10 reasons why you urgently need succulents

People who are not engaged in floriculture, for sure, have not even heard of succulents. Although, most likely, representatives of this group settled on the windowsill in their apartment a long time ago. For those who don’t know, succulents are plants that have to store water. They are adapted to dry conditions. Most succulents grow in the deserts of Africa. Well, of course, if the plants could survive there, then they certainly will survive on the windowsill of negligent owners. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to determine whether a plant is a succulent by its appearance. Of course, this group includes cacti, some types of milkweed. These are stem succulents. Leaf succulents include plants of the aloe group, crassula. It is surprising that among the succulents there are representatives of tradescantia and begonias. Anyway, if you love flowers, then you need succulents. Yes, even if you don’t like it, then 10 facts about succulents can change your mind to the opposite.

10 Named after their own leaves

10 reasons why you urgently need succulents

Translated from Latin, succulent means “juicy”. These plants are so named because they survive on their water reserves. Leaf succulents store moisture in thick leaves. Stem succulents keep it in a stem that usually resembles a ball, and instead of leaves they have thorns. The variety of succulents is simply amazing, they are completely different from each other. However, they still have a common feature – all succulents have developed mechanisms for storing and saving moisture. It is logical that this group is called such a “juicy” name.

9. living decoration

10 reasons why you urgently need succulents

No matter how unpretentious these plants are, some of them can surpass even the roses and orchids loved by everyone in beauty. Yes, they look a little like an ordinary flower. However, they look decent. They can decorate any interior. Each apartment and house will become much more comfortable if a green plant appears in it. But succulents are not only green, some of them are distinguished by bright colors: reddish hues, white patches on the leaves and many other options. There are plants that resemble stone, they will become an original decoration of the apartment. Particularly courageous persons prefer to use succulents instead of decorations.

8. desert dwellers

10 reasons why you urgently need succulents

As already noted, the birthplace of succulents is arid deserts. They are distributed in Africa, Madagascar and South America. Thanks to their unusual mechanisms and adaptations, they can last quite a long time without water. They will be an ideal option for those who constantly forget to water the flowers. In addition, nature has rewarded them with the ability to save moisture. Therefore, even lazy flower growers will be able to observe the beauty at home without much effort. However, do not forget that succulents need good lighting. This does not mean that you need to put the plants under the scorching sun. There is a risk that the plant will get burned. Therefore, before you purchase a succulent, still ask what conditions will be suitable for it.

7. I don’t recognize you in makeup

10 reasons why you urgently need succulents

Succulents are very diverse, their appearance often has absolutely no common features. So how do you determine that you have a succulent in front of you? Do not rely on your knowledge, even if you are an experienced grower. Sometimes succulents do not give themselves away, but look like an ordinary flower. If you buy a plant in a store, the seller will probably tell you if it belongs to succulents. If the plant came to you in a different way, you can look for it in any catalog of indoor flowers. Maybe you’ll get lucky and your new green friend will be a succulent. Then you can breathe a sigh of relief, because he is very unpretentious in his care.

6. The taste and color

10 reasons why you urgently need succulents

Yes, you already know that succulents can have more than just green leaves. But if you have never been interested in flowers, then you cannot even imagine how beautiful they can be. Orange, red, pink, purple leaves will enliven even the most boring interior. By the way, classic green succulents look just as good. So, you can choose a plant depending on your color preferences. As the saying goes “the taste and color …”. Yes, by the way about the taste, the usual aloe will save you from many diseases. Its juice treats tuberculosis, ulcers, colds.

5. Extended family members

10 reasons why you urgently need succulents

The “family” of succulents is very large, there are about 70 genera. And the number of species of succulents exceeds 800. But still, most people grow the most familiar plants in their apartment: cacti, aloe, euphorbia. Do not be afraid to experiment, your old green friends will only be happy with their relatives. At least they will look good together. Some of them are so in harmony with each other that you do not even have to compose compositions, buy other plants or additional decorations.

4. Easy to breed

10 reasons why you urgently need succulents

The virtues of succulents do not end there. Their undeniable advantage is that they reproduce easily. It is enough just to cut a couple of leaves from an adult plant. It is not necessary to put them in water, the future plant will die. Dry the leaves a little, and then plant them in the ground. After a while, the plant will take root. But remember that autumn and winter are not the most favorable time for the reproduction of succulents. So don’t be surprised if your plant starts to rot.

3. The enemy will not pass

10 reasons why you urgently need succulents

Another plus of succulents is that most pests are absolutely indifferent to them. Who wants to chew on thorns? But still, they can also suffer from mealybugs, scale insects and spider mites. If you notice pests, wipe the leaves of the plant with a rag soaked in alcohol. If there are a lot of pests, and these actions do not help, you will have to use pesticides. You can be sure of one thing: your cat will definitely not be interested in succulents. After all, cats often cause much more damage than pests. They eat flowers, play with leaves, turn over pots.

2. And here is the donkey’s tail

10 reasons why you urgently need succulents

What do succulents and a donkey’s tail have in common? It turns out that in Mexico one of the types of succulents belonging to the sedum genus was so called. To be more precise, the plant is called “donkey’s tail” there. Usually they are used for landscaping a city or a summer residence. Plant them in open ground. The plants really do look like a donkey’s tail, but they look amazing. Succulents of this species also come in different colors, ideal for vertical gardening.

1. Christmas flower

10 reasons why you urgently need succulents

Succulents can please you with beautiful delicate flowers just in time for the New Year and Christmas. In particular, this applies to poinsettia. It is also called the Christmas star. This plant blooms in winter: from December to March. Other flowers at this time usually do not pamper their owners with flowering. Therefore, before the holidays, poinsettia usually sets sales records. It is readily bought for gifts and just for a good mood. Its flowers are usually red or pink. When buying a poinsettia in winter, it is important not to freeze it while you are carrying it home. The next New Year, with proper care, the poinsettia will delight you with flowering again.

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