10 plants that drive bad energy out of your home

No wonder the teaching of feng shui pays so much attention to indoor flowers. With their help, you can significantly improve your well-being and bring harmony and good luck to your home.

There are flowers that it is better not to bring home: they, like a magnet, will attract failures to you. There are those that should not be started by married couples, because some plants have the energy of a loner. And there are those that are able to protect you and your home from the evil eye and negative energy. But it is important not just to buy and deliver them where necessary, but to arrange them correctly. 10 such positive plants are in the Wday.ru collection.

1. Chrysanthemum

This plant is under the tutelage of the constellation Libra. And that says it all – chrysanthemum balances energy flows in the house. They say that thoughts are material, and we often imagine some kind of negative scenarios for the development of events. If you also sin with pessimism, chrysanthemum is just right – it absorbs the negative consequences of our thoughts. In addition, chrysanthemum attracts positive, well-being into the house, relieves tension that hangs in the air every now and then, and does not allow negative energy to enter the house from the outside.

Where to put: on the window where the chrysanthemum will receive enough light. Ideal – in the southern part of the living room or kitchen. You shouldn’t keep this flower in the bedroom.

2. Cactus

A cactus can easily bring misfortune to the inhabitants of the house if you put it close to a person. For example, on the desktop: its needles create a tense atmosphere and make a person be aggressive. Moreover, the longer the thorns, the more powerful the impact. But the cactus located in the right place will become a flower – the defender of the house from possible aggression from the outside, from the evil eye and bad wishes. After all, the cactus has a very strong energy that neutralizes any negative.

Where to put: on the window, closer to the door, on the balcony. Do not place the cactus in the southwest section of the house.

3. Violet

Violets with pink or red flowers are credited with the magical property of improving the health of households. Whites pacify and calm. And all violets have the ability to relieve stress and cleanse the space of negative energy – they let it pass through themselves, giving out harmony and creativity instead of depression and despondency. And these flowers also attract wealth and financial well-being to the house. There is one thing: violets do not like scandalous people. In houses where there are often quarrels, violets die.

Where to put: the place for the violets must be chosen depending on the color. Purple should not be placed in the nursery; in order to attract material wealth and protect against troubles, it is better to place the flower in the southeast. White violets are good in the west, and red ones are good in the south of the house. It is best to put several pots of violets next to each other at once.

4. Primula

This flower has the ability to neutralize negative emotions. It is always quieter, more comfortable next to him. Primrose has protective properties, protecting the house from bad wishes, envy and anger. The flower generates positive energy and cleans the house of the negative that we bring with us from the outside world. In addition, primrose opens the way for financial flow, attracting well-being.

Where to put: on the windowsill, where the primrose will be light and comfortable. Primrose needs sun to show her talents.

5. Tradescantia

This plant does not so much cleanse and protect the house as it works as an indicator: if there is a disaster with energy in the house, it turns yellow and flies around. And if the problem cannot be solved either by leaving or by moving the flower pot to another place, then the matter is not in a clot of negativity, but in the atmosphere as a whole. Tradescantia has the gift of protecting its masters from gossip, envy, evil eye and respiratory diseases.

Where to put: Tradescantia feels good and shows its talents anywhere in the house, even in a dark corner. Not recommended for use in the bathroom.

6. Eucalyptus

It is called an energy magnet: this tree is able to attract financial well-being, helps to restore strength and normalize sleep. Eucalyptus is a protective plant, it drives out any negative waves from the house, does not allow bad wishes, evil eye and envy to penetrate inside.

Where to put: eucalyptus will like a bright, but protected from direct sunlight place. Best of all – a south or southwest window.

7. Hyacinth

This flower fights bad energy, starting with yourself and your thoughts. Hyacinth has the ability to drive away bad thoughts, fills with harmony and friendliness. In his presence, people become softer, more benevolent, it is easier to find answers to difficult questions and solve problems. Hyacinth also drives away evil and envious people, evil entities and even copes with nightmares.

Where to put: women are advised to put hyacinth in the bedroom to help attract love. And to make the business easier, it is better to put the hyacinth on the desktop.

8. Cyclamen

Cyclamen instills confidence in even the most timid people. It helps to concentrate and build self-discipline, drives away anxiety and doubts. In addition, cyclamen is a real negative recycling factory. Everything that is bad in the house, he passes through himself and gives back in the form of positive energy. And even the energy of a person who has fallen under the influence of bad vibrations, he will cleanse if you sit next to him for some time.

Where to put: in the northern or northeastern sector. Can be placed in the bedroom.

9. Begonia

A plant that helps to cope with life’s troubles thanks to its strong energy. Moreover, if you put several flowers side by side, then their effect is enhanced. Begonia awakens cheerfulness, helps to cope with depression, clarify thoughts and cope with stress.

Where to put: in the kitchen, where it is warm and humid.

10. Basil

It’s not just a fragrant spice, it’s also a herbal antidepressant. It is not at all necessary to eat it to cope with the blues – basil heals the atmosphere with its mere presence. It pushes negative influences away from the house and attracts positive ones. Basil also attracts love and passion into the home.

Where to put: northern, eastern or northeastern sectors.

And what else?

Some plants have a talent for protecting the house from negativity, not only when planted in pots, but even when dry. You can have cloth bags with dried leaves of these herbs in the apartment, and life will become calmer.

Lavender drives away depression and insomnia, stabilizes the energy in the house.

Rosemary stands guard over sincerity. Lies and betrayal will remain outside the door.

Mint protects from envy, damage and the evil eye, improves relationships between household members.

Thyme fights bad energy, filters it out, drives away nightmares and fears.

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