- 1. You are worthy of love
- 2. Know that you came into this world for a reason.
- 3. Keep in mind: every person has both good and bad, and this is normal
- 4. Do not forget that everything in the universe is balanced
- 5. Be sure: you always have a choice
- 6. Don’t be afraid of negative emotions
- 7. Always think of yourself first.
- 8. There is nothing you have to do
- 9. Don’t take what people say to heart.
- 10. Don’t be afraid
We only learn from our mistakes. But by telling children about our own experiences, we give them a sense of confidence and security. This letter is about the ten principles of a happy life. In anticipation of the new school year, show it to your child.
Dear baby, I want to share with you my thoughts about life. I came to some of them only at the age of 40. I understand that the experience of parents cannot replace their own experience and everyone must fill their own “bumps” in this life. But I really hope that I can help you choose the right path.
1. You are worthy of love
No matter what you do or don’t do, there are always people who love you. And this is unchanged.
2. Know that you came into this world for a reason.
You didn’t come here by chance. Your appearance will change this planet. But don’t look for your only goal. It changes throughout life. Trust yourself and do what fills you with joy and energy. Don’t let anyone tell you what to do. Don’t try to be like others. Your main mission is to be yourself.
3. Keep in mind: every person has both good and bad, and this is normal
Sometimes you will be extremely naughty, but sometimes you will be very accommodating. Sad today, happy tomorrow. You will be energetic and lazy, rude and polite, quiet and noisy, greedy and generous, sympathetic and aloof. Every person is made up of contradictions.
4. Do not forget that everything in the universe is balanced
Each of us is a grain in this universal harmony. We are all connected and everything we do makes sense.
5. Be sure: you always have a choice
Only you can decide whether your life will be difficult and miserable or joyful and full of love. Learn to appreciate the opportunities that come before you. In every negative event there is a positive, just as in happy moments there is always something not very good.
6. Don’t be afraid of negative emotions
Everyone has hard times. But anger, quarrels, criticism and even depression help to become better. When negative emotions come up, don’t try to hide from them. Stop, feel them, and they will pass. Think about why these emotions appeared in your life at this moment.
Negative emotions are brain signals that we are living the wrong way. For example, we forget about our interests in order to meet the expectations of relatives, or, conversely, we force loved ones to adapt to their ideas.
7. Always think of yourself first.
We can only give to others what we have. If a person cannot be kind and generous to himself, he will not be able to give anything good to others. If you take care of yourself, listen to yourself, are not afraid to reject offers that go against your beliefs, you are filled with light, energy and love and positively influence the space and people around.
8. There is nothing you have to do
You did not come into this world because you owe someone something. You are here to enjoy life and listen to your heart. You change the world with your very presence. Be careful with the words “should” and “must”. If you catch yourself saying one of them, stop. These words are a sign that you are subordinating your life to someone else and doing what this someone considers necessary and important. Go your own way and let other people go their own way.
9. Don’t take what people say to heart.
No matter what you think or do, there will always be those who will support you and those who will be against. Appreciate those who praise you and are ready to help, and listen to criticism, but do as you see fit.
10. Don’t be afraid
Everything that happens helps you grow. It is important not to be afraid, but to accept all changes and find benefits in them. Remember your uniqueness. Love yourself, people and your life.
About the author: Mia von Shah is a coach and motivational speaker.