10 Nostradamus predictions for 2019

Michel de Nostrdam, better known as Nostradamus, is an extremely controversial person when it comes to his predictions. Being primarily an alchemist and pharmacist, he no longer became famous in these directions, but in the prophecies that he wrote in the middle of the XNUMXth century.

It is no secret that many of the facts he describes about the future have come true: the assassination of the Kennedy brothers, World War II, Nazism along with the rule of Adolf Hitler, etc.

However, if you dig deeper, it becomes quite clear that the veracity of his predictions largely depends on the interpretation of his records. Some formulations are rather vague and, if desired, they can be drawn to certain events that took place hundreds of years after his death.

We will not understand this and discuss whether it is worth believing the words of Nostradamus, but simply consider 10 things that, in his opinion, will happen in 2019. Maybe he’s right about something.

10 New universal language

10 Nostradamus predictions for 2019

According to legend, before the construction of the Tower of Babel, all people spoke the same language, and according to Nostradamus, this will happen again. He prophesies the emergence of a mechanism that will radically change people’s lives and lead to the emergence of a universal language.

Some believe that this mechanism is the Internet, which may pass for truth, but the appearance of a universal language this year seems like a fantasy.

9. Mutual understanding of people and animals

10 Nostradamus predictions for 2019

Another prediction that is unlikely to come true: despite the fact that work is underway in this direction, there can be no talk of full-fledged communication between a person and an animal.

Although, this item is from the category of those whose meaning depends on the interpretation. The phrase “Pigs will become a brother to man” is interpreted by some in the sense that a person will simply become better at treating animals. The popularity of vegetarianism here is most welcome.

According to another interpretation, it still means the invention of technology that will allow us to communicate with each other.

8. Hurricanes in America

10 Nostradamus predictions for 2019

But this, unfortunately, is quite likely, since the United States has repeatedly suffered from such disasters. Nostradamus believed that in 2019 the strongest hurricanes, which scientists would attribute to the first category, would cause great damage to different parts of the country, so people should be prepared.

The infamous Hurricane Katrina in 2005 killed nearly 2 Americans and caused about $000 billion in damage.

There is also information that in addition to hurricanes, the United States is also waiting for earthquakes that will occur somewhere between California and Vancouver in Canada.

7. Wars motivated by extremism

10 Nostradamus predictions for 2019

Another prophecy that may come true. Although, in fact, conflicts on this basis have been arising for more than a year.

The growing tension may well turn into an open conflict, which, unfortunately, will certainly be armed.

6. Science will extend people’s lives

10 Nostradamus predictions for 2019

Let’s move on from the negative to the positive, although you and I will not be able to live for hundreds of years. According to the available information, those born in 200 will be able to live 2019 (or even more) years, so if you plan to have a baby before the end of the year, you will be happy if the prediction turns out to be true.

Research and experiments to increase life expectancy have been going on for a long time and scientists are waiting for a breakthrough in this area. Why shouldn’t it happen this year?

5. terrorist attacks

10 Nostradamus predictions for 2019

As in the case of wars on the basis of terrorism, there are all prerequisites for the fact that this can happen. Some especially zealous fans of the works of Nostradamus suggest that this year there may be a repetition of September 11, but one does not want to believe in this.

Let good, positive predictions better come true, but here it is better for Nostradamus to make mistakes.

4. asteroid impact

10 Nostradamus predictions for 2019

Regarding this, Nostradamus wrote that “the moment of great violence will coincide with the appearance of a comet in the sky,” so people attach several meanings to this prediction.

Some believe that in addition to the fall of the meteorite (as if this was not enough), a war using weapons of mass destruction could begin, which will further aggravate the consequences of the disaster.

3. Floods in Europe

10 Nostradamus predictions for 2019

If you believe the sources, then nature will be merciless in 2019 not only to the United States, but also to European countries. Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Italy and Hungary are the most dangerous places.

For those who firmly believe in the predictions of Nostradamus, it is better not to take risks and postpone a trip to these countries, if one was planned this year.

According to statistics, in recent years, most floods have occurred in China and in general in Asia, followed by the United States. In the countries cited in the decoding of the prophecy, such disasters rarely occur.

2. Climate change

10 Nostradamus predictions for 2019

The scientist’s notes say that this year there will be an unusual parade of planets, which will lead to strong climatic changes on the planet.

In fact, what will happen is that the Sun will take a position opposite the constellation of Aquarius, entering the constellation of Leo. This happens every 20 years, so at first glance there is nothing to be afraid of, but in 2019 the solar system will pass through the galactic axis, which can radically change the situation.

Unlike the parade of planets, this happens once every 26 years, and according to Nostradamus, this will have a strong impact on the Earth’s magnetic field. Because of this, the temperature will begin to increase sharply, reservoirs will dry up, and glaciers will melt.

1. The Third World War

10 Nostradamus predictions for 2019

Indeed, everyone can take part in this war: according to deciphered data, Russia or China may be on one side of the barricades, and the United States or Europe on the other.

Moreover, the conflict will be protracted: the war will last 27 years, so the number of victims is hard to even imagine, especially considering the weapons of these countries.

The result of the war should be the weakening of the position of the West, but given the duration, we can safely say that the whole world will weaken.

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