10 Popular Foods You Shouldn’t Eat for Breakfast

Probably, there is no such person left who would not know about the benefits of breakfast. This is the most important meal of the day and should never be skipped.

Nutritionists recommend allocating at least 400 calories for breakfast. Moreover, you need to eat balanced, healthy and nutritious meals. In this case, the body will be energized for the whole day.

Also, subject to the right breakfast, during the day there will be less pull on harmful sweet and fatty foods.

That’s just most people do not even have a clue about what a proper breakfast is. They believe in advertising and advice from friends who also do not understand anything about proper nutrition.

Some dishes are undesirable to eat in the morning, and even if you are accustomed to them since childhood, you should refuse them if you do not want health problems.

Below are 10 popular foods that are better not to eat for breakfast.

10 Chocolate spreads

10 Popular Foods You Shouldnt Eat for Breakfast

The simplest and, most importantly, delicious breakfast. Pasta is regularly advertised on TV as the perfect breakfast staple. The Internet is also full of articles where it is recommended to have breakfast with white bread and chocolate paste.

Perhaps your children will support this idea, they are probably crazy about this product. For example, Nutella, the most famous chocolate spread, is advertised as a mixture of hazelnuts and chocolate.

In fact, it contains a huge dose of sugar, and it also contains refined palm oil. Two tablespoons of the product contains five tablespoons of sugar, while the norm for children and women is 6 teaspoons, for men – 9.

If you can’t resist sandwiches for breakfast, opt for peanut butter and whole grain bread.

9. processed cheese

10 Popular Foods You Shouldnt Eat for Breakfast

The happy people in the ad are happy to have melted cheese for breakfast. But for some reason, the advertisement does not say that this product is often prepared from production waste.

Palm oil, various harmful additives and a huge amount of salt are not the best choice for breakfast. There is nothing useful in processed cheese.

But the regular use of this product in food contributes to the development of certain diseases, for example, cardiovascular. Moreover, you should not give this product for breakfast to children. It is better to replace it with regular cheese, but pay attention to the composition before buying.

8. Fast food

10 Popular Foods You Shouldnt Eat for Breakfast

Those who do not have time to have breakfast at home have nothing against fast food cafes. Everyone knows that fast food is bad, it’s no secret.

“Fast” carbohydrates, a large amount of fat, sauce, mayonnaise … It’s better to give up fast food altogether if you don’t want health problems.

Of course, it is convenient, fast and tasty, but after such a breakfast you will very soon want to eat again.

People who eat hamburgers and cheeseburgers for breakfast often have problems with eating behavior. They cease to control their appetite, metabolism is disturbed, excess weight appears.

7. Chocolate bars

10 Popular Foods You Shouldnt Eat for Breakfast

If you believe the advertisement, you might think that there is no better breakfast than a chocolate bar. It quickly satisfies hunger. It is for this reason that many office workers prefer to have breakfast with a cup of coffee and a chocolate bar, while solving work issues along the way.

So that you do not have any unnecessary questions, take a look at the composition. One small bar contains a huge amount of “fast” carbohydrates and harmful vegetable fats.

If you are trying to stick to a healthy diet, you need to forget about this product, especially not to eat it for breakfast.

6. Curd curds

10 Popular Foods You Shouldnt Eat for Breakfast

Another tasty but unhealthy breakfast. Cottage cheese curds are a delicacy that should be consumed with caution and as little as possible.

Most people, on the contrary, think that cottage cheese for breakfast is the perfect solution. Yes it is. That’s just cottage cheese curds with real cottage cheese have nothing in common. They consist of a mixture of cottage cheese (usually of poor quality) with cheap vegetable fats and sugar.

This is not the worst yet. Various chemicals are added to cottage cheese curds. Preservatives, emulsifiers, colorants, flavorings…

Do you still choose cottage cheese curds for breakfast? If you can’t refuse them, cook them yourself. There are many recipes on the Internet. That way you’ll at least know what your breakfast is made of. Just do not save on ingredients, choose quality products.

5. Juices in packages

10 Popular Foods You Shouldnt Eat for Breakfast

In foreign films and TV shows, beautiful slender women and tanned muscular men start their day with a glass of juice. Many Russians also decided to adopt the habit of their favorite movie characters.

Unfortunately, many people can only dream of freshly squeezed juice, so juices from boxes are used. They are hardly useful.

Most juices are made by reconstitution. Water, sugar, citric acid, preservatives, pectin or beet pulp are added to the dry mass.

Even if you have the opportunity to drink freshly squeezed juices for breakfast, leave this idea. This product should not be consumed on an empty stomach. It contains organic acids that irritate the gastric mucosa.

4. Sandwiches with sausage

10 Popular Foods You Shouldnt Eat for Breakfast

The most popular breakfast. White bread with butter and sausage is nothing but “fast” carbohydrates and unhealthy fats. After such a breakfast, hunger will soon visit you again. In addition, the quality of many sausages is not even worth talking about.

Nutritionists generally recommend giving up sausages. If you like to have a sandwich for breakfast, you can leave this tradition, just replace its ingredients.

Instead of white bread, choose whole grain, instead of sausage – boiled or baked meat. Be sure to add fresh vegetables and lettuce. Such a breakfast will be tasty, nutritious and healthy.

3. Ready breakfasts

10 Popular Foods You Shouldnt Eat for Breakfast

It seems like what could be better than a ready-made breakfast, especially for children? Pour in milk and you’re done. You don’t have to stand by the stove. In addition, the manufacturers promise us that they are very useful.

Unfortunately, this is nothing more than a marketing ploy. In fact, they do more harm than good. Dry breakfasts are made from flour, starch, sugar. It contains flavor enhancers, preservatives, dyes and other additives.

If you offer your child “stars” or “balls” for breakfast every day, soon he will have health problems, metabolism will be disturbed, and excess weight will appear.

2. Confectionery products of industrial production

10 Popular Foods You Shouldnt Eat for Breakfast

Another common breakfast option is tea or coffee with cookies. The advertisements promise that the cookies are no longer the same as before. Now they contain vitamins and microelements, cereals and nuts.

Nutritionists call this breakfast the most harmful. Again “fast” carbohydrates, fats, sugar. If you care about your health, generally give up industrial confectionery products. She doesn’t make any sense.

Even if you manage to satisfy the feeling of hunger, then after a short period of time you will want to eat again. Also, purchased cookies and croissants and other delicacies are very high in calories.

1. Muesli and instant cereals

10 Popular Foods You Shouldnt Eat for Breakfast

Most people are sure that there will definitely be no harm from porridge. And pour boiling water over “quick” oatmeal with various additives. It will not benefit your body.

A proper breakfast is porridge that needs to be boiled. In the production of instant porridge, cereals are processed. It loses most of the nutrients and becomes easily digestible. They also add a large amount of sugar, flavorings, dyes and preservatives.

The same can be said about muesli. It is better not to use these products at all. Cook ordinary oatmeal, add berries or fruits there. Such a breakfast will be very useful and tasty.

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