10 rules for raising children that have not even been heard of abroad

Recently, people are increasingly showing interest in how foreigners live. A separate topic is the upbringing of children.

Some people are so struck by the differences that they want to tell the whole world about it. People write books or articles, make videos, blog.

If many foreigners still think that in Russia bears walk around the cities with an accordion and a hat with earflaps, then what can we say about education?

Unfortunately, most people think in stereotypes, and they really believe that a nation of savages lives in Russia. Here are just those who have ever visited our country change their minds to the opposite.

Foreign mothers understand that they have a lot to learn from their parents from Russia, although some rules should still be bypassed.

Below are 10 rules for raising children that have not even been heard of abroad.

10 Clothes for the weather

10 rules for raising children that have not even been heard of abroad

Mothers from Russia are very worried about the health of their children. They are partly right, the weather here is often not happy. Women try to wrap up their child, arguing this with the phrase: “If only it doesn’t freeze.” They put tights on the child, a warm hat and pants, boots, even when it’s plus outside the window.

There are rarely frosts abroad, so clothing is much easier. No one is surprised that children walk down the street in an unbuttoned jacket or without a hat, although sometimes it is cool.

In some European countries, when choosing clothes, parents completely rely on the opinion of the child. Who is right? There is no consensus here. Both hypothermia and overheating are very harmful for the child’s body.

Dress your child according to the weather and don’t shock foreigners. After all, even Russian people are surprised by mothers who dress their child as if they were going to the North Pole, and they choose clothes for themselves according to the weather.

9. Relationship with dad

10 rules for raising children that have not even been heard of abroad

Russian dads do little with children, their main task is to provide for the family. Abroad, everything is different. Both parents are equally involved in the child, or the one who earns less.

Again, women abroad are in a hurry to get to work as soon as possible. There is no such thing in Russia. Low salaries prevent women from sending their children to a private kindergarten or hiring a nanny, so many are forced to stay at home until they are given a place in a public kindergarten.

Russian children get used to seeing dad only on weekends, or even less often. But they are happy to spend time with their fathers, enjoy every walk together, every book they read.

8. Proper nutrition

10 rules for raising children that have not even been heard of abroad

Foreign mothers have a much simpler attitude to nutrition than Russian mothers. Of course, we should not forget that each state has its own customs and traditions, its own national cuisine. But in some countries, children can easily dine on pizza, stuffed pita and other “adult” dishes.

Russian mothers cook porridge every morning. If the child does not want to eat it, he is forced or persuaded. For lunch – soup, which the child must also eat.

It is clear that women do this with the best of intentions. They are right, you need to feed your child with the right and healthy food, but you don’t need to insist. Foreign mothers will never “stuff” a child if he does not want to eat.

7. Attitude towards grandparents

10 rules for raising children that have not even been heard of abroad

In Russia, it is customary to rely on your parents for everything. Even when children are over 30, they can always ask mom and dad for help. Many people think that grandparents are obliged to sit with their grandchildren.

Foreigners have a completely different opinion on this matter. Their grandparents either work or are busy with their personal lives. No one even thinks that they should hang out with their grandchildren.

Russian grandmothers are a separate issue. If they do not want to take care of their children’s children, then the whole world can take up arms against them. “How is it, because this is a grandmother? She must…” — this is what every second Russian thinks.

Although, due to the extension of the retirement age, Russia will soon have a similar situation. Parents will have to rely only on themselves.

6. attitude towards walking

10 rules for raising children that have not even been heard of abroad

Russian mothers know that walking is very good for health. Women from other countries are very surprised when they find out that they walk with children even in frost and rain.

Although in Europe, mothers also know about the need for walks and try not to ignore them. But in America and some Asian countries, children can stay at home all day, even if the weather is fine outside.

In Russia, a child walks twice a day. In the summer, mothers take their children to the country, where they are on the street from morning to evening. Walking has a positive effect on the health of the child, so Russian mothers can be praised.

5. Хобби

10 rules for raising children that have not even been heard of abroad

Recently, developing classes have become very popular in Russia. The child does not yet know how to walk, but he is already being dragged to the “educators”. Mothers want their children to grow up as worthy people, get an education, learn to sing, dance, skate.

They offer their child to go to various clubs and development schools. From an early age, the child is loaded with learning. All these activities are aimed at developing abilities and talents. This is not a game, but a full-fledged training.

A different point of view is spread abroad. Mothers think that it is not necessary to overexert the child. He’ll be fine when he’s a little older.

4. Health

10 rules for raising children that have not even been heard of abroad

Every mother wants her child to be healthy, but childhood illnesses are inevitable. In Russia, a woman at the first sneeze will show the child to the doctor, then put him to bed and give him medicines.

Foreign mothers (and doctors) are much calmer about childhood illnesses. If a child has a high temperature but feels well, no one puts him to bed. The child can play, move freely around the house.

Of course, it all depends on the principles of treatment. For example, abroad, a small child will not be prescribed expectorants; in Russia, on the contrary, they believe that a cough cannot be ignored. It is customary for us to take care of the sick, to sympathize with them, especially if they are children.

3. Permissiveness

10 rules for raising children that have not even been heard of abroad

Russian mothers love their children very much, they do not try to raise “robots” who will obey their creators in everything. Is this good or bad? Let everyone answer this question for himself.

Russian children are allowed to watch adult programs, run through puddles, leave the table even when the rest of the family has not eaten yet.

Many foreigners find children from Russia very ill-mannered. They say that you can’t spoil your child like that, otherwise the child can “sit on the neck”.

In a number of European countries, children are brought up in strictness, trying to treat them as adults. Mothers from Russia, on the contrary, want to prolong their child’s childhood.

2. Society

10 rules for raising children that have not even been heard of abroad

In Russia, great importance is given to society. As soon as the child enters the playground for the first time, the mother begins to teach him how to behave.

“Give the boy a toy, he will play”, “Do not hurt the girl. Did she hit you? Nothing wrong”. Approximately such phrases the child hears. He is taught from childhood to be part of society, while abroad every child is a person, an individual.

Russian children know that they need to behave approximately, otherwise they can become the object of discussion and gossip. Do not forget that everything is good in moderation. No need to make a child an egoist. Parents should teach him to defend his interests and not pay attention to other people’s opinions.

1. Attitude towards “adult child”

10 rules for raising children that have not even been heard of abroad

In Western countries, when a child becomes an adult, he must leave home. It is believed that the parents gave the child everything necessary and now he must start his own life.

In Russia, no one is surprised if the “child” is already over 40, and he still lives with his parents. According to statistics, Russian children leave their father’s house at about 30 years old. Of course, everything is individual.

The point now is that parents from Russia will never tell their “adult child” that it is time for him to move out. They are ready to take full responsibility for the education and even the career of their child.

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