10 Poisonous Plants You Shouldn’t Keep at Home

Indoor plants are available in many houses, apartments. They are very popular due not only to their beauty, but also to their ability to release oxygen, make indoor air cleaner, and create an atmosphere of home comfort. Some houseplants are medicinal and even edible. However, not all representatives of the plant world are useful for human health. You should figure out which indoor plants are better to refuse (especially if pets or small children live in the apartment).

10 Monstera

10 Poisonous Plants You Shouldnt Keep at Home

Some think that this plant emits carbon dioxide and absorbs oxygen, as a result of which a person may begin to suffocate during a night’s sleep. However, this theory has not been confirmed so far. This plant is dangerous if its juice gets on the skin or on the mucous membrane: it can cause irritation, an allergic reaction. Monstera can be kept indoors, but it should be placed where children and pets cannot reach it.

9. Oleander

10 Poisonous Plants You Shouldnt Keep at Home

This plant always looks very beautiful, but at the same time it is extremely dangerous for human health. Even honey, which is obtained from oleander nectar, can lead to death. The pollen of such flowers also became the cause of death of people: in no case should it enter the human body. Even the smell of oleander can cause a significant deterioration in well-being, dizziness. The juice of this plant should not be allowed to come into contact with the skin, mucous membranes: it can cause burns.

8. Primrose

10 Poisonous Plants You Shouldnt Keep at Home

Due to the velvety leaves, small size, a large number of beautiful shades, this plant is very popular among housewives. However, not everyone knows that it can significantly worsen a person’s well-being. When the primrose begins to bloom, it releases harmful substances that cause dizziness and nausea. On its leaves there are small villi that cause a burning sensation. To avoid this, you will need to wash your hands immediately after touching the evening primrose.

7. Trichocereus

10 Poisonous Plants You Shouldnt Keep at Home

This houseplant poses a great danger to human health. Trichocereus produces the alkaloid mescaline, which has a very negative effect on the central nervous system: because of this substance, a person can be paralyzed. In addition, visual hallucinations may occur due to exposure to this poisonous plant. It is necessary to ensure that Trichocereus does not come into contact with human skin. Otherwise, she may lose sensitivity for a while.

6. Croton

10 Poisonous Plants You Shouldnt Keep at Home

Many people love this plant for the interesting reddish-green color of the leaves. It belongs to the euphorbia family. Croton looks like a small tree. Its leaves are elongated, the flowers are rather inconspicuous. If the juice of this plant, which is completely harmless in appearance, gets on the skin of a person, a burn occurs. If it somehow enters the body (for example, through wounds on the skin), there are more serious consequences – up to death.

5. Nightshade

10 Poisonous Plants You Shouldnt Keep at Home

This plant is evergreen, it has a very aesthetic appearance. However, it should be borne in mind that all its parts are poisonous. Attractive orange nightshade berries are especially dangerous for the human body. Such a plant should not be kept indoors if a small child lives in it. The kid will almost certainly be interested in beautiful berries, and he will decide to find out what they taste like. As a result, the child will suffer from severe indigestion.

4. Milkweed

10 Poisonous Plants You Shouldnt Keep at Home

This plant looks like a small palm tree. Euphorbia is so called because of its juice, which is similar in color to milk. The juice of this plant is very dangerous for the human body – like its seeds. If they come into contact with the skin, they will blister, irritate. Particular care must be taken to ensure that parts of this plant do not get into the eyes, otherwise they will become inflamed. There may even be temporary blindness. People who are poisoned by milkweed begin to rave, they experience convulsions, dizziness.

3. Philodendron

10 Poisonous Plants You Shouldnt Keep at Home

Many people love such a plant for its beautiful dense greenery, unpretentiousness in care, but not everyone knows that it should be handled with the utmost care, trying not to damage it. It contains toxic substances that are dangerous to people and pets. However, philodendron juice can only be harmful if it gets on the mucous membranes or on the skin. An intact plant is absolutely safe. To avoid trouble, you need to put the philodendron on high shelves: there animals and children will not be able to get it.

2. Tulip Gesner

10 Poisonous Plants You Shouldnt Keep at Home

This tulip blooms very beautifully. The flowers of this plant have a variety of shades: from red to yellowish. Extracts from the Gesner tulip are used in folk medicine, but in its pure form it is dangerous to human health. It is not recommended to be near this beautiful flower for too long, otherwise then a problem such as partial hair loss may arise. As for the use of the Gesner tulip extract for medical purposes, people who are poorly versed in this or have little experience should choose other methods of treatment.

1. Azalea

10 Poisonous Plants You Shouldnt Keep at Home

This plant is very popular with housewives because it blooms very profusely and beautifully (if properly cared for). However, it should be borne in mind that its juice is dangerous for humans. If you swallow nectar or a piece of azalea leaf, there will be lacrimation, nausea, profuse salivation, nasal discharge, convulsions. Its flowers have a very strong smell, which can cause an allergic reaction. It will manifest itself as a headache, rashes on the skin.

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