10 richest superheroes and supervillains

Millions of people watch the adventures of superheroes and their confrontation with villains, read comics, watch movies.

The idea of ​​possessing superpowers has occupied the minds of mankind for a very long time, and now readers can associate themselves with heroes from the pages of comics.

But many of them not only fight the world’s evil, but also manage to make a huge fortune in between. It is these characters that will be discussed.

10 Dr. Doom

Doctor Doom is the sworn enemy of the Fantastic Four in general and Reed Richards in particular. He combines a remarkable mind, great ambitions, self-confidence and his own vision of reality, which allows him to be one of the richest people in the world of comics.

But he is not a businessman and not an heir to millions. Under the rule of Doctor Doom is a small but proud country in Eastern Europe. It may seem that the people of Latveria are suffering under the tyranny of a supervillain, but they are not.

Doctor Doom turned out to be a talented ruler who eradicated crime and parasitism, everyone works for the good of the country and is quite satisfied with life. His fortune is in the tens of billions of dollars.

9. Lex Luther

Lex Luthor, the main enemy of Superman, cannot boast of superpowers. But at his disposal an outstanding intellect and original moral principles.

Lex grew up in poverty, endured bullying from his father, but when he found out about his parents’ life insurance, he killed them, earning his first money.

He began to invest in various projects, increasing his capital, and when the income became decent, he opened his own company – LexCorp.

Later, he bought up the airline companies, merging them into LexAir, and then moved on to oil production and refining.

Lex Luther’s fortune is about 80 billion dollars, which allows him to conduct the most daring scientific experiments.

8. Namor

Namor is the hero of the Marvel comics series and is somewhat reminiscent of Aquaman. He also lives under water, his body has the ability to spend a lot of time in the aquatic environment and withstand low temperatures, and he also has developed supervision.

Namor’s main source of income is his country, which has been hidden from humanity for a long time. Countless riches in precious metals and stones have been accumulated there. He founded a company designed to rid the Earth of the damage that humanity has done to him.

7. Green Arrow

Oliver Queen inherited his fortune from wealthy parents along with the Queen Industries Corporation. His company is engaged in the production of weapons and ammunition, so Green Arrow has no problems with the creation of ammunition and weapons.

In the reboot of the series, he went into the production of mobile devices, including phones and tablets, which are popular and have made Queen a real rich man.

6. Magneto

Max Eisenhart is an X-Men comic book antihero and the most powerful mutant in the Marvel Universe. As a child, he ended up in a concentration camp, where he was tortured by the Nazis who wanted to use his abilities, and was obsessed with the idea of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbvengeance.

Magneto broke into the recesses of the Third Reich, destroying everyone in his path, and got the legendary treasures. The gold reserve of the Nazis became the starting capital of a young mutant who saw the struggle for the rights of mutants as the goal of his life.

Eisenhart created a community of people with mutations and bought an entire island for him. And if suddenly the state of Magneto is depleted, he will always be able to get himself a new ore, because his magnetic abilities extend not only to iron.

5. Adrian Veidt

Adrian Veidt is the hero of the Watchmen comic, also known as Ozymandias. He has an outstanding intellect, which, with all the efforts of Adrian, could not be hidden during his school years, for which the “wise guy” was often beaten. Because of this, he began to study martial arts and quite successfully.

Andrian inherited his first fortune from his parents, wealthy German immigrants, but gave everything away to charity, wanting to be free and do everything on his own.

After completing his studies, Adrian went to travel, and then set about accumulating his own millions by playing on the stock exchange. He quickly gained fame as the smartest person, earned millions and generously invested them in nuclear research.

4. green goblin

Norman Osborn, like many Marvel anti-heroes, was a victim of parental abuse as a child.

Insulted, he tried to surpass his father in everything, and together with Mendel Stromm, a university lecturer, founded Oscorp. The company was engaged in scientific research and genetic engineering.

When Norman’s second personality, the Green Goblin, appeared, with the help of his corporation, he began to create armor and weapons for his alter ego. Later, Oscorp entered the mobile device market, which brought the company millions.

At the moment, this corporation does not exist in the Marvel universe, since it was absorbed by the company of Liz Allen, the ex-wife of Harry Osborn, son of Norman.

3. Black Panther

T’Challa, the ruler of Wakanda, is if not the most popular, but the richest superhero in the comic book universe for sure. And all thanks to the same Wakanda, the only state in which vibranium is mined, the most durable material on the planet.

It is used in science, technology and weapons. Thanks to such a monopoly on the extraction of material in demand throughout the world, T’Challa is worth hundreds of billions of dollars, and Wakanda is flourishing.

2. Tony Stark

Tony Struck is a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Ask who the richest comic book character is, and one of the most common answers is Tony. He is the heir to the Stark Industries corporation founded by his father, Howard Stark.

From childhood, Tony grew up surrounded by luxury and took it for granted. He was sure that he would continue the work of his father, fortunately, he inherited his intellect from Howard.

A genius, he graduated with honors from the best educational institutions and began to manage a corporation that works on advanced technologies and creates the best weapons in the world.

And let Tony become the heir to a large fortune, he did not rest on his laurels, but multiplied it many times, bringing it to one hundred billion dollars.

1. Batman

Bruce Wayne is the heir to the huge corporation Wayne Enterprises, which he inherited after the death of his parents. The corporation has a long history, it appeared already in the 17th century as a trading house and gradually developed, mastering more and more new markets.

At the moment, it is impossible to say unequivocally what Wayne Enterprises specializes in. A little bit of everything: weapons, medicine, science, technology, cargo transportation and more.

From the side of the inhabitants of Gotham, it may seem that a young man bathes in luxury, spending his ancestors acquired by overwork. Take at least a huge mansion, a large fleet of vehicles, chic offices throughout the country.

But we know that Bruce Wayne is a serious man who spares no expense to fight crime and equip the Justice League, he even built an orbital Headquarters, if only there was peace on his home planet.

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