10 real snakes in nature that look fantastic

Beauty always attracts people. Many say that she is a terrible force, and this is especially true when it comes to snakes.

These reptiles terrify people with their very appearance, but one cannot but agree that many of them are very beautiful.

This article lists 10 snakes that look fantastic.

10 Rainbow boa constrictor

10 real snakes in nature that look fantastic The scales of this snake are “metal”, it sparkles with iridescent colors. This looks especially impressive when the reptile is moving or in the sun. The stronger it shines, the brighter the scales of the rainbow boa sparkle.

This snake is not poisonous at all, moreover, it can even be called peaceful. Such a reptile is often kept at home.

Rainbow boas are harmless to humans, but they are predators. Such snakes usually eat not very large birds and rodents, and it is better to give newborn mice to young individuals.

9. Horned viper

10 real snakes in nature that look fantastic This snake is one of the most dangerous in the world. Because of the small horns sticking out above the head, such a viper looks very menacing. She looks like some kind of dragon.

Its poison is very toxic, it quickly deprives a person of life. However, this does not prevent some extreme people from keeping a horned viper at home.

The snake lives on the Arabian Peninsula, in North Africa. The horned viper feels great on sand dunes, in hot deserts.

She usually hunts at night: she buries herself in the sand and waits for the victim. If the snake is in danger, it frightens its opponent: it starts rubbing scales against each other, and as a result, a very specific sound is heard.

8. narrow-headed mamba

10 real snakes in nature that look fantastic This is a very beautiful reptile from Africa. She is dangerous for people, but it is simply impossible not to admire her grace and aesthetics.

The color of the scales of the narrow-headed mamba is very bright, emerald. Some individuals reach a length of 2,5 m.

These reptiles have large dark eyes, a graceful narrow head and smooth scales. Such snakes are usually active during the day, and at night they rest in some cool forests.

Most often they wait for their prey, but they can also pursue the victim. These reptiles have small hunting areas and feed mainly on them.

7. California garter snake

10 real snakes in nature that look fantastic This one is also called a “garter”. The color of such snakes is unusual and very diverse. These are multi-colored stripes located along the body of the reptile.

Garter snakes usually prefer to live near people’s homes: it’s good that they are not poisonous.

However, such snakes can effectively defend themselves in case of danger. They secrete a liquid from the cloaca, which has a very unpleasant odor. Such reptiles are kept at home by both experienced and novice snake breeders.

6. blue racer

10 real snakes in nature that look fantastic The name of this snake fully explains the significant speed of movement and very beautiful scales of bright blue color.

Unfortunately, the blue racer is close to extinction.

These reptiles are safe for humans, but they try to avoid them (and rightly so). If a threat arises, such a snake may begin to react quite aggressively to it.

5. striated king snake

10 real snakes in nature that look fantastic This reptile is also called “dairy”. It may seem that the striated king snake is poisonous, because its color looks like a “warning” one: the combination of white, bright red and black immediately catches the eye. However, it is safe for humans, it can even be held in the hands.

Such reptiles are often kept in terrariums. In the wild, these snakes spend a lot of time in the water, are usually nocturnal and prefer to hide from danger rather than seek adventure.

They eat large insects, various amphibians, birds, lizards, and small rodents.

4. green python

10 real snakes in nature that look fantastic Such a snake personifies nobility and tranquility. It is distinguished by a very beautiful “lime” color of the scales.

Green pythons are quite small (when compared to all pythons): the largest individuals reach 1,5 meters in length. The spine of such reptiles protrudes, and quite strongly, so they may look skinny. However, this is only a distinctive feature, not a pathology.

Paradoxically, green pythons are not only green. Among the representatives of this breed there are albinos, as well as black and emerald individuals.

3. tiger python

10 real snakes in nature that look fantastic Like all pythons, tiger individuals are distinguished by a sedentary lifestyle and a calm character.

These are quite large reptiles, they reach from 1,5 to 4 meters in length. The female tiger python is usually smaller than the male.

The shades of such reptiles are quite diverse. The background is usually light, yellow-brown, and scattered with large brown or white spots of various sizes and shapes.

These reptiles are often used during photo shoots and kept in terrariums. Young snakes are very shy and nervous. For them, it is necessary to provide for the presence of special shelters. When the snake grows up, it will get used to people and will no longer constantly hide.

2. Dominican mountain red boa

10 real snakes in nature that look fantastic These snakes look quite slender, but they can be very large.

The red boa tends to avoid meeting people. In moments of aggression, these reptiles squirt out a liquid that has a very unpleasant odor. However, cases of attacks by a red boa constrictor on a person have not yet been recorded.

Usually such snakes feel best in humid forests. Their lifestyle is measured, calm. The color of a red boa constrictor can be very unusual: for example, a white background, a red head and the same bright spots all over the body.

1. Grass-green whipweed

10 real snakes in nature that look fantastic This snake is one of the most unusual in the world. The body of such a reptile resembles a tropical liana winding around a tree. It is very long and thin. Scale color is bright green.

Grass-green whipworms prefer to live in trees; on the ground they feel very insecure. The pupils of such a snake are horizontal, the muzzle is narrow, pointed.

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