10 Psychological Movies Like 2009’s The Exam

Psychological thriller “Exam” will talk about what a person is capable of in order to get a dream job.

A large corporation is holding a competition: they need a qualified employee, a highly qualified specialist.

Many people dream of this position, eight of the best candidates are chosen from them. They must be interviewed.

The company of applicants is closed in the office, they are watched through video cameras. They are told the rules, violating them will be considered disqualified.

The exam begins, applicants are seated, they are given pens and paper. They must answer one question. Here are just sheets of paper perfectly clean. Candidates are at a loss, they do not understand what they need to do.

The struggle begins, each applicant wants to work in this company, but the strongest will win …

Quite an unusual movie, fans of psychological films will definitely like it. If you’re looking for something similar, check out our selection of films similar to 2009’s The Exam.

10 The Experiment (2000)

10 Psychological Movies Like 2009s The Exam

The attention of the taxi driver Tarek is attracted by an unusual advertisement in the newspaper. In the past, he was engaged in journalism and thinks that this will help him return to what he loves.

An unknown company invites everyone to take part in experiment – play the game “Prison”. Everyone who wants to participate will receive a solid monetary reward.

20 people are divided into two groups: guards and prisoners. There are certain rules that should never be broken.

It soon becomes clear that the experiment is out of control: the guards are taking advantage of their position, and the prisoners are planning a riot. Scientists are watching all of this…

Interesting fact: this is not an invention of screenwriters; in 1971, Stanford University psychologist Filippo Zimbardo conducted an experiment. Of course, everything is different in the film, this event is just the basis, everything else is fiction.

9. Communication (2013)

10 Psychological Movies Like 2009s The Exam

Mike and Lee invite friends over for dinner. A company of eight enjoys socializing and delicious meals, but soon the lights in the house turn off and disappear. link.

Emily suggests that these events may be related to a comet that will come as close as possible to Earth that night.

Friends notice that the electricity has gone out in all the houses in the area, except for one. The two of them go there to find out what’s wrong. When they return, they say that they saw their entire company in the house.

What is it: doubles or optical illusion? Friends want to quickly find answers to all their questions …

8. What would you do… (2012)

10 Psychological Movies Like 2009s The Exam

Iris’ parents are dead. The girl is left alone with her sick brother. Money is sorely lacking.

Shepard is an aristocrat who does charity work, he invites Iris to dinner.

The girl learns that seven more people are invited, each of them is in a difficult situation and needs money.

Shepard announces to them that they must fight each other, the main prize is a large sum of money, only one can survive.

At first they don’t want to play this strange game, but they have no choice. Either kill your opponent, or die yourself. Now they are just participants in a crazy game called “What would you do?».

7. West Farm (2007)

10 Psychological Movies Like 2009s The Exam

An unknown person gathers four people in an abandoned house. All of them are talented mathematicians. He asks to call him Farm, and explains why he invited them here.

This is Western Farm, mathematicians must solve a difficult puzzle and name the killer. They have only two days, if they do not find the answer to this question, the walls of the house will start to move, and they will die.

Will mathematicians be able to solve this difficult task or are they destined to stay in this house forever?

6. Experiment “Office” (2016)

10 Psychological Movies Like 2009s The Exam

The usual working day of an international corporation begins. But the employees are surprised to notice that the security at the entrance has changed.

Each worker has a tracking device implanted in the back of his head. In Colombia, people often go missing, and this is done in order to prevent kidnapping.

Employees do not have time to start their duties, they understand that something strange is happening. The office doors are locked, a mysterious voice gives them terrible instructions.

Of the 80 employees of the company, 2 must die. If they disobey the order, not two people will die, but four.

Experiment “Office” starts. Only one can survive…

5. Separator (2011)

10 Psychological Movies Like 2009s The Exam

New York is under nuclear attack. Eight people were able to save their lives, they hid in a fire bunker.

Mickey is in charge. This is a firefighter with a strong and strong-willed character. He allocates rooms, gives out food and water.

One of the survivors notices that Mickey is eating foods that are not in the general diet. “Separator“from him is so-so, but further events will make the saved forget about such trifles …

4. Mindhunters (2004)

10 Psychological Movies Like 2009s The Exam

FBI students are preparing for the final exam. The one who passes it with “excellent” will get into the elite department “mind hunters».

Testing will take place not in the classroom, but on a secluded island. They go there with their teacher. He will give them tasks, and they must look for evidence and make psychological portraits of alleged criminals.

Something went wrong, a series of deaths begins on the island. The boat explodes, students cannot leave the island.

They have only one chance to survive: they must determine who the killer is.

3. 12 (2007)

10 Psychological Movies Like 2009s The Exam

Unusual film. The main action is a meeting 12-ty jurors. They’re taking legal action.

A Chechen youth is accused of the death of his adoptive father, an officer from Russia.

At first glance, it seems that the case is nowhere simpler, and 11 jurors are ready to convict the killer and assign him a criminal term.

Only one juror suggests that colleagues treat this case with great attention. He is sure that the guy could not commit this crime, he was set up …

2. Philosophers: A Lesson in Survival (2013)

10 Psychological Movies Like 2009s The Exam

Jakarta International School. Philosophy teacher offers students an unusual experimentPhilosophers: A Lesson in Survival“. They must imagine that a nuclear war will soon take place in the world.

In total, there are two dozen people and one teacher in the group. There is a bunker that only ten people can get into.

Students must choose the most deserving. This is not an easy task, because those who remain will die a terrible death.

The experiment is complicated by the fact that everyone present in the audience has unique skills (imaginary).

It is difficult to make a choice, but there is no other way …

1. Method (2005)

10 Psychological Movies Like 2009s The Exam

The Madrid company is looking for a candidate for a good position. Seven people have been selected, now it’s up to the small: to determine which of them will be the best.

Applicants are ready for anything, they are eager to get this job. The last stage of the interview is held, the candidates enter the premises. They are surprised to find that the usual testing is being postponed.

The leaders of the company have their own unusual methods for personnel selection. There is a computer in the office, on its monitor a task is written that the interview participants must complete. Let them decide for themselves which of them is worthy of this position …


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