Many people take some of their flaws as a disadvantage: scars, birthmarks, acne, etc. From childhood, we are taught what is considered beautiful and what is not: in films, for example, in most cases, only beautiful people are filmed ( with rare exceptions and depending on the plot), in advertising we also see beautiful people with clear skin, no defects and beautiful hair (especially if it is a shampoo advertisement). This is understandable – for a product to be sold, it must be advertised by a beautiful person.
People with flaws have complexes, but this does not apply to everyone – the people from this collection figured out how to decorate their flaws.
10 Tattoo-deception
Anything can happen in life, no one is immune from accidents or incidents.
The man whose hand is shown in the picture came up with a very tricky tattoo. He does not have two tops of fingers – index and middle, but when he walks the streets or rides in public transport – no one realizes that a man does not have real fingers, but a tattoo. It is almost indistinguishable from real fingers.
The only thing that can be noticed is that these fingers are shorter than the others, but this is a trifle, in general, it is completely imperceptible.
9. fantasy birthmark
If your skin has a birthmark, devoid of geometric even shapes – this is not a reason to despair! People with a rich imagination are always able to come up with something interesting, just like the person whose birthmark we see.
He acted unusually – he drew a muzzle: eyes, a mouth on his spot, and at the top he wrote “boo!”, Which means “scream” in translation. Even if people pay attention to this mysterious ghost, it is unlikely that anyone thinks about a birthmark – it seems that it complements the tattoo, and not vice versa.
8. Work of art on leather
What the girl did on her leg resembles the point above, only the meaning of the drawing and the flaws differ. Many girls face the problem of pimples on their legs after depilation, unfortunately, creams do not help, and walking with hair is not an option.
Even if you can’t refuse the epilator and you have to endure pimples and irritation that appear, it’s okay! They can be decorated with cute flowers that personify a romantic and delicate look.
7. A sense of humor is a wonderful quality
There may be those who consider scars beautiful, but there are not so many such people. Many people are used to the fact that beauty is the absence of scars, acne, etc. What if you do not want to draw attention to yourself because of your scar? Close it! Then attention will no longer be drawn to the scar, but to a bright tattoo.
So did the man who demonstrated what he had done to the scar on his wrist. He made a scar in the form of a Pokemon, and on his wrist – the fire that he emits.
6. Space on your hand
Who could get such a mesmerizing planet tattoo reminiscent of the universe? Probably, a dreamy dreamer is hiding behind this picture.
Indeed, when there are some flaws on the skin, they can be easily hidden with tattoos, and no one will even notice. And the Universe… if you make a tattoo with it, then such a tattoo will never spoil the appearance, on the contrary, it will emphasize the originality and romance of its wearer. Looks great!
5. Be careful not to spill the wine!
You can find a way out of any situation, and if there are flaws on your skin, for example, a large birthmark that has “spread out” on your chest, this is not a reason to give up on yourself and your appearance.
It’s great when there are fantasies in the head that allow you to wrap the flaws so that they become interesting elements of appearance!
The tattoo of the girl in the photo is very original – the stain looks like it is spilled wine, which is what the tattoo in the form of an inverted glass tells us about.
4. Retro style card
As already mentioned in the paragraph above – any flaw and flaw in your skin can be wrapped in your favor and made it a plus! The main thing is desire, humor and a little imagination (well, or a good tattoo artist).
And so did the man in whom we see a tattoo in the form of a card. The birthmark doesn’t look like itself at all… it’s more like sand. And around the mountain, the ship “1984” and other elements that create a common artistic image on the hand. Great idea!
3. Beware – fire!
In everyday life, different things can happen to us – for example, we can accidentally burn ourselves by turning boiling water over ourselves. As you know, those burns that are more than the second degree are thermal trauma, and the scar remains for life. Of course, you should be more careful in everyday life …
But in the photo we see the leg of a man who beat the burn great – a lit match is shown, which seemed to burn the hairs, thereby forming a bald spot. Genius is simple!
2. Back to the past
Are you interested in the past era, mammoths? The one who came up with the tattoo in the form of a mammoth, obviously – yes. She apparently had to hide an unwanted large mole on her back. You can say it worked.
It resembles mammoth wool, and he looks very cute! Behind him, to complete the picture, a man with an arrow is drawn – a great idea, you look and immediately transport yourself to the past …
1. Smile always – laughter is good for health
They say that positive emotions (of course, if they are sincere) prolong life. Doctors advise – rejoice as often as possible! This will help you stay healthy and energetic.
The meaning of the tattoo of this athlete is to make people smile and give them only positive emotions. Is it possible not to notice and smile when you see such a funny smiling face on the hand of an athlete?
Probably, he himself never forgets about his tattoo, and, looking at himself in the mirror, smiles. But these are only assumptions … There is a tattoo, and it was done great!