10 questions not to ask a feminist

Feminism emerged in Britain and the United States at the end of the 1920th century. Its main purpose was to give women the right to vote in political elections. This moment has come – women could choose their future ruler, but this happened only in XNUMX – before that, only men were allowed to vote.

It is worth noting that in the USSR the right to vote for women was written into the constitution of 1918, since gender equality was part of the ideology of socialism. But there is a question – if women have the right to vote, why are they still fighting for equality?

Unfortunately, women are still subject to violence, sexism in their own families, and men have higher salaries… It’s not just about the ability to vote, there are a number of other problems that need to be solved.

10 Women and men are biologically different, how can we talk about equality?

10 questions not to ask a feminist

“Biologically, we are all different, and when it comes to the army, hard work, then feminism ends at this point. Women turn into fragile creatures who cannot do a man’s job. The idea of ​​equality itself is absurd,” says Alexander, 39.

And he himself answered to some extent the question – the difference lies only in physiological characteristics, but men and women are people, why not just do what everyone wants and can do?

If there is no difference in mental abilities (except for physiological ones), then why should inequality be observed in political and other issues? In addition, many women work in jobs that are forbidden to them.

9. Russian women are already almost on a par with men, what are they fighting for?

10 questions not to ask a feminist

The achieved equality is just a myth. It is known that a man holding the same position as a woman receives a higher salary.

In Russia, women are limited in their careers, there are very few of them among managers and directors. And this is not due to unwillingness, they are simply not allowed in – all serious responsible positions are occupied by men, and in the State Position there are no more than 15% of women.

And this despite the fact that in our country there is no shortage of women, on the contrary, according to studies, there are even more of them. The struggle is for the possibility of realizing oneself, one’s capabilities.

8. Feminists are fighting for equality, so they can carry heavy bags themselves?

10 questions not to ask a feminist

The question itself sounds paradoxical, because it is women who carry heavy bags. Have you seen men carrying grocery bags? You can see a lot of women with two hands full of bags.

While women go grocery shopping, cook food, take care of their summer cottage, men walk around with cigarettes in their pockets or chat with friends in a bar.

7. How about paying at a restaurant or other establishment? Do feminists pay for themselves?

10 questions not to ask a feminist

When a man pays a woman’s bill in a restaurant, it often means that after dinner there will be a continuation, that is, he bribes her. No need to consider the fair sex as a commodity, sometimes she just wants to eat, and she can pay for herself.

But imagine one situation – a man realizes that his female colleague is not paid as much as he is, although they do the same work, and decides to somehow correct the injustice. He feeds her in a restaurant, then goes with her to the market and buys the necessary products for her, delivers the packages to the apartment, and then leaves.

Any feminist will only appreciate such help, but it’s hard to believe that any man can do something for free.

6. Can a feminist be offended if a man opens the door for her or lends a helping hand?

10 questions not to ask a feminist

If a man wants to help a woman with heavy bags and opens the door for her in a store, helps a disabled person or a mother with children – this is polite, and there is nothing wrong with that. But if a man starts to play, pretends to be polite, so that the person he likes pays attention to him, then this is a violation of her personal space.

A woman is not prey, she does not need to be attracted by various methods. Before courting any woman, you need to ask her, but does she need it?

5. Why can’t you live in peace: is it nice when a strong male shoulder is nearby?

10 questions not to ask a feminist

This is a very controversial issue, and also a strange one. Why is a man so eager to protect a woman, from whom? It turns out that in most cases he has to protect her from himself, his sexual counterparts …

Isn’t it easier to just not touch anyone, then you won’t have to protect? But if a woman has no one to protect from, she may not really need a man nearby … This question scares men the most, because they feel attractive only when they are necessary.

Being protected is perhaps nice, but not very reliable. For protection, a woman should sexually serve a man, stay at home with children and do housework. For what?

4. Can a feminist be feminine?

10 questions not to ask a feminist

It depends on what each person puts into this concept for himself. We live in a world in which high heels, tight dresses, sex appeal, or, conversely, modesty and timidity are mistaken for femininity.

It turns out a whole set of cliches, and if we are talking about them, then no – it cannot, because a woman fighting for her rights does not need to look like an image that men like. She can express herself however she wants.

3. Some companies hire women, but if a man is more suitable?

10 questions not to ask a feminist

If earlier women could not “break through” to a serious leadership position (they were reluctantly let in), then maybe it’s time to change the situation?

A woman can get an education, get an internship in a good place, gain experience and rise up. To become in some business no worse than a man. If they have and have always had privileges in society, then why can’t women have them?

2. Are there male feminists, and how often do they meet?

10 questions not to ask a feminist

There are men who support feminism, but it is difficult for them to avoid “mansplaining” in a conversation with women (in order to explain something, they resort to simple formulations, as if laying everything out on the shelves, making allowances for the female sex).

Profeminists are more respected – they try to listen to the interests of the opposite sex and support the ideas of feminism, but do not join the community.

1. Google engineer fired because of gender stereotypes, is it terrible?

10 questions not to ask a feminist

It is very good when there are “smart” employees, but despite their knowledge in various fields, this is not always the most important thing. A Google employee pointed out that women and men are biologically different, and it is more difficult for women to make progress in technology companies.

Google management decided that it was important to preserve the dignity of the female part of the employees, and dismiss the employee promoting gender stereotypes. But one can doubt about his mind … neither a sexist, nor a racist, etc. a priori can bear the title of “smart person”, because their thinking is limited.

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