10 post-apocalyptic movies similar to The Road

Premiere of post-apocalyptic drama “Road” took place in 2010. The film was based on the novel of the same name by Cormac McCarthy. He received mixed reviews: someone called him the best film of the year, someone had the exact opposite opinion.

This is the story of a father and son who are trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. All living things died. The surviving people go crazy with hunger: they are even ready to eat each other.

Father and son are moving towards the sea, they hope that there is still life left there. On the way, they will have to meet with cannibals more than once and fight for their lives. Will the travelers manage to reach the sea, and what will they see there? The answers to these questions in the film “Road”.

The film is ideal for viewing by people who are interested in such topics – the post-apocalyptic future. Of course, he is not the only one, this topic has been very popular lately. Below is a rating of films similar to the film “The Road”.

10 Haze (2007)

10 post-apocalyptic movies similar to The Road

Horror film based on a novel by Stephen King.

A natural disaster occurs in a small town. After the earthquake, residents begin to notice that heavy fog is descending on the city. David and his son go to the supermarket to buy everything they need to renovate the house.

They are forced to linger there, monsters appear outside the store, who are out for blood. A small group of people who find themselves in a supermarket are ready to do anything to survive. Not everyone will get…

Film “Mist” – quite good in its genre, its distinguishing feature is the denouement, it amazes and discourages all viewers, without exception.

9. Through the snow (2013)

10 post-apocalyptic movies similar to The Road

South Korean thriller.

The Ice Age has begun on Earth. This happened, thanks to the unlucky scientists who tried to stop global warming. People and animals died, only ice and snow remained.

Only those who managed to jump on the outgoing train survived. The Express is going nowhere. It is no different from the old world. Here, too, there are rich and poor.

The rich ride in the first carriages, they do not feel the need for food and entertainment, while the poor know no other food than protein plates. They are not satisfied with this state of affairs, they are planning an uprising …

“Through the Snow” attracts the attention of the audience with an original story. Most note that they were not disappointed with the film.

8. Carriers (2008)

10 post-apocalyptic movies similar to The Road

A deadly virus is rampant in the world. Brian, Danny, Bobby and Kate hope to escape death. They go to Turtle Beach. Young people think that the virus cannot reach them there.

Along the way, they meet a man with a girl, Jody, who is infected. Bobby tries to help but gets infected too. She does not tell anyone about this incident, and the four friends continue on their way …

In film “Carriers” no zombies and terrible monsters. There is only fear here, which destroys people just like a deadly virus.

7. Vampire Land (2010)

10 post-apocalyptic movies similar to The Road

An epidemic of vampirism. The virus turns people into vampires, there are more and more of them every day. A man nicknamed “Mister” fights these terrible creatures. One day, he meets Martin, a teenager whose parents were victims of vampires.

Mister begins to teach the teenager the tricks of fighting zombies. They’re heading to New Eden, where the vampires haven’t reached yet. Their path will be difficult and long …

“Land of the Vampires” – a low-budget film, despite this, he received high marks from critics and won several prestigious awards.

6. I Am Legend (2007)

10 post-apocalyptic movies similar to The Road

Adaptation of the novel by Richard Matheson.

The world rejoices, a cure for cancer has been found. Only three years later it turns out that the miracle cure is nothing more than a virus that turns people into vampires.

There was only one person left on Earth who did not turn into a bestial predator. His name is Robert Neville.

A man is trying to develop a cure that will help victims of the virus become human again. Every night he has to fight off vampires. Robert’s only friend is Sam the dog…

At the movie “I’m legend” two endings (regular and director’s cut).

5. 28 days later (2002)

10 post-apocalyptic movies similar to The Road

Another horror film about the virus.

A group of extremists bursts into the laboratory where they conduct experiments on animals. They release a monkey that is infected with the virus.

After 28 days, London is no longer recognizable, residents are fleeing from here in fear, there is a virus in the city. The protagonist of the film was in a coma for a long time, and when he woke up, he was immediately attacked by the infected. He was saved by Selena and Mark. Now the three of them are trying to escape from the zombies…

“28 Days Later” entered the top 100 best British films. This is the first film of the franchise, which, according to the audience, has surpassed all films of this direction.

4. Doomsday (2008)

10 post-apocalyptic movies similar to The Road

Fantastic post-apocalyptic thriller.

The action takes place in the UK. The deadly Reaper virus has hit the country. Thousands of people became its victims. The government, in order to prevent a catastrophe, decides to build a wall and separate the source of infection. No one can leave the quarantine zone.

After 30 years, the virus again makes itself felt. A special task force is sent to the isolated zone …

“Judgment Day” – a great film, one of the best in the genre of post-apocalyptic films.

3. Monsters (2010)

10 post-apocalyptic movies similar to The Road

Mexico has become a zone of infection after a drone falls on its territory. He was sent to other civilizations with the goal of finding extraterrestrial life. Strange creatures are crawling out of it, and a deadly virus is also spreading across the country.

The population is evacuated, but several dozen people refuse to leave the zone, they call themselves “survivors”. Many years pass, and the American journalist Calder goes to the zone to report on these horrific events…

Film “Monsters” filmed on a tight budget: consumer-grade cameras, lack of scenery, natural shooting in unprepared locations. Thanks to this, the picture turned out to be quite original and different from other films of this genre.

2. Child of Man (2006)

10 post-apocalyptic movies similar to The Road

Philosophical fantasy film.

The year is 2027, strange events are happening in the world. Humanity is stricken with mass infertility, it is under the threat of extinction.

Theo was once a political activist. After the death of his son, the world around him no longer interests him. The ex-wife asks Theo for a favor, he must deliver the last pregnant woman to the territory of the Humanity Project …

“Child of Man” It failed miserably at the box office: a budget of $76 million and a box office of $69 million.

1. The Book of Eli (2009)

10 post-apocalyptic movies similar to The Road

Post-apocalyptic drama.

After a nuclear catastrophe, America turned into a scorched desert. Eli managed to survive, and he is on his way. Soon the man finds himself in a village, where everyone obeys Carnegie, a tyrant who seized local lands. Carnegie learns that Eli has a weapon that helps control people – this is a book, the Bible. The hunt for Eli begins.

Film “Book of Elijah” called the best post-apocalyptic action movie. A high-quality picture with a hidden meaning, and what this meaning is, everyone decides for himself.

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