10 oldest buildings in Russia

The oldest buildings in Russia have seen a lot: the great wars, the Tatar-Mongol invasion, fires, etc., but nevertheless, they have survived to us in their original form. Already for this you feel respect for the builders.

Many other buildings were destroyed or underwent significant changes. People will always be interested in history and everything connected with it, so we invite you to learn about the oldest buildings in Russia. We are sure that you will be amazed at how beautiful buildings can be erected by man.

10 Golden Gate (1158-1164)

10 oldest buildings in Russia

Location: Vladimir

An outstanding monument of Russia – the Golden Gate, is located in Vladimir. They were built under Andrei Bogolyubsky. The gates were the most elegant in the city, and Alexander Nevsky entered through them. In the XII-XIII centuries. they performed one more function, except for the entrance – they served as a defensive structure.

According to legend, oak doors were upholstered with copper sheets with a thick layer of gilding – this is where the name of the building and the shine that evokes admiring glances of contemporaries come from.

9. Assumption Cathedral (1158-1160)

10 oldest buildings in Russia

Location: Vladimir

Assumption Cathedral is a unique architectural monument of Ancient Rus’. It was built by craftsmen who came from the Holy Roman Empire. Located in the center of the city. The facades of the building were richly decorated.

On the sides of the windows were masks: a lion’s head and a woman’s face. According to archaeologists, there were extensions at the western, southern and northern portals of the cathedral. In 1185 there was a fire, but Prince Vsevolod III was able to restore the cathedral – this was in 1186-1189.

8. Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral of the Mirozhsky Monastery (1156)

10 oldest buildings in Russia

Location: Pskov

Spas-Mirozhsky Monastery is one of the most ancient, it was commissioned by the Bishop of Novgorod in the XNUMXth century. More than once the monastery has undergone changes. Outwardly, it is a Byzantine single-domed cross-domed temple – this classical architectural style was formed in Byzantium in the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries, and took a dominant position in the XNUMXth century.

The cathedral lacked one classical element – in more detail, 4 pillars. Otherwise, everything was done according to Byzantine recommendations. The temple without a foundation stands on a powerful limestone rock.

7. Church of Boris and Gleb (1152-1157)

10 oldest buildings in Russia

Location: Kideksha

Monument of Ancient Rus’, built by Yuri Dolgoruky around 1152, was included in the UNESCO list. It was built in memory of Gleb and Boris, the first saints in Rus’. The church is located in the village of Kideksha – it is located 4 meters from the city of Suzdal. The decor is modest for a princely building: it is limited only to two-stage ledges-blades and a simple curb belt.

The proportions of the arched girdle look somewhat awkward, but it’s not at all the negligence or ineptness of the builders – the architect simply thought of the decor as an addition, or even considered it as an extra pattern.

6. Sentin Temple (967)

10 oldest buildings in Russia

Location: Lower Teberda

The Sentinsky temple was built in 967 AD, a couple of decades before the Baptism of Rus’. Represents a cross. His frescoes suffered greatly, and some of them were lost. It is very easy to get to the Sentinsky temple, located on the cliff of the Burun-Syrt massif, by car. It is worth noting that the place feels unusual peace. The temple is the oldest building in Russia, not far from it is the Shoanin temple, which is also interesting to see.

The Santino temple was built in 967 (it was found out thanks to the inscription in Greek under one of the frescoes that archaeologists discovered) during the heyday of the Alanian kingdom, when it was under the influence of the Byzantine Empire.

5. Cathedral of John the Baptist (1130)

10 oldest buildings in Russia

Location: Pskov

The Orthodox church is located in Pskov opposite the Kremlin. It belongs to the oldest Orthodox buildings in Pskov. It was built in the XII century, for several centuries it was the burial place of princesses. Since 2007, it has served as an inn for the men’s Krepytsky Monastery. The building has curved lines, and it is also characterized by rudeness.

The building is squat and looks like it has sunk into the ground. The simplicity of the cathedral is emphasized by the complete absence of facade decoration. In ancient times, the cathedral was illuminated by windows, as well as drums. The building was restored in 1949-1950, but its appearance has changed little. There are preserved frescoes inside the building.

4. St. George’s Cathedral of the Yuriev Monastery (1119-1130)

10 oldest buildings in Russia

Location: Velikiy Novgorod

In Veliky Novgorod, many monuments of Ancient Rus’ have been preserved. One of them is St. George’s Cathedral of St. George’s Monastery, which was built in 1119. The initiator of its construction was the son of Vladimir Monomakh – Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich ((1076-1132). In the past, the cathedral was the spiritual center of the Novgorod principality, now it is a monastery.

Initially, the buildings were wooden, but in 1119, on the orders of Mstislav, a temple was laid in its place, built of stone by the architect Peter. The painting of the cathedral, apparently, was executed soon after the construction – it is entirely connected with the Kyiv artistic traditions.

3. Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God of the Anthony Monastery (1117-1122)

10 oldest buildings in Russia

Location: Velikiy Novgorod

The cathedral has undergone restructuring and some changes, but was able to survive to this day. Compared to the stone cathedrals built by order of the prince, Rozhdestvensky is modest in size and has distinctive features. Instead of narrow windows with a semicircular ending, wide windows were made.

The heads are bulbous in shape. The porch galleries were probably built later. The ancient choir stalls were destroyed. In 1898, the original frescoes were found in the altar for the first time. At present, all the surviving fragments of the murals of 1125 have been restored and cleaned. The Monk Anthony spent his last years here.

2. Nikolo-Dvorishchensky Cathedral (1113)

10 oldest buildings in Russia

Location: Velikiy Novgorod

Nikolo-Dvorishchensky Cathedral was built in 1113 on the right bank of the Volkhov. It is one of the oldest Novgorod churches. This place was the center of the political and commercial life of Novgorod in the XNUMXth century. The courtyard of Yaroslav the Wise was located here, since the XNUMXth century people gathered on the square for a meeting – to protest government actions.

The restrained facade of the building resembles the St. Sophia Cathedral. The four-pillar temple with 3 apses is crowned with 5 domes on light drums, which were restored during the reconstruction in the 1992st century. The interior is being actively restored, unfortunately, many frescoes have not survived, but some have survived to this day: “Three Saints”, “Last Judgment”, etc. In XNUMX, the cathedral was included in the UNESCO list.

1. Sophia Cathedral (1045-1052)

10 oldest buildings in Russia

Location: Velikiy Novgorod

Sophia Cathedral was built in the middle of the XI century. A wooden temple was located in its place, but it was replaced by order. The cathedral was laid by the son of Yaroslav the Wise – Vladimir, Prince of Novgorod. The main volume of the cathedral is 27 m long and 24.8 m wide (dimensions without galleries). The cathedral was consecrated only in 1052, in which the prince died and was buried here. Already in the 30s of the XII century, the cathedral became the main temple of the veche Novgorod Republic.

Despite the fact that St. Sophia Cathedral was rebuilt, it has not lost its main features: majesty and conciseness. Basically, stone was used in the construction, but brick was also taken – for example, in the laying of windows, portals and arches.

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