10 proven Simoron rituals and techniques for fulfilling desires

Simoron rituals are a special magic that can change the life of every person for the better. The rituals were invented by Ukrainian psychologists, you can use them regularly – fun, experimental and truly effective actions are included in the magic.

Simoron rituals can bring luck, love, wealth to life, help in the fulfillment of desires and gain health.

The main task is to use techniques to get rid of internal tension that prevents you from living and getting what you want. This can be done with the help of positive thoughts, thanks to which we create our reality.

Simoronit – means to find a way out of the situation in a comic form, using funny rituals. This will help you look at the situation from a different angle.

10 Happiness in a box

10 proven Simoron rituals and techniques for fulfilling desires



We are used to the fact that getting what we want is not easy and energy-consuming. Remember how in childhood we easily got what we wanted, what is the secret? The meaning of Ostap Bender’s phrase “on a silver platter” is that you can get what you want without effort.

The essence of this ritual is this – you need to conduct it in a comic form, and the desired will come true.

Take a saucer, not forgetting that it should have a blue border, and put an object on the bottom that symbolizes desire: for example, money or a wedding ring. It is necessary that, at your request, it be presented as a gift.

To enhance the effect of the ceremony, cut out a star of any size from foil and hang it where you often go.

9. Ritual “Appear”

10 proven Simoron rituals and techniques for fulfilling desires

When you visualize, it is advisable to look up – not down, not to the side, but up. For starters, you can practice on lost items – maybe you’ve lost your hair tie or your house keys?

Try the following. Focus your gaze upward with your eyes closed. Clearly imagine what you want and think of it, in the case of a lost thing, say: “Hair band, find it!”

Ask with enthusiasm, joy. You can try this ritual with more global desires.

8. Adhesive bath sheet

10 proven Simoron rituals and techniques for fulfilling desires


“Stuck like a bath leaf” – probably each of you has heard such a phrase. It is said about a person who is imposed, and getting rid of him is quite difficult.

The property of the sheet to stick is for you only in favor. Cut out a sheet of paper – a prototype of a bathhouse, write your dream on it, and attach it to the desired point.

In the Simoron ritual, oak or birch leaves are used – they write their goals with a marker. Such a “tattoo” is applied for several hours.

7. magic mirror

10 proven Simoron rituals and techniques for fulfilling desires

You must take a powder box and clean the mirror – water with salt is used for this. Salt water cleanses the surface of negativity, problems and failures. Cleaning is a must.

After that, write positive words on the mirror (glass), for example: “I am happy”, “I am loved”, “I am full of creative powers!”

After the manipulation, the mirror transforms your thoughts into favorable events. Looking at your reflection, repeat your wish out loud. And use the technique every time you open the mirror.

At the time of the ritual, it is forbidden to stay in a negative state and is skeptical about the action.

6. Birthday Ritual

10 proven Simoron rituals and techniques for fulfilling desires

The day before your birthday (or on your birthday), get a jar of raspberry jam. Raspberry is considered the berry of optimists, it symbolizes a sweet life in love and wealth. It is this berry that will help you fulfill your innermost desires.

On the outside of the jar, stick a sticker with the following content: “Not a chef, but raspberries.” After a certain number of days – 27 (this number is considered magical in Simoron magic), eat the contents. After that, expect pleasant changes that will not keep you waiting.

5. Ritual “25 dreams”

10 proven Simoron rituals and techniques for fulfilling desires

For this technique, there is a prerequisite – all desires must be written twice, that is, 25 desires, and each of them 2 times. After that, say in a whisper: “All my desires are fulfilled without difficulty, as if by themselves, everything will be just the way I want it!”

In the following days (about 10 days) do not deny yourself anything, try to pamper yourself – eat your favorite food, buy beautiful clothes, enjoy the little things.

Experts have noticed that most often desires come true for those who are often in a euphoric state and do not refuse pleasures. That is, those who look at the world positively.

4. Ritual “Magic Potion”

10 proven Simoron rituals and techniques for fulfilling desires

If you have not bought a red pot before, buy it, as you will need it. Put a pot of water on the stove, prepare spices, herbs and garlic. When adding magic ingredients to the water, imagine your desires, and say them out loud with each addition.

It is advisable to end each phrase like this: “I agree to any positive result.” It is known that voice vibrations are able to create a certain energy field, and what has been said is realized in life.

Add sour cream or sauce to the soup, remembering that you will have to eat it. At this point, desires are spoken out again. Pour the soup into a bowl (better if it has a golden rim) and eat 3 spoons.

3. Ritual “Jumping Tiger”

10 proven Simoron rituals and techniques for fulfilling desires

In the cartoon “Winnie the Pooh” Tigger was jumping for happiness on his tail, use this idea – find something suitable in your wardrobe – striped. To complement the look, fluff up your hair.

Jumping in high spirits should be accompanied by the following words: “On my tail, I can fly up to the sky, and I will take off, and along the way I will cover a lot of money!”

Choose the right rhyme for each wish. Don’t forget about the number 27 – that’s how many jumps you have to do. It is best to conduct a fun ritual in a circle of people – the collective energy can work wonders.

2. Dream come true in a couple of days

10 proven Simoron rituals and techniques for fulfilling desires

Maybe worth checking out? You only need 20 minutes. Make a wish and write it on a piece of paper.

Go into the next bedroom and close the door. Fix the post with adhesive tape to a wooden wall, door or bed. Read the text written on the piece of paper with special inspiration and proudly walk out the door. Go back and repeat everything – at least 27 times.

You must create a relaxed atmosphere, and the door portal will symbolize a new life, as a guide, where everything you want is realized.

1. knot magic

10 proven Simoron rituals and techniques for fulfilling desires


Perhaps you wear boots or sneakers with laces around them. This can be used to make wishes come true. The main thing is that the laces are not black.

The rite is very simple – take the laces out of your shoes and take them in your hands, saying your dream out loud. Eliminate the word “I want”, as well as negative particles.

You must clearly compose your request to the Universe, and end it with the following phrase: “As I tie this lace, so my desire is attached to me.”

Tighten the knot, and attach the rope so that it hangs down – for example, on a handle or chair. The loops need to be connected exactly as much as you have desires.

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