10 New Music Genres of the Last Decade

Along with scientific and technological progress, musical technologies and instruments are also developing. Often, having natural vocal abilities is not at all necessary to become a trendsetter in musical fashion.

If you know how to use a synthesizer and mix high-quality temko – you have a direct road to the “Olympus” of the musical world. It is for this reason that so many unusual genres have recently appeared, from which grannies and grandfathers simply “wither their ears”.

The combination of sharp instrumental intros with vocals changed beyond recognition is hard to bear by those who are used to bard songs and folklore.

Nevertheless, modern electronic and other musical genres have found crowds of their fans, and on the basis of some, entire subcultures have even formed.

Today we present 10 topical musical genres that have powerfully “shot” in the last decade.

10 Wizard Rock

We start with a very interesting direction, which at one time was inspired by the Potteriana. Indeed, the composers for the voice acting of the saga did their best, creating a magical mysterious world.

But the new direction has moved away from the classic soundtrack genre. Now groups write songs or compositions on behalf of the saga character and in his style, and perform at concerts in the chosen “magic” image.

Interestingly, rockers play not only in underground clubs and fan conventions, but also in schools and even libraries. It is noteworthy that despite the complete end of the Harry Potter saga, Wizard Rock is practiced by about 750 groups on the planet.

9. Kawaii Metal

The very phrase “cute metal” true fans of “iron” can terrify. However, the author of the genre, the Japanese just trudge from him.

Just imagine the combination of idol and heavy metal with typical Japanese music, from which flowers bloom, unicorns fly and rainbows spread.

Interestingly, performing groups manage to collect huge stadiums and tour around the world. Maybe for some this is just an excuse to look at the “freaks”, but the “cute metal” definitely has admirers.

8. Vaporwave

The set of sound tones and electronic grinding are not going to be a thing of the past. The people again woke up nostalgic longing for the digital performance of the music of the nineties. Then computers took up part of the room, made loud noises and were an unattainable dream, and Windows 98 was famous for its sharp and vile sounds.

It was the “voice acting” of Windows and the soundtracks for the first video games of that time that inspired the creators of the Vaporwave genre. Admirers can enthusiastically listen to their “polyphony” through Winamp 2.95.

7. Seapunk

Seapunk, like steampunk, has managed to evolve from a simple musical genre into a full-fledged subculture, despite the fact that few fans around the world still know about it.

The creators of the genre were inspired by the marine theme and decided to transfer the mysterious sounds of the underwater world into their music. To top it off, they dye their hair azure and blue, and play various remixes of the Little Mermaid soundtrack around.

In addition to the “marine” notes in the genre, there are electronic rhythms characteristic of the turbulent nineties.

6. Black MIDI

This genre has managed to hold on for no less than 10 years. It first appeared in 2009, when a fan posted a remix video of one of the anime’s themes on a Japanese video site. At the same time, the mix was made in the simplest Synthesia program for teaching keyboards.

To the surprise of the instigator himself, many were inspired by his attempts and also began to develop melodies in this program.

Soon the genre crossed the borders of Japan and burst into the world of global Internet content. Black MIDI infected users of the program from all over the world. Now there are even separate competitions for composing music from the largest number of notes.

5. Squeaky

This specific Scandinavian “cool” genre can be considered the homeland of Finland and Sweden. It combines simple melodies from the synthesizer, as well as basses based on the well-known funk, soul and R&B.

Artists of the genre rarely resort to the services of vocalists, and even if the voice slips into the composition, it also goes through a series of distortions and processing using the vocoder. Nothing should interfere with the Skweee’s natural electronic rasp.

4. wonky

In recent years, there has been a trend to use analog synthesizers to extract midrange melodies. This trend soon developed into a separate musical genre and was even called a kind of stage in the evolution of electronic music for the first time after the sensational dubstep.

Wonky is not difficult to recognize – “broken” rhythms of pop and hip-hop music, eight-bit “beeps” and the incessant buzz of a synthesizer.

3. Shanghai Electro

Shaman melodies will never lose their popularity, at least among certain subcultures and peoples. But what if we take and mix the tribal music of the Lanagaan people with the usual club rhythms? Is it hard for you to imagine what could happen?

Nevertheless, the genre has gained popularity – to a slightly chaotic dance tune from the province of Limpopo, dancers all over the planet are happy to light up.

2. Lowercase

Finally, in the review of chaotic and twitchy music, a calm and relaxing genre will flash.

Lowercase is a minimalism inspired by Microsound, glitch and ambient. Music is a combination of everyday familiar sounds: voices, the noise of the metropolis, birds singing, rattling of keys, etc.

Surrounded by familiar sounds, a person can really relax and even go into a kind of meditative state.

1. Witch house

And again, occult-oriented music with the prefix “Witch” (witch). The term was first introduced by the musician Ejedi, who so called the style of melodies performed by him and his comrades.

In the compositions, frightening sounds from horror films, sharp changes in pitch and speed of tones in the voice are actively used. The basis for the style was electronic music based on synthesizers and rhythm machines in minimalistic reproduction.

These unusual styles have been formed under the influence of electro trends in the last decade. We doubt that some of them will survive even to the next generations, but now it is necessary to pay tribute to the boundless imagination of the authors.

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