10 Principles of Intuitive Eating

For modern man, the body is of great importance. In the 21st century, people have to live with the cult of the body. This is not only an outer shell, but also a status, an indicator of social and financial status, as well as an important marketing object.

If a person is fat, then he is a lazy loser. This means that he must limit himself in everything, go on diets, eat one chicken breast and languish in the gyms. But one day a person discovers that diets do not work, and the weight invariably returns. The result is disgust and self-hatred, as well as fear and shame. And then the concept of intuitive nutrition reached the Russian layman. It is based on respect and self-love and consists of several principles.

10 Relinquishing Control

10 Principles of Intuitive Eating

This is the cornerstone of intuitive eating. The first step on the path to friendship with yourself and your body, and, as often happens, the most difficult.

The principle is simple. There is hunger – you need to eat, there is no hunger – you do not need to eat. No schedule, system, food by the hour. The body is the only guide that will tell you when it’s time to eat. Sometimes you need to eat more often, sometimes less often. The needs of the body are flexible, depend on many circumstances, and the main point is to listen to yourself.

9. you have the right to eat

10 Principles of Intuitive Eating

Wanting to eat is fine. This is an obvious truth, but many feel shame from the desire to eat something again, as if food is a vice. The main thing at this stage is to realize that nutrition is vital for us and hunger is a normal and natural phenomenon. Whatever your weight.

It is better to start eating at the first manifestations of hunger, without waiting for rumbling in the stomach. Each body gives its own signals that it’s time to snack, it’s important to understand how you feel and monitor these signals.

8. Food to go

10 Principles of Intuitive Eating

So, you need to eat at every manifestation of hunger. But how to do this if you are half a day in the office, or even on the road? The solution is simple: you need to carry food with you.

You should not count on cafes, snacks in the office or the help of colleagues. This is definitely an option, but it won’t work every time. It is wiser to take care of your body and have 2-3 containers with you to choose from, which will help you cope with hunger at any time.

7. You have the right to eat everything

10 Principles of Intuitive Eating

No one, even the most hyped coach, can tell you what to eat. Nobody knows you and your body better than yourself. Turn to him, listen and give him what he needs.

Write a list of what you would love to eat at any time and try to always have a supply of these products, whether it be borscht or baked chicken. Over time, you will learn to replace these products with others.

6. You have the right to eat what you want

10 Principles of Intuitive Eating

People for whom food has become an addiction know how difficult it is to limit oneself in a certain product, how one wants it, and what shame burns the insides when the desired goodies, bought in reserve, were consumed in one evening. And it seems that there is no way out of the vicious circle. The greater the effort of will, the more desirable the forbidden food.

The output is paradoxical, but it works. You have to allow yourself to eat what you want. And not just allow, but stock up on your favorite sweets in reserve, 2-3 packages, and make sure that they are always in stock.

The first time, perhaps, you will eat really a lot. And the body will not be grateful for it at first. But at this stage, the task is different: to wean the nervous system from the stimulus that causes such burning desire and shame. And turn the forbidden fruit into the category of everyday and unimportant things.

5. You have the right to stop eating

10 Principles of Intuitive Eating

This principle is especially relevant for Russia, which has gone through several periods of wholesale famine. As a result, food has become for several generations the most important resource, which is unthinkable to waste, let alone throw away! Many have heard in childhood “they don’t throw away food”, “eat it, otherwise it will go bad”, “you won’t leave the table until you eat everything”, “people starved during the war” and other expressions that firmly fixed certain eating behavior.

Meanwhile, the only reason to keep eating is hunger. If saturation has come, then the plate can be moved away, no matter how much food remains in it. And it can be thrown away.

4. “Help! I can’t stop eating!”

10 Principles of Intuitive Eating

Intuitive eating, like any skill, does not take root instantly, but gradually enters into your life. In doing so, you will encounter various obstacles.

The most common of these is the inability to stop eating. It is connected with the inability to listen to your body and prohibitions, because of which you need to eat for the future, because then it will be impossible.

If you overeat at a cafe because you can rarely go there, or with friends because they have delicious dinners, or eat a whole cake because it is only available on holidays, deprive the event of uniqueness. Find a cafe that is simpler, but with the same delicious food, go to friends more often and buy cakes just like that. Do not forbid yourself, and you will not have to overeat for the future, without looking up in shame.

3. Learning to regulate emotions

10 Principles of Intuitive Eating

It has been noticed that very emotional people who transfer the experience to the body are prone to bulimia and overeating. If you understand that your eating behavior is faltering, you should stop, freeze, listen to yourself: what do I feel? Is my food about hunger or anxiety? Maybe you need rest, sleep or hugs of a dear person?

Take care of yourself and your emotional state, and there will be fewer problems with food.

2. Intuitive Movement

10 Principles of Intuitive Eating

Movement is a very important part of life. It speeds up metabolism, improves mood and sleep, warms up muscles, and helps organs work better. Fat people are often embarrassed to move, and this problem stretches from childhood.

Meanwhile, your body needs movement. A day is enough 30-40 minutes, they can be divided into short segments, as it is convenient for you. You don’t need bracelets, trackers and apps on your phone, expensive gyms or programs with a trainer. Nothing should restrict or force you. Move as you can, as you want, as much as your body needs, and you will soon see positive changes in the body. And you will want to do even more.

1. The body is my friend

10 Principles of Intuitive Eating

Your body is what it is. It is important to accept and love it now, and not later, when it is slimmer, more tanned or fit. Stop buying things that are a size smaller, hoping to wear them when you lose weight. Or avert your eyes when you pass a mirror. Relax, see yourself as you are, allow yourself to be here and now, and do not put off life for later.

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