For nine months you get so used to this situation that it’s scary to go to give birth. After all, you have just been with a belly, and then – again! – and no. And a completely different life begins.
In this new life there will be a lot of interesting, joyful, sad – all kinds of things. Something is getting better: for example, no more nausea, and the legs finally regain their previous size, getting rid of swelling. But we will miss some things.
1. “Shevelyushki”
Someone will grimace at this word – they say, what is this lisp. But there is so much tenderness in him! These are not movements, not jolts and blows, but exactly the shakes – the first, uncertain, soft, similar to the movement of a fish diving into a lake. From this sensation, happiness simply overwhelms, tenderness floods to the ears, and the smile does not leave the face. Dad will feel these movements of the baby in the stomach later – when the tremors become stronger. And then the baby will begin to respond to touch, respond to them. Isn’t that a miracle? A miracle, of course!
True, then these cute touching movements inside will turn into hefty kicks straight into the bladder. But that’s a completely different story.
2. Baby’s heart
We hear it on an ultrasound scan, we hear it when a doctor gives a stethoscope, we hear it when we ourselves buy a “listener” at home. It seems that you can listen to this forever, an incredible feeling – to understand that two hearts are beating inside you. And you can also download a special application to your phone, which will listen to the child’s pulse and even record the sound – you can send it to your family. Grandma, for example, will surely be delighted. In general, it will never get bored – listening to the double rhythm within yourself.
3. Attention
Sometimes it is annoying – when strangers strive to touch the belly, say some dubious compliment like “God, you’re probably expecting twins”, are interested in the intimate details of your pregnancy (“Have you planned a child or did it happen by chance?”). And sometimes it touches to the depths of the soul: when they give up their place in the queue, when in a cafe (oh, there is not enough cafe now) they bring carrot fresh as a compliment from the establishment, and on the street they help to carry a bag. Then there will be no such “buns”. A woman with a child is usually treated with caution: what if she will be right to swing, suddenly the baby will cry or something worse. But while you are in the cocoon of your pregnancy, it is warm.
4. Treats without guilt
Yes, you can pamper yourself. Not too much, because the weight still needs to be monitored so that there is no gestational diabetes, so that it is easier to lose excess after childbirth. Special attention should be paid to food, because you eat for two (but not for two). In general, if you wanted something harmful, forbidden, then you can relax a little. And if before pregnancy you probably felt ashamed of your little weaknesses, now there will be absolutely no shame.
5. Self-care
It’s time to pamper yourself: go to a massage, to the pool, to spa treatments, buy the world’s best body cream, go for a manicure and pedicure. Take the chance, then there will be fewer and fewer such opportunities. Because there will be no time for yourself.
6. No periods
But this, you see, is convenient. No pads, inconveniences, pains and other joys of female life that we have to endure every month. By the way, your period may not return until the very end of breastfeeding. But that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to get pregnant again while you’re breastfeeding. As much as you can!
7. No loneliness
Wherever you go, you are not alone in these 9 months. Your dearest being is not just next to you, you are one with it. This means that you always have a companion, companion and loved one. When he is born, sometimes it will be … empty inside.
8. Peace and quiet
Very soon your home will be filled with screams, diapers and constant troubles. But while you have time to enjoy the silence, harmony with yourself. Putting all the children’s things on the shelves – they will never be so neatly laid out again (this is what Marie Kondo says). Calmly take a shower or bath, allowing yourself the luxury of closing the door behind you and not looking at the clock.
9. Anticipation of a miracle
You probably imagined how you will feed the baby, rock, sing lullabies to him, dress and walk. The reality will be little similar to what you imagined, but this does not mean that it will be worse. But the very anticipation of these wonderful moments makes the expectant mother glow from the inside.
10. Self-focus
It suddenly becomes so easy: to dive into yourself when the eyes begin to look inward. And nothing around exists – only you and your future baby. This is an incredible feeling of harmony with yourself and with the world … You can experience it again, but only if you decide on another baby. Even meditation does not give such emotions. After all, meditation is only you. And pregnancy is more than just one little woman.