Completely naive and objectionable myths about contraception perpetuate in society, and therefore deserve a moment of explanation. Uncertainties in the sexual sphere most often result from young age, lack of experience and fear of pregnancy.
1) Interruption prevents pregnancy
The pre-ejaculate secreted before ejaculation, despite the scant amount of sperm, enables fertilization, so it is difficult to talk about guaranteed safety.
2) Birth control pills make you gain weight
A slightly increased appetite is possible in the first 2-3 months of their use. After this time, the appetite returns to normal. The initial weight gain of up to 2 kg is often associated with water retention in the body, but during menstrual bleeding, the weight should return to normal.
3) Birth control pills take away your beauty
Many young girls who have serious problems with acne skin use pills with beautiful skin in mind. Sometimes pills reduce excessive hair and greasy hair, so it is difficult to talk about negative effects on beauty. The anti-androgenic effect reduces seborrhea.
4) Atrial intercourse prevents pregnancy
An unbroken hymen is not a tight barrier for sperm. Having intercourse without full penetration in the days around ovulation and during ovulation, unfortunately, we risk pregnancy.
5) Safe first sex free from nature
A fairly common myth that has no basis in reality. The reproductive capacity of women and girls is not affected by the hymen, as explained in the previous section. Only fertile days count.
6) Sex during menstruation is safe
Very rarely, ovulation occurs during menstruation. If it happens to you and you have intercourse, you can expect conception. In addition, sperm in the reproductive tract live up to 5 days. When menstrual bleeding lasts quite a long time, ovulation may occur several days after the bleeding, so the sperm may have time to reach their destination.
7) Hormonal contraception reduces sex drive
This is not a rule. Yes, the composition of some pills may negatively affect libido, so when you notice a decrease in your desire for sex, be sure to inform your gynecologist. Will take other pills.
8) After long-term use of pills, it is worth taking a break to cleanse the body
The gynecologist decides whether we should take the pills. We must perform periodic examinations at the gynecologist, because he is the guardian of their safety. There are generally no indications for breaks.
9) Hormonal contraception degrades fertility
After stopping the pill, it is possible to become pregnant in the next cycle after stopping the pill. Hormones taken in a daily dose of tablets do not accumulate permanently in the body. Fertilization can be difficult due to age, past illnesses and many other factors. The exception is the use of injections, after which the ability to fertilize sometimes returns after a year, because they can regulate the menstrual cycle so much, but they are not dangerous to health.
10) Water after
Neither a glass of water drunk nor thorough washing of the intimate area after intercourse will knock the sperm off the path they have chosen.