10 myths about proper nutrition that do not help you lose weight, but only complicate your life

Many people dream of a slim figure, but not everyone manages to achieve what they want. After all, most people do not even want to allocate a little time to study methods of losing weight, make a plan, think over their diet. They want to start the process right away, they use the advice of friends or the information that they once heard. Therefore, some people have very vague ideas about proper nutrition. They adhere to such a system, but it is not possible to lose weight. Even if they achieve a dream figure, they put too much effort into it. Losing weight is easy – you need to start eating right. But before that, study this issue. And we will help you dispel the myths about proper nutrition.

10 Brown sugar is healthier than white sugar

10 myths about proper nutrition that do not help you lose weight, but only complicate your life

30 years ago, no one had even heard of brown sugar. But, as soon as he appeared on the shelves of the store, people began to give preference to him, and not to his “white brother”. Now also brown sugar is popular with losing weight, even despite the high price. The thing is that many people still believe in the fairy tale about the benefits of brown sugar. It, of course, contains useful substances: calcium, iron, potassium. But their content is very small, that is, sugar has absolutely no benefit. Also, do not believe that when it is used, there is no threat of the appearance of extra pounds. The calorie content of brown and white sugar is the same. That is, if you want to lose weight, you have to forget about sugar, whatever it is.

9. Oatmeal is the best breakfast

10 myths about proper nutrition that do not help you lose weight, but only complicate your life

This is also known to all adherents of proper nutrition. In the morning they pour boiling water over the semi-finished product, and then eat it with full confidence that such a breakfast is very useful. No one thinks that there are much more calories in express porridge, because they always contain sugar. The glycemic index of such porridge is twice as high as that of regular porridge. That is, after such a breakfast, you will want to eat twice as fast. Such breakfasts will not only lead to the appearance of extra pounds, but also to metabolic disorders. Eat regular oatmeal for breakfast. Yes, of course, you have to cook, but it does not cook for so long. You can add milk or fruits to the porridge.

8. Any vegetables are good

10 myths about proper nutrition that do not help you lose weight, but only complicate your life

Despite the fact that vegetables are healthy, you need to eat them carefully. Firstly, if you eat right, you probably know that they are all divided into starchy and non-starchy. The first group includes potatoes, beets, carrots, legumes. They can be eaten with vegetable or olive oil. You can not combine with protein, so they will not be absorbed. It is also worth controlling their amount in your diet. Non-starchy vegetables include cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes and various greens. They can be eaten without restrictions. If you like salads, then pay attention to the dressing, it should not be high in calories.

7. Coffee helps you stay awake all day

10 myths about proper nutrition that do not help you lose weight, but only complicate your life

Very often, to overcome drowsiness, a person drinks a mug of coffee. However, after a while, he wants to sleep again. It’s simple: thanks to this drink, there is a jump in blood sugar. You feel alert again, but as soon as your glucose levels drop, you will want to sleep again. It is logical that a cup of coffee drunk in the morning will not give you a boost of energy for the whole day. But it will perfectly cheer you up in the morning hours. Just so that coffee does not negatively affect your body, do not drink it on an empty stomach. And after dinner, switch to green tea. It also tones well.

6. Can’t fry in olive oil

10 myths about proper nutrition that do not help you lose weight, but only complicate your life

This myth is very common, many are sure that this is the true truth. Those who have not tried frying on it are sure that the oil will burn. In fact, its smoke point is 190 degrees. Foods are usually cooked at a much lower temperature. In general, the benefits of olive oil are greatly exaggerated. It does contain vitamins and nutrients, but in very small doses. And in general, if you want to say goodbye to extra pounds, avoid fried foods.

5. Sea salt is healthier than table salt

10 myths about proper nutrition that do not help you lose weight, but only complicate your life

Although the two types of salt differ in the sources of their extraction, they are approximately the same in their properties. Their main difference is that table salt is purified from impurities, and sea salt is rich in useful substances. But are the impurities in sea salt so useful? This question cannot be answered unambiguously. The amount of useful substances in it is insignificant. They will not have a serious effect on the human body. But it often contains heavy metals. Again, their number is minimal. Which salt to choose is up to you, but you probably know that when fighting excess weight, it is better to reduce the amount of salt.

4. Too-fat dairy products are dangerous for the heart and can lead to obesity

10 myths about proper nutrition that do not help you lose weight, but only complicate your life

This is what most healthy eaters think. They deny themselves high-quality dairy products, choosing low-fat long-term storage. They have no nutrients at all, but the amount of carbohydrates is impressive. In addition, there are a lot of sweeteners, flavors. You can not be afraid, fatty dairy products do not affect the functioning of the heart in any way. The main rule of proper nutrition is moderation in everything. Also, when buying dairy products, pay attention to the composition.

3. All calories are the same

10 myths about proper nutrition that do not help you lose weight, but only complicate your life

A popular weight loss method is calorie counting. To eat right, you need to determine the number of calories a person needs per day. But not all calories are the same. You can eat a full meal, or just one chocolate bar. The first option is much more preferable, because you will get not only energy, but also useful substances, vitamins. After dinner, you will not want to eat for a long time. Chocolate will give you pleasure, but it is unlikely that you will be able to get enough of it. After a short period of time, you will want to eat another chocolate bar. Want to lose weight? Control not only the number of calories, but also keep the balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

2. Eating at night is bad

10 myths about proper nutrition that do not help you lose weight, but only complicate your life

It has long been known to everyone that the rule “do not eat after 18:00” is not the most correct. That is, it is only suitable for those who go to bed no later than 21:00. In addition, you should carefully monitor what you eat for dinner. Usually during the day, people have no time to eat normally, some consider a cup of coffee drunk in a hurry for lunch. But in the evening they eat. This is the wrong approach. You should have a hearty breakfast, do not skip lunch and dinner. Only for dinner it is best to choose lighter food. For example, white meat and vegetables are a good option. An hour before bedtime, you can drink a glass of kefir.

1. There are diets that don’t work

10 myths about proper nutrition that do not help you lose weight, but only complicate your life

When once again a person fails to lose weight, he blames everyone around him, but not himself. It is commonly said that the diet does not work. If you are in good health, any diet will be effective. Of course, if you follow all the recommendations. But as soon as you switch to a regular diet, you will again gain extra pounds. Therefore, it is better not to waste your time and not use diets, but just start eating right. You will eat a variety of foods, the risk of breaking loose will decrease. You won’t feel hungry. And when you see the results, cravings for harmful products will completely disappear.

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