10 Natural Disasters That Could Ruin Your Vacation

Cataclysm is a global catastrophe. Natural disasters cause human suffering.

Science currently cannot accurately predict the severity of the consequences of the rampant elements. In some cases, it is even impossible to warn the population about the danger. And this entails a mass death of people.

10 Ski resorts: snow avalanches

10 Natural Disasters That Could Ruin Your Vacation

There is a concept – avalanche safety. This is a whole science that rethinks the tragedies that occurred earlier after the avalanches, given that their descent is a natural process.

Avalanche workers check the slopes before the athletes go to the mountains and predict the likelihood of danger. Each ski resort has its own avalanche history. Compliance with safety precautions when there is an opportunity to visit the elements is strictly necessary.

9. Japan: typhoon and tsunami

10 Natural Disasters That Could Ruin Your Vacation

A tsunami is a sudden movement of large volumes of water. The waves created, one or a series, have devastating consequences.

Buildings were destroyed, trees were broken, cars were crushed. In the strip of destruction in an incredible way are far-standing objects. Power lines.

Destruction and de-energized areas. The number of people in need of any kind of assistance is estimated at millions of people. What is admirable. For all the drama of events, the inhabitants of this country call these natural killers poetic names.

8. USA: Tornado

10 Natural Disasters That Could Ruin Your Vacation

In the United States, there is a “landmark”, namely, “Tornado Alley”. This is the territory between the Rocky Mountains and the Apache mountain system.

Strong wind, heavy rain and hail. The power of natural phenomena is such that buildings collapse, trees are uprooted. Airports are closed, highways are blocked. Since power lines suffer in the vast majority of cases.

The country provides tornado shelters that effectively protect people from the elements.

7. Haiti and Dominican Republic: earthquake

10 Natural Disasters That Could Ruin Your Vacation

The Island Republics, located on the island of Haiti, are heavenly places, belong to areas of the world with high seismic activity.

The frequency of earthquakes per year reaches 1000. It shakes several times a day. Of course, most of them are not felt by people.

The history of these places describes earthquakes as catastrophes, when entire cities were erased from the earth. The last devastating event happened in 2010. human losses numbered in the thousands.

6. Greece: forest fires

10 Natural Disasters That Could Ruin Your Vacation

Greece as a country has a warm, dry climate. Hot weather only contributes to the spontaneous spread of fire. At the height of the velvet season, and this is August-October.

To localize the fires, gigantic efforts are required, since they are of a large-scale nature. Having flared up in the forests, the fire quickly spreads to coastal buildings, driven by strong winds.

In populated areas, it is difficult to act independently before the arrival of fire services due to the high temperature at the source of ignition and the toxicity of the smoke, which, in turn, is dangerous to the lungs.

5. India: monsoon or rainy season

10 Natural Disasters That Could Ruin Your Vacation

This phenomenon has a characteristic feature. It starts from northern India and rolls down the peninsula to the south. Rain can come in blasts, often washing out roads or causing landslides that disrupt communications between communities.

During the rainy season, nature comes to life and begins to play with colors. The waterfalls are full.

But you can’t swim in the sea, under any circumstances. Swimming in strong opposing currents, combined with strong winds, can cost the life of a daredevil.

4. Cuba: Hurricanes

10 Natural Disasters That Could Ruin Your Vacation

Officially, the hurricane season begins on June 1 and lasts until November 30. The probability of meeting them increases in September or October.

They originate over the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. As they move towards land, they gain strength, which is estimated in points.

The population, accustomed to the peculiarities of living in this area, can prepare. The notification system will start working. Institutions stop working, residents are forbidden to go out. The airport is closed.

Despite the fact that the buildings have disaster protection, it is almost impossible to resist the wind speed of more than 280 km/h. Well, of course, the death of agricultural plantations, not sheltered animals, is predetermined. The losses are often enormous.

3. Egypt: Khamsin

10 Natural Disasters That Could Ruin Your Vacation

Khamsin is a dry, exhausting, hot wind of southern directions. Frequent visitor to Egypt. The areas protected by mountains save from windy weather.

Spring winds are the longest, which forces local authorities for tourists to limit movement in the desert or safaris. The southeast wind direction carries sand from the desert.

We must pay tribute to the host, excursion rest is designed in such a way that vacationers feel comfortable.

Danger lurks only when burning in the sun, as the wind reduces the temperature sensitivity when blowing.

2. UAE: sandstorms

10 Natural Disasters That Could Ruin Your Vacation

The United Arab Emirates attracts visitors with the fabulous wealth of these places.

On a level with man-made sights, sandstorms are no less attractive for tourists. Their likelihood depends on the time of year. Most often it is the winter months.

If a tourist vacation is planned in Fujairah, then the likelihood of such an event is negligible. The approach of bad weather begins to be felt a little earlier. There is silence. The air stands still and is not breathed. Sensation that sticks to the nose.

A sudden gust of wind – and here is fine sand, dust is already everywhere. Visibility is reduced, especially dangerous for those driving. In addition to the already existing inconvenience, the storm will bring an increase in ambient temperature.

Interestingly, with sand from the desert, camels can suddenly appear on the track, which is fraught with accidents and traffic jams. Two or three days, you may have to wait out the elements.

1. Thailand: flood

10 Natural Disasters That Could Ruin Your Vacation

Thailand is located in Southeast Asia, on the peninsulas of Indochina and Malacca. Attracts tourists with untouched nature.

A state where there are never snowy winters and cold weather. But there are seasonal monsoon rains in July-September. The danger of which lies in the fact that they are capable of causing floods.

Streams of water from the sky begin to form rivers rushing through the streets of the city. Their depth can reach one meter. The lowlands are flooded, and everything that was located in them gradually begins to go under water. Highways, ancient monuments, entrances to buildings.

Naturally, residential areas also fall into the disaster zone. Tropical storms exacerbate the situation, which contribute to an increase in already high water levels.

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