10 reasons why your hair starts to fall out
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Each of us dreams of a lush hairstyle. However, not everyone is aware that hair goes through a development cycle consisting of three stages: the growth phase, the involution phase and the resting phase. We lose 50-100 hairs every day – this is normal, so we shouldn’t worry about it. However, if your hair begins to fall out in large amounts on a regular basis, don’t underestimate the situation. Also, don’t ignore the bald patches on your head or the fading hairline. The cause of this problem can be really serious.

In genes from parents

Hereditary alopecia is the most common cause of baldness in both women and men. The gene that influences hair loss can be inherited from the mother or father, although in most cases it is passed on to a child by both parents.

Hereditary alopecia develops slowly. It can start after the age of 20. It manifests itself in thinner hair and excessive hair loss. In women, the problem may worsen during the menopause, when the body begins to produce less estrogen. One of the effects can be thinning hair and “bald patches” on the scalp.

Thyroid problems

The thyroid hormone influences, among others for the basal metabolism and the growth of hair, skin and nails. Hypothyroidism, which is too little hormone, can cause many symptoms, including weight gain, fatigue, constipation, depression, and trouble concentrating. Hair, skin and nails become more brittle. They can also break more easily.

On the other hand, hyperthyroidism, which is too much hormone, often leads to sudden weight loss, palpitations, nervousness, irritability, diarrhea, sweating, muscle weakness and proptosis. You may also have a problem with excessive hair loss when your metabolism starts to accelerate.

Different faces of baldness

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune skin disease in which the immune system attacks the hair follicles. The disease leads to uneven hair loss not only on the head but also in other parts of the body. It is impossible to predict its course – in some people the hair grows back, but later it falls out again. For others, however, it may only be a temporary state. So there is a chance that the hair will grow back after a few years.

In contrast, telogen effluvium is usually the result of the body’s response to severe stress. Each of us knows this unpleasant feeling. It can be caused by hard work, a diagnosis of a serious illness, an emotional disorder, the death of a loved one, divorce, or a hormonal imbalance.

Extreme stress can cause excessive hair loss for six weeks to three months. The good news is that most hair grows back normally once the stress is relieved. Sometimes, however, this process may take up to a year.

Psoriasis and eczema

Certain skin conditions, such as eczema, can cause alopecia. Fortunately, they can often be cured. However, in a serious stage, they can destroy the hair follicles, leading to permanent hair loss. There are several treatments available, such as topical corticosteroid creams or steroid injections. Remember that the sooner you go to the doctor, the better.

Also, do not underestimate the inflammation of the scalp. You can try to deal with this ailment on your own, e.g. with therapeutic ointments. One of such products is Medi Balm, it has unique properties and 100 percent. natural composition. Instantly soothes irritation and inflammation. Intensively regenerates, cleanses and protects the skin. It has bactericidal and antifungal properties. It helps in the fight against acne, herpes, impetigo, psoriasis, boils and eczema.

Inappropriate hair styling

Many shampoos, styling products and dyes can harm your hair. They will begin to break and fall out. Some treatments, such as straightening, permanent or coloring, can further damage them. Therefore, stock up on appropriate cosmetics. They rebuild the hair structure, thus protecting it against moisture loss and damage.

Try Xtense Code Hair Strengthening Shampoo. Clinical trials have confirmed its high effectiveness in inhibiting hair loss and stimulating hair growth. It does not cause allergic reactions. It is effective for both women and men – it works perfectly with all types of hair. It stops hair loss, strengthens and accelerates hair growth. Just replace your regular shampoo with the patented Xtense Code and use it regularly.

Not enough iron …

Women who have heavy periods or do not eat enough iron-rich foods may suffer from anemia. The body then does not produce enough hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen to all tissues. In turn, the number of red blood cells drops very quickly. Research shows that anemia is more common in women than in men.

Iron deficiency anemia leads to extreme fatigue, weakness and pale skin. You may have cold hands or feet, difficulty concentrating, and experience headaches. Your hair will become thin and start falling out. Any exertion can make you breathless.

Eat iron-rich foods such as beef, pork, fish, green leafy vegetables, grains, and beans. It is worth eating them together with foods rich in vitamin C. They facilitate the absorption of iron.

When you want to lose weight too fast

Research has shown that rapid or significant weight loss can cause hair loss. Usually the cause is a lack of certain nutrients, including protein. Therefore, try to lose weight at the rate of half a kilogram a week. This way you will also avoid the yo-yo effect.

Hair loss is a serious problem that can keep you awake at night. In order to stop it and support the growth of new hair, it is necessary not only to find the cause of this condition, but also to take care of the affected hair properly. With that in mind, you will soon be enjoying your new thick hairstyle.

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