10 reasons to get up early in the morning

In 2018, a book called “The Magic of the Morning” was very popular. In it, the author describes the nuances of implementing early awakening in life, and we have collected the main advantages of early rises in the top 10. It does not matter if you are an owl or a lark – this article will be very useful for you.

We will indicate in the article the time of early awakening at 5 am, but you can wake up earlier. Yogis, for example, believe that you need to wake up half an hour before dawn to prepare for the meeting of the sun. It is believed that at this moment solar energy penetrates the body, which has a beneficial effect throughout the day.

10 You can be in silence

10 reasons to get up early in the morning

Imagine that you wake up when not only your family, but the whole city in general, is still sleeping. Absolute silence, in the summer you can not even hear the birds. Because at five in the morning the sun is just beginning to rise above the horizon, so even with panoramic windows there will be pleasant semi-darkness in the apartment.

Sit in silence, enjoy it. A noisy day awaits you, with many meetings, important or empty conversations. So give yourself the long-awaited minutes of silence for the brain alone with yourself.

Meditation is very welcome at this time of day.

9. Time to plan for the day

10 reasons to get up early in the morning

It is better to make plans in the evening of the previous day, but if you are too tired and have not had time, then getting up early will help a lot. There is no need to rush anywhere, run, chew breakfast in a hurry, while at the same time getting into your usual jeans.

You have time to calmly make a plan: what time to leave the apartment, what time to plan a trip to dinner, what time to make a date if you are single.

Planning is the key to successful goal achievement.

8. The daily routine will be developed, sleep will become better

10 reasons to get up early in the morning

Many lament that waking up at five in the morning is torture. You think so because you program your brain to do so. Agree, if you repeat to yourself every day that nothing will work out for you, it is unlikely that you will succeed, because the brain is clearly told that nothing will work out. So why set your thoughts on a heavy lifting? Forget the negativity, waking up early is nice. At least because your sleep is normal. You will start to fall asleep peacefully at ten in the evening, and not sit on your phone until midnight.

In the morning you will wake up rested, with a fresh head and full of energy for the day ahead.

7. Better brain function

10 reasons to get up early in the morning

Your brain will thank you the most. An hour of silence, meditation, pleasant thoughts, calm actions without noise and haste – you yourself will not notice how you turn into a different person. A person who does not know what a temper is and screams for no reason, because the brain stops working in a state of stress.

The right thoughts will begin to come to your mind, you will become more reasonable, because the brain will not think every free minute about the primitive instinct: “Oh, I wish I could come home and sleep now,” because it will not want to sleep. You fell asleep at 10 pm and woke up calm and warm in the morning.

6. Higher concentration of attention

10 reasons to get up early in the morning

Of course, a rested brain comes with concentration. You will begin to notice the details, become more attentive, and your consciousness will begin to work faster.

Your memory will improve, you will stop losing your thoughts in the course of the story and forget what you wanted to say during the conversation.

5. More energy and optimism

10 reasons to get up early in the morning

Sleepy people are good people. They break down less over trifles, do not mutter in crowded minibuses and look at everything with optimism. If only because the basic needs – a leisurely breakfast and healthy sleep – they completely satisfied. At the primitive level, this is enough for us to be happy.

But a reasonable person moves on, achieves goals and thinks about the future, without being distracted by empty thoughts in order to eat and when it will be possible to go to bed. These small irritants will leave your life forever, giving way to energy and optimism.

4. You can become a highly productive person

10 reasons to get up early in the morning

Starting the first hour of the morning with time with yourself, you yourself will not notice how you become a very productive person. First, you will have more time in the day to implement plans. Secondly, starting the day by reading at least 10 pages of a book that you have long wanted to read, but there was no time, or devoting 15 minutes of the morning to yoga, you will recharge your batteries until the end of the day. And this energy will be enough to fulfill all the planned plans in life.

3. Time for morning exercise

10 reasons to get up early in the morning

In the last paragraph, we have already touched on the topic of charging, or rather yoga. Do you consider yourself to be a person who really wants to go in for sports, but there is still not enough time? So, now there is no such excuse. Waking up at five in the morning, you have at least 15 minutes, but it will be for standard exercises. We recommend light yoga complexes – they invigorate the body, bring it into tone, and this does not require special physical preparation.

Both body and mind will thank you for the extra charge of vivacity for the coming day.

2. Dawn

10 reasons to get up early in the morning

Yes, it would seem such a trifle, but you have no idea how this trifle will affect your life. If you don’t feel like doing anything at all after waking up (although this happens o-o-very rarely), you can just stand by the window and watch the sunrise.

Incredible beauty, the awakening of nature. Watching this picture is unforgettable. The subconscious will rejoice at such harmony and beauty in the first minutes of a new day.

By the way, you can shoot the dawn on your phone camera, and then speed up playback in any editor. Half an hour of dawn in fifteen seconds will enchant you and your Instagram followers.

1. More likely to achieve major goals

10 reasons to get up early in the morning

If you have read all the points, then you yourself have understood what the logic and plausibility of the last statement is.

You started waking up early, you had energy, you stopped wasting energy on anger and impatience. You charge your body with physical exercises, you slowly prepare your favorite breakfast, forgetting about dry sandwiches. You smile more and more every day and do not want to remember life when waking up on an alarm clock was the main tragedy of the beginning of the day, and then this day passed in the mood of tragedy.

Your life changes with every day you practice getting up early. It also changes due to suddenly achieved goals, for which you now have the strength and energy.

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