10 prohibitions for women around the world

Men are the universal mind, women are the universal chaos. Due to the flexibility of the mind, emotional mobility, the representatives of the weaker sex can reshape the world, naturally, in their own interests and the interests of their children.

The times of the Amazons are gone forever, but prohibitions remain that not only infringe on the rights of women in the world, but are also cruel and in some cases dangerous for women.

Laws are written for the people and, in essence, should be transparent. Life shows that the culture of communication between people is different. And in a number of countries there is a place for lawlessness.

10 Switzerland, women’s suffrage only appeared in 1971

10 prohibitions for women around the world

Women’s suffrage implies the participation of women in elections and the right to be elected. From birth. But for centuries, a woman was in a dependent position from her father or husband. Accordingly, the legal and property rights were very weak.

The first country to equalize the rights of men and women was New Zealand. It was 1893. In Switzerland, a referendum on women’s suffrage was held in 1959 – with a negative result.

The second attempt was made in 1971 – but the decision was not accepted everywhere. Finally, in 1991, the last canton equalized the rights of men and women.

9. India, no traffic rules for women

10 prohibitions for women around the world

India, one of the most beautiful places on earth, where traces of bygone civilizations have been preserved. The fact that the European traveler cannot stand the spirit, the inhabitant of this original island in the world will not notice at all. In particular, the rules of the road.

In the state, they certainly exist, but they are not implemented as unnecessary. It is known that mortal danger will overtake the one who knocks down a cow on the road. And it’s not good, of course, to shoot down a person, but, most likely, he himself was to blame.

In some states, there is an indulgence for women in terms of road safety. But advocates for the protection of women’s rights tend to argue that this is not about benefits, but about disrespect for the fair sex.

8. Vermont, USA, women are not allowed to wear dentures

10 prohibitions for women around the world

In modern dentistry, several types of dentures are used. And far from the elders apply for this type of medical aesthetic care.

Removable dentures have their fans. Another thing is that they need to be looked after. As well as carefully taking care of the health of the mucosa.

Vermont men are offended by the need to see such intimate things in everyday life. To avoid family scandals, unanimity of the parties is provided, secured by appropriate seals.

7. Florida, USA, unmarried women are banned from skydiving on Sundays

10 prohibitions for women around the world

Violators can be fined, arrested or imprisoned. Any piece of legislation is enforceable. Breaking it is strictly not recommended.

Representatives of the law will act according to its letter. Well, not knowing the laws does not exempt from responsibility, wherever a person is.

6. Turkmen women are not allowed to smoke cigarettes

10 prohibitions for women around the world

A smoking cigarette contains: ammonia, acetone, carbon monoxide, cadmium, strontium-238 and countless other poisons. Which not only directly shorten life. They gradually, integrating into metabolic processes, bind vitamins, minerals, which blocks or slows down metabolic processes in the body.

To stop this addiction once and for all, smoking is prohibited in Turkmenistan. This is the will of the leader.

There is a proven opinion that the state monopolizes the entire turnover of tobacco in the country. And this can have a positive effect on the health of the nation.

5. Sudan, you can’t wear pants

10 prohibitions for women around the world

Sudan is a country where Sharia law applies. And since in this country it is life-threatening in general, and for a European in particular, there is no data on the true situation of people and women, including.

So the ban on wearing trousers is still flowers. After all, the punishment provides for only 40 lashes. What kind of punishment is this, if even to this day women are stoned to death, for disobedience.

4. Iran, you can’t be a football fan

10 prohibitions for women around the world

Football unites the people of Iran. Football is love, passion, without which it is difficult to breathe.

Women in the country are passionate fans of the “king” of sports. But the Qur’an forbids them to attend these sports festivals.

It is understandable, with such a congestion of men raging in excitement, it is very difficult and impossible to “sit within the bounds of decency”.

3. Delaware, USA, women are prohibited from proposing marriage to men

10 prohibitions for women around the world


Offering marriage to a man, a woman, as it were, forces him to make a choice. Psychologically, it’s more accurate to make the man himself want to take the initiative by offering the chosen one his hand and all other senses.

The provision is legally fixed that a woman is not recommended to go ahead. Otherwise, the battle will be won, and the battle, on the contrary, will be lost.

2. Chile and Lesotho, have no right to own land, it is always assigned to a man

10 prohibitions for women around the world


The legislation of these countries is structured in such a way that after marriage, it is necessary to choose a property ownership regime.

Where the “partnership of spouses” comes into force, the property is common, but the spouse manages it. Two other types provide for the possibility of separate ownership of property. But the first option works by default.

1. Yemen, it is forbidden even to leave the house without the permission of a man

10 prohibitions for women around the world

A European woman, after reading these lines, imagines a “golden cage”, where her peer is bored waiting for her beloved spouse, looking at the front door. To get out of the house and unwind from household chores.

But in fact, Yemen is an Arab country, where even the Koran is interpreted to please the existing terrible, dense customs. Namely: early Yemeni marriages. A girl of 6, 8, 10 years old is sold for $200 in marriage.

A voluptuary can be older than his chosen one for any number of years. Young wives are real slaves, whose life is hidden behind doors, massive gates, bound in dark copper. Behind them lies domestic brutal violence, beatings, lack of rights.

Such a story never resembles a wise Arabian fairy tale.

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