They say there is no healthy food. And even tomatoes were found guilty: experts officially put them on the list of killer foods. Why did it happen?
Worse than chocolate – this is how Israeli nutritionists said about tomatoes, almost ruining all the pleasure of the tomato season. However, you should not demonize this actually useful product. Tomatoes can really negatively affect the body if you eat them every day and without measure. And that’s how they are dangerous.
Choose tomatoes grown in summer cottages
Tomatoes contain not only vitamins A, B, K, E, C, potassium and useful acids, but also have choleretic properties. Therefore, those who suffer from cholelithiasis should eat tomatoes very carefully: they can provoke an attack due to the movement of stones in the ducts and blockage of the biliary tract. The best thing is to consult a doctor and strictly follow his recommendations. It is possible, by the way, that the doctor will ban tomatoes altogether.
Every third Russian due to malnutrition suffers from either gastritis or an ulcer. In this case, tomatoes will not be beneficial. Since tomato is an acidic product, it provokes an already increased acidity, and because of the coarse fiber, it also irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. Therefore, the inflammation of these organs increases. The insidiousness of tomatoes is that when painful symptoms arise, they begin to sin on fried, smoked or salted, but few people blame a healthy berry for this (yes, from the point of view of botany, a tomato is not a vegetable).
Using tomatoes in the fight for harmony will also not work. Although it would seem – why? After all, the calories in tomatoes are only 24 per 100 grams, and in order to choose the daily rate, you need to gobble up about 7 kilos of tomatoes. But in some people, tomatoes cause spikes in blood sugar, making it very difficult to lose weight. And secondly, tomatoes, even if they are not salted, contain a large amount of salts that whet the appetite. Therefore, you should not even use tomatoes as a snack, so as not to harm your own waist.
Arthritis is an unpleasant disease. People suffer from stiffness of movement, joint deformity, swelling of the hands and severe pain. In addition, for joint problems, the sensitivity to tomatoes increases: tomatoes contain the alkaloid solanine, which causes joint pain. Therefore, if it is difficult to give up these vegetables, then it is simply necessary to reduce their use. By the way, during heat treatment, tomatoes lose up to half of the harmful alkaloids.
If you become irritable, often depressed, and suffer from severe pain in your legs at night and in the early morning hours, this could be a symptom of gout. To prevent the disease from progressing, it is very important to follow a diet. It’s just with tomatoes that you need to be on the lookout, since this vegetable contains oxalic acid, which negatively affects the joints, especially during an exacerbation of the disease. And if it cannot harm a healthy person in any way, then it causes excruciating pain to patients with gout.
What could be better than a tomato from a can that you rolled up with your own hands? Many things. If you eat canned tomatoes at night, bags under your eyes are guaranteed in the morning. It is important to know that even fresh tomatoes can provoke swelling, especially if you have a tendency to them. It should also be remembered that all salted and pickled foods harm people with cardiovascular diseases: they retain fluid in the body, thereby provoking an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, ditch canned tomatoes for the benefit of your health.
Nutritionists advise eating tomatoes for breakfast or lunch. It is advisable not to use them in combination with eggs, meat and fish products, it is too heavy for the stomach
Scientists at the World Health Organization have called the 20st century the century of allergies due to an increase in the number of allergy sufferers by more than XNUMX%. Who would have thought, but it is tomatoes that can cause this disease and its unpleasant manifestations: itching, runny nose, suffocating cough … Similar symptoms usually appear after eating food containing tomatoes: ketchup, sauce and even soups. Therefore, allergy sufferers need to be extremely careful not only with tomatoes, but also with other bright fruits. But if your love for tomatoes is boundless and without them, nutritionists recommend giving preference to yellow and orange fruits, which practically do not contain strong allergens.
According to research by the National Kidney Foundation, one in 10 people in the world suffers from chronic kidney disease. First of all, doctors recommend reducing the consumption of foods that are rich in potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, since it is these nutrients that increase the load on the kidneys. And tomatoes, in addition to this, also contain a large amount of organic acids, including oxalic acid, which negatively affects water-salt metabolism and leads to the growth of kidney stones. Therefore, if you have problems with the genitourinary system, then you cannot eat tomatoes every day.
By the way, you shouldn’t eat them together with cucumbers. Otherwise, it’s easy to get yourself kidney problems, even if you haven’t even heard of them before.
Because of these infections, the WHO has included tomatoes in the list of the most dangerous foods. And that’s why. Eating burgers, salads, pastas, and other dishes that include tomatoes in cafes or restaurants, you can contract dysentery, salmonellosis and other intestinal diseases. And the reason is trivial: poorly washed vegetables or a damaged surface of the fruit, on which Salmonella gratefully reproduce. And if at home you can control the process of processing vegetables, then in public catering outlets you can only rely on the cleanliness of the staff.
Well, how can it be without them. Manufacturers diligently accelerate the ripening of tomatoes, most often by adding shock doses of nitrogen and other fertilizers. And also used drugs such as insecticides, fungicides and herbicides that protect plants from insects, fungi and weeds. Therefore, some of the harmful chemical additives are found in vegetables. And a simple wash will certainly not help. Therefore, it is simply dangerous to eat store-bought tomatoes every day. The ideal option is tomatoes grown in your summer cottage. Organic, as it is fashionable to say now. You can also try to buy an environmentally friendly product from your grandmother in the market. But there is no guarantee that these are not the same tomatoes brought from the nearest store.
By the way
Nutritionists, among other things, do not recommend eating tomatoes at night. It’s all about the diuretic property of tomatoes: you will simply run to the toilet for half the night, instead of sleeping peacefully. And most of all the benefits of heat-treated tomatoes: compared to fresh tomatoes, they increase the amount of lycopene, a magical antioxidant that protects us from heart disease. True, it is still better to avoid canned tomatoes: due to the large amount of salt, they can provoke swelling.