10 Real-life Game of Thrones Heroes

Many viewers have enjoyed both the George Martin-written Game of Thrones books and the TV series based on them.

Fans are trying to learn as much as possible about the heroes of the work, the actors who played them in the series and the places where it was filmed.

However, not everyone knows which real historical figures inspired the writer to create the characters in his books. In our article, you will read about 10 real prototypes of the heroes of the Game of Thrones.

10 Jon Snow – William the Conqueror

10 Real-life Game of Thrones Heroes The favorite of many fans of the television series is the handsome Jon Snow, who is presented to viewers and readers as the illegitimate son of Ned Stark, is one of the iconic characters in the saga.

The young man has not only an attractive appearance, but he is also strong in spirit, brave and smart. Some fans of the series noted his resemblance to William the Conqueror.

This real person was also smart, strong, but warlike and cruel. He relentlessly took the throne from King Harold in 1066, setting his own routine in the state.

In addition, Wilhelm, like John Snow, according to historians, was also an illegitimate son, Robert of Normandy was considered his father. In the name of his famous father, William the Conqueror tried to capture as much land as possible.

9. Khal Drogo – Attila the Hun

10 Real-life Game of Thrones Heroes Khal Drogo was a very colorful character in the saga, although viewers watched his story for a very short time.

To some fans of the series, he reminded the famous commander Attila, who, riding his mighty stallion, managed to unite several sedate tribes and create a great power that stretched from the Rhine to the Volga.

Attila was also married to an overseas princess, whose name was Honoria. This fact is reminiscent of the fact that Khal Drogo himself also married the outlander Daenerys.

Attila died in the prime of life, the same thing happened with the hero of the “Martin” saga.

8. Jaime and Cersei Lannister – Anna and George Boleyn

10 Real-life Game of Thrones Heroes Twins from the Lannister family may well have such historical prototypes as Anne and her brother George Boleyn.

Anne Boleyn was the second wife of King Henry VIII Tudor of England, who was known for his love of love. Like the first wife, Anna also quickly got bored with the monarch, especially since she could not give birth to an heir for a long time.

Having a bad relationship with her husband, the queen began to pay attention to her young and handsome brother George Boleyn. People’s rumors immediately began to spread rumors that there was an unnatural relationship between brother and sister. This fact is very reminiscent of the story of Jaime and Cersei.

7. Daenerys Targaryen – Cleopatra

10 Real-life Game of Thrones Heroes In Daenerys Targaryen or the Mother of Dragons, many fans of the television series see the great Egyptian Empress Cleopatra.

According to the work, the Targaryen family did not consider love affairs between brothers and sisters as something transcendental, thus, apparently, they kept the purity of blood.

The Egyptian queen, according to many historians, was also the daughter of parents who were closely related to each other.

In addition, Daenerys, unknowingly, has a relationship with Jon Snow, who is her relative. The same fact is in the biography of Cleopatra, the queen was married to her own brother for a short time.

6. Brienne of Tarth – Joan of Arc

10 Real-life Game of Thrones Heroes The female knight in the saga belongs to a noble family, having a mediocre appearance, the lady realized that she was unlikely to have a happy marriage, she learned how to skillfully wield a sword, winning numerous victories in knightly tournaments.

Brienne, according to many fans of the series, resembles in her character and behavior an important historical figure – Joan of Arc.

Historians believe that the warrior maiden preferred to wear men’s knightly armor and was very brave. Brienne of Tarth also appears to us in the television series.

5. Margaery Tyrell – Maria Thek

10 Real-life Game of Thrones Heroes The representative of one of the most noble families in the Seven Kingdoms dreamed of becoming a queen all her life. For this purpose, she first becomes the wife of the king’s brother Robert Baratheon, who was called King Renly, but he soon died under mysterious circumstances.

This did not stop the girl, rushing to power, she became the wife of Joffrey Baratheon (son of Cersei and King Robert), but he died at the wedding feast. Then Margaery became the wife of Joffrey’s younger brother, Tommen Baratheon.

All her marriages are similar to the actions of a real person – Maria Tek. This girl also belonged to a noble family, aspired to become a queen. Her first husband was to be Prince Albert Victor, but he died of pneumonia, then Mary married his younger brother George.

4. Eunuch Varis – Wei Zhongxian

10 Real-life Game of Thrones Heroes Known as the master manipulator of the Game of Thrones saga, Lord Varys bears a strong resemblance to the real-life historical figure Wei Zhongxian.

Both were born into poverty and became eunuchs at an early age. But, despite this, they were able to break out into the people, penetrate into the service of the ruling persons, and get rich.

In addition, they were able to create, one in a fictional state, and the other in a very real China, an extensive spy network.

3. Tyrion Lannister – Richard III

10 Real-life Game of Thrones Heroes Some historians compare the character of Tyrion Lannister to one of the children of Richard York, his name was Richard III.

This child was born weak and sick, like the dwarf of the House of Lannister. But this did not prevent Richard III from growing smart, becoming a king and a talented commander, and carrying out reforms in his state.

Tyrion in the television series was also able to become the right hand of the ruling person (Daenerys), thanks to his intelligence and resourcefulness.

2. Joffrey Baratheon – Edward of Lancaster

10 Real-life Game of Thrones Heroes The prototype of Joffrey (the son of Cersei and her twin brother) was Edward of Lancaster. He was the son of Queen Mary of Anjou, grew up as a cruel and evil child, was sadistic, and loved to torture.

Edward died, as did Joffrey at a young age. But he was not poisoned, he died during hostilities.

1. Robert Baratheon – William II

10 Real-life Game of Thrones Heroes

Robert Baratheon was a rather cruel, not too fair, war-loving ruler. Many consider him the prototype of William II.

The children of this real monarch could not become rulers after him, the same happened with the heirs of Robert Baratheon.

In addition, the historical character was also injured while hunting, because of which he later died, a similar thing happened with the fictional character of the saga.

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