change the way they sang. So listening to the performance of these “golden kids” is a rather dubious pleasure.

6. Yulia Samoilova

10 Russian performers whose concerts you shouldnt go to

Yulia Samoilova was involved in a major scandal. She was supposed to go to the Eurovision Song Contest in 2017, but the Security Service of Ukraine, where the contest was held, banned her from entering the country.

In 2018, the girl nevertheless took part in Eurovision. But she didn’t live up to expectations. Russia did not qualify for the final. The fact is that Julia sings terribly. Samoilova did not hit a single note; Russia has never experienced such a disgrace.

Of course, you should not strictly judge the singer. The girl is seriously ill. It’s just not clear why she does all this? Endless criticism, condemnation – not every healthy person can withstand such an attitude. Yulia’s fortitude can be envied, but it’s better not to go to her concert.

5. Daria Grivina

10 Russian performers whose concerts you shouldnt go to

It is better for people who have puritanical views on life to never hear the songs of Daria Grivina at all. A young girl sings songs about passion and love joys.

Eyewitnesses say that at a concert during the performance of these songs, the producer sprinkles bottled water on the audience. It is not clear why he does this. Perhaps to cool the ardor of the public, or the water imitates the “drops of passion” that Grivina sings about.

The singer does not have outstanding vocal abilities, so she definitely has nothing to do at a concert.

4. Swan

10 Russian performers whose concerts you shouldnt go to

Svetlana Loboda is a very popular singer, so tickets for her concerts are sold well. But fans often leave the concert disappointed. “Superstar” allows herself to be late, 40 minutes is the norm for her.

The most common complaint is the sound quality, although it is unlikely that Svetlana is to blame for this. Several times the star disgraced herself in front of her fans: she sang to the soundtrack. Perhaps, now you will not surprise anyone with this.

Nevertheless, Loboda’s concerts have their advantages – a spectacular show and a special energy.

3. Natalie

10 Russian performers whose concerts you shouldnt go to

There is nothing bad to say about this singer. She tries to please her fans, but she does not always sing live. An unpleasant situation occurred with the singer, after which everyone thinks that the star sings exclusively “to the plywood”.

She performed at the City Day in Kotelniki, sang her legendary “Turtle”. Natalie leaned on a garland of balloons and flew head over heels off the stage. She didn’t stop singing. Natalie came out of the situation with dignity, she continued her performance as if nothing had happened.

That’s just this episode discouraged fans from attending concerts of the star. Why spend money when you can listen to the recording at home?

2. Nyusha

10 Russian performers whose concerts you shouldnt go to

A successful singer, her videos are played around the clock on TV, a similar situation is on the radio. There is no such person who does not know Nyusha. Many consider her a good singer until they go to a concert. Nyusha sings terribly live. Fans can only please the choreography.

Many people wonder how, with such vocal data, Nyusha managed to break into show business? There is nothing surprising here. Nyusha’s dad is the legendary producer Vladimir Shurochkin. With that kind of money and connections, anyone will sing.

1. Olga Buzova

10 Russian performers whose concerts you shouldnt go to

Olga Buzova can’t sing either. The star herself believes that she is doing well. Buzova’s fans probably think so too. But even if you do not take into account the singer’s weak voice and simple, even stupid songs, then there are several more reasons why you should not attend her concerts.

She is regularly late, does not work out the stated time, sings to the soundtrack. Olga also canceled concerts more than once. Therefore, even if you bought a ticket for a Buzova concert, this does not mean that you will get to it.

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