10 principles of successful and happy people

Everyone at least once heard that thoughts are material. They not only help to achieve what we want, but also affect our mood. If you feel how emotional stress and unpleasant experiences begin to deprive you of the joy of life, you need to reconsider your habitual way of thinking.

The ability to be happy is extremely important, literally everything depends on it: from health to relationships with loved ones. Thanks to scientific progress, scientists in recent decades have learned much more about what we really need to be successful and happy. Unlike success, happiness is not a goal. We are all created by nature to be happy.

Each thought creates a certain image in our head, to which the whole organism reacts. Everything is very simple – for example, fear gradually draws energy from us, and hope and a sense of gratitude, on the contrary, give strength.

If you remember how you successfully overcame difficulties, completely different chemical reactions occur in the body than when you think about shortcomings or resentment towards loved ones.

When you think about some area of ​​life where you are doing well, joyful sensations arise.

How do we think about what is really important to us? These thoughts can reveal a lot about your beliefs about yourself, belief in yourself, self-esteem, whether you trust the world. Beliefs are the filter through which we evaluate the events of our lives.

When you think about some area of ​​life where you are doing well, joyful sensations arise – confidence, hope, faith in yourself and in the ability to achieve good results.

Here are 10 beliefs that are characteristic of happy and successful people.

1. “I myself am 100% responsible for my life, decisions and what I create”

Happy people have gotten rid of the unhealthy fault-finding habit that fills the mind with lies and feelings of powerlessness. Instead, they are focused on finding solutions and taking action. They consciously decide to be happy, regardless of the results and events that occur.

2. “I clearly understand what I want from life, my plans and aspirations”

That happiness often accompanies success is not a coincidence. Happy people set goals by having a good idea of ​​what they want to achieve in life or in a particular situation. They know perfectly well who they want to be (and this builds character). They think positively, giving themselves confidence. Mistakes and failures for them are just an opportunity to reflect on life and learn lessons.

3. “I am active and involved, always striving for success and excellence”

Happy individuals try to look for outstanding qualities in themselves and others and constantly try to make life better for themselves and for others. They see any challenges along the way as opportunities for growth and development, for gaining confidence. They like to find ways to turn adversity to their advantage. Faced with difficulties, they always try to talk and think no longer about the problem itself, but about possible solutions.

4. “I am not afraid to speak the truth and always try to treat myself and others honestly and with dignity”

Happy people try to be as honest as possible with themselves and with others. They are sincere, but, speaking the truth, they do not blame anyone, so as not to alienate the interlocutor. This helps them to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, not to lose hope and enthusiasm.

5. “I am disciplined, I always take care of myself and everything that I love”

Happy people are well aware of how important self-discipline is, and they try to develop it. They know that it takes time and constant effort to get rid of bad habits that prevent success and develop new, more effective ones. On the contrary, those who are constantly looking for those responsible for their failures, thereby provoking negative emotions and increased production in the body of harmful substances that take away energy and have a bad effect on the brain.

6. “I am ready to learn and teach others”

Happy individuals understand that in life, voluntarily or involuntarily, they will have to learn and develop, and each of those around them can serve as an example to follow. They themselves try to set an example for others, especially children and young people.

7. “I can be both a team member and a leader”

Happy people understand that in some situations they can take the lead, and in others they will have to work in a team for a common goal. They are looking for solutions that will benefit everyone and are ready to cooperate.

8. “I try not to be too serious, I don’t lose my sense of humor”

Happy people strive to enjoy life and communication as much as possible. With the help of humor, they try to defuse the situation, create a joyful and cheerful atmosphere, while not hurting the feelings of other people with jokes.

9. “I am grateful to life for everything that I have, was and will be”

Happy people appreciate everything they have, always try to find the positives, and in general regularly thank others and emphasize how much they are appreciated.

10. “I try to make balanced and harmonious decisions”

Happy individuals are well aware of how everyday decisions affect health and well-being. They strive to maintain a balance in life and maintain a mindset that promotes emotional stability, helps to believe in themselves, in their ability to make the right decisions, learn from mistakes and, in general, “understand life”.

Source: blogs.psychcentral.com

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