10 oldest board games in history that people still play today

The history of board games goes way back. Having originated long before the present day, they have gone through a painstaking path to restoration, recognition and recognition.

No one doubts the influence of this type of recreation on a person. Mathematical abilities, spatial thinking, the ability to work in a team develop, a person learns to concentrate, develops strategic thinking.

Healthy excitement, playing with intellectual muscles makes a person more confident in the coming day. In addition, it makes friends and teaches patience.

10 Mill

10 oldest board games in history that people still play today


Logic board game. The set includes 18 chips: 9 white and 9 black plus a board. The first boards for this game were made of stone. The game was found to be widely played in a wide variety of countries. Ireland, Sri Lanka. India.

The goal of the game is to line up a line of three chips in a row. As soon as this condition is met, the “mill” is built, the player can remove any enemy chip from the field. The game is considered over when one of the players has two chips left and it will be impossible to build a “mill”.

The convenience of this game is that it can be played anywhere. On the street – to play with pebbles, away – with buttons, and the playing field is easy to draw on paper.

9. Chaupar

10 oldest board games in history that people still play today

Traditional Indian family game. It uses chips – two colors, dice and a playing field, on which the temple and the roads leading to it are located in the center.

The goal of the game is to get around the chips around the outer edge of the board as quickly as possible and bring them to the temple. The number of players is from 2 to 4. This game is still played today in some tribes of America, in India.

8. Mancala

10 oldest board games in history that people still play today

A game played all over the world. Designed for two players. The second name is the grain game. The fact that the game requires improvised means, a large number of options and their distribution around the world speaks in favor of the ancient roots of the game.

For “mancala” you need a small plot of land and a handful of seeds or small pebbles. Holes are made on the ground, which are sown in turn with stones. The goal of the game is to “capture” as many of the opponent’s stones as possible.

7. Happiness Mansion

10 oldest board games in history that people still play today

The birthplace of this wonderful game is Great Britain. The game was created on the basis of Christian morality. The goal is to inculcate the virtues in a true Christian. At the start, players line up chips.

Dice show how many moves you can move on the playing field. If the chip fell on a square with a defect, then the move was moved back. They invested in the hearts of the rising generations, and there they accumulated golden truths, which in difficult times allowed them to survive.

6. Chaturanga

10 oldest board games in history that people still play today

Or space chess, which the ancient Indians instilled in the world. Chess lovers revere this game as the ancestor. Versions of it have been found in Thailand, Korea and India. According to different versions, the game can be played in pairs. Or every man for himself.

As with all board games, there is a board. On its four sides there are teams of figures representing the elements: Earth, Water, Air, Fire. A game of incredible difficulty.

Each piece has its own task, its own moves. The game is considered won when someone is the first to: 1. Checkmate one of the opponents 2. Declare irresistible checks to two kings at once 3. Beat some unprotected enemy piece with the king.

5. Royal Ur

10 oldest board games in history that people still play today

The name of the game is associated with the city of the same name, which once existed on the territory of modern Iraq, where the game was found in 1920. Sumerian legacy.

A game that is considered the forerunner of modern backgammon. Designed for 2 players. Players take turns rolling the dice and moving their pieces towards the target. Currently, this game is a valuable exhibit of the British Museum in London.

4. Senet in translation – walkthrough

10 oldest board games in history that people still play today

The oldest game in the world. Sets of this game have been found in burial chambers and often more than one set. In the beginning, it was secular entertainment, and after death it facilitated the transition to the realm of the dead.

But this game also had a sacred meaning. It symbolizes the cycle of death, rebirth on the way from the earthly to the divine. Various symbols were marked on the squares, representing the gods, questions of life after death. A gambling game that allows you to earn money, play for fun, and just tell fortunes.

3. Vaikuntapaali – between good and evil

10 oldest board games in history that people still play today

The invention of this board game dates back to the 16th century. This is a kind of tool for instilling the laws of morality and ethics.

The goal of the players is to move up the ladder, but not just like that, but by doing good deeds and improving themselves along the way. The image of snakes, a symbol of troubles, bringing spiritual suffering to the sinner. Colorful and original game.

2. Landlord game

10 oldest board games in history that people still play today

The birth of this game is associated with the name of actress Lizzly Magee. The set consisted of a board, along the edges of which were placed the names of what the player could buy.

The board game included a prison, two businesses, four railroads. Hitting the corner squares was lucrative, as it provided players with $100 each.

1. Tafl

10 oldest board games in history that people still play today

The early Middle Ages, the harsh and merciless sailors of the Vikings, having appeared in Europe, brought this game on the boards. Everyone had to be able to play it. As well as wielding a sword.

Game for two players. Party time from 30 minutes. The level of passage is difficult. A board 7 * 7 or 19 * 19 was laid out in front of the players. Often inside there was a hole in the middle of each cell, for ease of transportation and storage.

The kit included a cube that showed how far the pieces could be moved. Royal chip – The king and chips that could be made of amber, horn, bone and had white and black colors.

Black moved first. White’s goal is to save the King and take him from the center of the board to the edge. Black’s goal is to capture the King from four sides. The rules of the game have not survived to this day. They had to be restored according to legends and fairy tales.

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