10 options for useful unloading days

Fasting days are a very effective way to lose weight. With their help, you can quickly get rid of excess weight, as well as cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

So that fasting days do not harm the body and pass with the least stress, you need to choose the right diet. To do this, one should take into account individual characteristics, preferences and, of course, the state of health.

Consider some of the most popular options for unloading days.

10 watermelon

10 options for useful unloading days Sitting on such a diet should be no longer than one day. Since watermelon provides a diuretic effect, it puts quite a strain on the kidneys. This must be taken into account in the presence of diseases of this organ.

During such a diet, you need to eat about 2,5 kg of watermelon pulp during the day. It not only helps to get rid of excess weight, but also helps to lower cholesterol levels, remove toxins from the body.

9. Kefir

10 options for useful unloading days Kefir improves digestion. It prevents the processes of decay in the intestines, normalizes metabolism, cleanses the body and is very easy to digest.

However, it should be borne in mind that such a product is not recommended for people who do not tolerate dairy products and suffer from increased gas formation.

During the kefir diet, you will need to drink 6 to 7 glasses of such a drink per day. Kefir, which has stood for more than 3 days, is not recommended, but it is also better not to use a very fresh product.

You should opt for the “golden mean”: in such a drink there will be more active bacteria, which means that it will bring maximum benefit.

It is recommended to purchase a product of normal fat content: fat-free for a fasting day will not work.

8. Protein

10 options for useful unloading days Vegetable proteins are not digested as easily as animal proteins. Protein foods are quite low in fats and carbohydrates. They contribute to the consumption of fats that have already been deposited by the body, weight loss and improve metabolism.

During protein fasting days, a person practically does not feel hunger, because such products provide a feeling of satiety for a long time.

It is recommended to give preference to eggs, lean meat, protein shakes. During a protein diet, you need to drink as much water as possible.

7. Apple

10 options for useful unloading days Apples contain a lot of vitamins and various useful elements, they cleanse the body and effectively speed up the metabolism.

These fruits also promote the growth of bacteria that aid digestion. However, people suffering from gastritis should limit the use of apples.

For an apple diet, you will need to prepare about 1,5 kilograms of fruit. They are consumed throughout the day: fresh or baked.

Some nutritionists advise baking one part of the fruit and eating the other part raw. Baked apples are high in a natural absorbent called pectin. It helps cleanse the body of harmful substances.

Additionally, you should drink apple juice or water.

6. Curd

10 options for useful unloading days Such a diet is very popular among people who follow their figure. Cottage cheese contains many useful proteins, it is very nutritious and easily absorbed by the human body.

For fasting days, a low-fat product is not suitable, you should use ordinary cottage cheese (fat content up to 1,8%). You will need to consume 0,5 kg of the product per day.

Cottage cheese should be divided into several servings, between meals – about 3 hours. 30 minutes before eating, you will need to drink clean water (about one and a half glasses).

5. Milk tea

10 options for useful unloading days Milk tea is a mixture of tea and milk. It reduces appetite, promotes a feeling of lightness in the body. Milk tea can be drunk after a big feast. This drink removes excess fluid from the body, provides a diuretic effect.

To prepare milk tea, heat 80 liters of milk to 1,5 degrees. Pour in a few teaspoons of regular or green tea. It is recommended to opt for the second option, because green tea is more beneficial.

Wait about 10 minutes, strain milk tea and consume it in small amounts throughout the day.

4. Buckwheat

10 options for useful unloading days Buckwheat is used for baby food and in many diets, because it is very useful. Buckwheat is easily digested and retains a feeling of satiety for a long time.

During the unloading diet, seasonings, salt or oil should not be added to buckwheat. Eat it several times a day, in small portions.

During such a diet, you will need to drink about 2 liters of pure water per day. However, it should be borne in mind that you can not drink through force: be guided by the needs of the body.

Liquid helps the movement of food in the intestines, besides, thanks to it, various useful substances are better absorbed.

3. Fruit

10 options for useful unloading days During unloading diets, you can use not only apples, but also other fruits. The carbohydrates they contain provide the body with energy.

They suppress the feeling of hunger, cleanse the body well. You should consume about 1,5 kg of fruit per day.

2. Vegetable

10 options for useful unloading days During fasting days, cucumbers are especially often used. Such vegetables are low-calorie, they do not allow carbohydrates to pass into fats and help to remove toxins from the body.

About 1,5 kg of vegetables should be consumed per day. If it’s hard to eat just them, add two eggs. Do not salt vegetables or put any other additives to them that improve their taste.

1. Rice

10 options for useful unloading days Rice improves kidney function, normalizes digestion. It makes a person more energetic, promotes the removal of excess salts, the disappearance of edema. The rice diet is not suitable for people who often suffer from constipation.

To cook rice, take 0,5 liters of water per glass of cereal. Boil it until done. Sugar, butter, salt can not be put. Divide the finished cereal into several parts and eat it during the day, in several doses.

During the rice diet, you can also drink tea without sugar or clean water.

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