10 quick ways to always look like after a vacation

Radiant skin, a slight blush, a healthy complexion – this is how we look after returning from vacation. But after a couple of weeks, everything returns to normal – the tone of the face fades and acquires a grayish tint characteristic of a resident of the metropolis. However, there are tricks that will help you always look fresh.

1. Cleanse your face with a massage

How do you cleanse your skin? Do you apply a special cream, oil or foam, and then rinse with water? In principle, everything is correct. But it is much more effective to do a facial massage along with the application of a cleanser.

With light driving movements of the fingertips, walk from the chin to the forehead. Then lightly pinch your cheeks and chin. This will improve blood circulation, so that a blush will immediately appear on the face.

Then do not rinse off the product, but wipe it off with a damp cloth or towel. Do this with stroking movements from the center of the face to the periphery. Circular movements only rub dirt and toxins into the skin.

2. Wash your face with essential oil

Fill a sink with warm water and add a couple of drops of various essential oils. They need to be chosen depending on the needs of the skin and the body.

Geranium, chamomile and lavender soothe sensitive skin and help relieve stress. Rose and frankincense moisturize the epidermis and uplift the mood. Eucalyptus and fragonia reduce micro-inflammation. Chamomile relieves redness and improves sleep.

Eliminate the layer of dead cells from the surface of the skin is not necessary from time to time, but every day

When washing with water with essential oils, try to breathe deeper for a more pronounced aromatherapy effect.

3. Don’t Forget the Massage

To eliminate puffiness and dark circles under the eyes, massage the area in the morning before applying eye cream.

First, with gentle pinches without sudden movements and stretching, work on the area under the eyes. Then perform acupressure – press with your ring fingers on the points on the lower eyelid, moving from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer ones.

4. Drink aloe juice

Dull complexion and micro-inflammation on the skin may indicate liver problems. 100% aloe juice will help to improve it and remove toxins from the body.

It can be taken 20-50 milliliters three times a day one hour before meals. Aloe juice can be diluted with water or any other juice. For effective cleansing, the drink should be consumed within 2-3 months.

5. Normalize your pH

Is your skin suddenly too dry and sensitive? Or, conversely, oily? Apparently, the indicators of the acid-base balance deviated from the norm. There can be many reasons for this – from washing with hard tap water and malnutrition to excessive psychological stress or taking antibiotics.

To normalize the pH, you will have to change the usual means of daily care. Unfortunately, manufacturers rarely indicate the pH value on a cosmetic product, more often they simply write that the product “normalizes pH”, but this does not mean anything.

Normal skin pH ranges from 4,5 to 5,5. If the skin is prone to oiliness, the pH value can approach 6,5-7, and it must be reduced by using preparations with a pH of 4,0-4,5 (light peels, tonics, gommages). And if the skin is very dry, pH can be as high as 4,4, then the use of cosmetic oils and nourishing creams is recommended.

6. Use Gadgets

It is necessary to eliminate the layer of dead cells from the surface of the skin not from time to time, but every day. After all, it is precisely because of their accumulation on the surface that the face acquires a grayish tint. It is most convenient to do this with the help of modern gadgets – devices for daily facial care.

A vertical forehead wrinkle between the eyebrows gives the face a tired, gloomy look.

Use modern devices in which the brush does not rotate, but makes many micro-oscillations per second, cleansing the pores and the surface of the skin. Unlike previous generation devices, they do not stretch or damage the skin.

7. Make ice

Fill an ordinary balloon with a little water, tie it up and put it in the freezer. When, after a sleepless night, you need to cheer up, remove swelling and return the blush, take out the ball, wrap it in a cloth and apply it to your face.

The effect will be noticeable in a couple of minutes, and the ball can be put in the refrigerator until the next emergency.

8. Watch for facial expressions

A vertical wrinkle on the forehead between the eyebrows gives the face a tired, gloomy look. To remove it, many resort to the introduction of Botox. But there are less radical methods. First, try not to wrinkle your forehead when you are working or thinking about a dilemma.

A little breathing exercise during your daily skin care ritual will help oxygenate your cells.

Secondly, every evening massage the forehead and the area between the eyebrows. Pinch the skin between the eyebrows with your index finger and thumb and “roll” the fold up. It will hurt, but it will help relax the facial muscles and smooth out the wrinkle.

9. Breathe deeper

A little breathing exercises during your daily skin care ritual will help oxygenate your cells. Take a deep breath in through your nose for 6 counts and exhale as long as you wipe your face with tonic, apply serum and cream.

10. Think Coconut Oil

Keep a jar of natural coconut oil in your bathroom. By mixing it with a spoonful of soda or honey, you can get a scrub that will return the skin to a healthy color and shine. In addition, coconut oil perfectly removes even waterproof makeup, and also helps fight acne.

About the authors:

Emma Hardy is a British cosmetologist, specialist in anti-age medicine, creator of a cosmetics line.

Sarah Chapman is a celebrity cosmetologist, clinic owner and creator of a cosmetics brand.

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