10 non-obvious reasons why you constantly want to sleep

After a sleepless night, eyes stick together, and you constantly want to sleep. And this is quite understandable. If a person establishes a sleep pattern, all drowsiness will go away. If you constantly want to sleep even after sleeping for 8 hours, this may indicate the presence of any violations. It will be useful to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

10 sleep apnea

10 non-obvious reasons why you constantly want to sleep

This is a pause in breathing during sleep that lasts more than 10 seconds. If a person has regular sleep apnea, then he complains of constant fatigue, drowsiness, his memory and intelligence are deteriorating. Patients are often disturbed by nightmares, they jump up in the middle of the night. Mood swings and irritability may appear. Sleep apnea can be caused by obesity. As soon as the weight returns to normal, the apnea will go away. There are other reasons: adenoids, nasal polyps, chronic runny nose, etc. If you treat these diseases correctly, you can cope with respiratory arrest.

9. Low blood pressure

10 non-obvious reasons why you constantly want to sleep

Hypotension is most common in women between 20 and 40 years of age. It can appear due to chronic fatigue, neurosis, psychological trauma. The pressure also decreases after significant blood loss, as well as due to heart failure, an overdose of certain drugs. The patient is disturbed at night, worried about weakness, fatigue, drowsiness, it is difficult to get up in the morning, even if he slept 8-12 hours. Worried about absent-mindedness, sweaty feet and palms, darkens before the eyes, sometimes a person faints. If the pressure is reduced slightly, treatment is not required. When the pressure drops constantly, there are pronounced symptoms of hypotension, stimulant drugs are prescribed. The doctor can also prescribe herbal remedies: echinacea, ginseng, tincture of eleutherococcus or hawthorn.

8. Lack of iron

10 non-obvious reasons why you constantly want to sleep

If a person has an iron deficiency, then he complains of lethargy, weakness, he is dizzy, he quickly gets tired. Later, flies before the eyes and tinnitus may appear. Hair becomes dry and brittle, nails exfoliate, cracks appear in the corners of the mouth. Children’s academic performance decreases, their memory deteriorates, their skin becomes pale, sometimes they start eating chalk or earth. The cause of iron deficiency can be malnutrition, active growth in children or adolescents, pregnancy, intense physical activity, etc. If unpleasant symptoms appear, you need to take a blood test to determine the level of hemoglobin, and drink a course of medications.

7. seasonal affective disorder

10 non-obvious reasons why you constantly want to sleep

This is a disease in which depression occurs at the same time. There is a winter type, which lasts from September to May, and summer, when symptoms appear with the onset of the first warm days. Most often, women get sick after 15 years, in regions where the winter day is especially short. A person is in a depressed, depressed mood, he is constantly in a bad mood, even if there is no reason to worry, his working capacity decreases, he quickly gets tired. From the “winter” depression helps light therapy, the course of which can be obtained in a special clinic. It is useful for patients to walk, spend a lot of time on the street, adhere to a certain diet, and lead a healthy lifestyle. If all this does not help, the doctor may prescribe medications.

6. Infectious diseases

10 non-obvious reasons why you constantly want to sleep

With many SARS or a cold, weakness and fatigue, drowsiness appear. The body spends all its strength on fighting viruses, so weakness appears. In addition, he is weakened by intoxication. Therefore, doctors recommend bed rest for patients. Weakness can persist after the illness, for 2 weeks, this is considered normal. The body needs time to recover.

5. Restless Leg Syndrome

10 non-obvious reasons why you constantly want to sleep

With this syndrome, the patient has an uncomfortable feeling in the legs at night, because of which he wakes up. Some patients have involuntary motor activity. Most often seen in older people. In half of patients, pathology is formed due to a genetic predisposition. There is also a secondary syndrome, which manifests itself during pregnancy and disappears after childbirth. The cause of the syndrome may be a deficiency of folic acid, magnesium, etc.

4. Depression

10 non-obvious reasons why you constantly want to sleep

This is a mental disorder, when a person has a persistent low mood, motor activity and thinking slow down. There are many symptoms of depression. Among them are sleep problems. Patients wake up early or suffer from insomnia, and during the day they feel weakness, drowsiness. Often they do not have the strength to get out of bed and wash. They move slowly, become clumsy, most of them either sit or lie down. Depression is treated with psychotherapy, and if necessary, antidepressants are prescribed.

3. Vitamin D deficiency

10 non-obvious reasons why you constantly want to sleep

Scientists have found that a lack of vitamin D in the body can cause daytime sleepiness. This study was conducted by Dr. David McCarthy and colleagues at Louisiana State University. They examined 81 patients treated in a sleep disorder clinic. Everyone had their vitamin D levels and sleepiness levels measured using a special scale. The lower the level of this vitamin in the subjects, the more they recorded the level of daytime sleepiness.

2. Hormonal imbalance

10 non-obvious reasons why you constantly want to sleep

Drowsiness is observed with endocrine disorders in women. So, hyperthyroidism thyroid gland produces too much hormones. Metabolic processes are accelerated, insomnia, irritability and anxiety appear. Due to the fact that a woman does not get enough sleep, she feels sleepy during the day. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to donate blood for thyroid hormones. Due to the approaching menopause, a woman’s ovaries begin to produce less estrogen. As a result, insomnia may appear or the patient will begin to wake up at 4-5 in the morning, her deep sleep phase is shortened. A woman’s body cannot fully rest at night, so she feels overwhelmed, tired and sleepy. To cope with the problem, you need to take hormonal drugs. But do not expect an instant effect, it takes time for the body to recover.

1. Side effects of drugs

10 non-obvious reasons why you constantly want to sleep

There are drugs that cause drowsiness. These include antidepressants. After taking them, the first 8-10 hours tend to sleep, so they are recommended to drink at night. Antihistamines that help with allergies also have a similar effect. They block histamine, namely it gives a person energy. Drowsiness can be caused by high blood pressure medications that suppress the production of adrenaline. If desired, you can reduce the dosage or change the medicine, after consulting with your doctor. Anti-anxiety drugs, namely benzodiazepines, are good for relieving anxiety. But if the dosage is incorrectly selected, they cause drowsiness.

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