10 mysterious objects and creatures hunted by explorers in Africa

The spirit of exploration still hovers over Africa to this day. The constant interest in this continent is also explained by the fact that this corner of the planet is closed to Europeans.

There is a high risk that a lot of interesting things are hidden not only from the eyes of the layman, but also from scientists. Two specialties, cryptobiology and cryptozoology, courageously explore and search for answers to questions about the mysteries of Africa.

10 Flying dwarf Popobava

10 mysterious objects and creatures hunted by explorers in Africa

This is a gay flying monster that not only kidnapped males, but also raped them.

Outwardly, this fiend looked like a small, muscular bat. Fanged and one-eyed.

Pemba Island was gripped by madness and panic. There were also victims. The presence of a flying cyclops could be identified by a pungent smell or puffs of doom.

The monster, after the act of violence, demanded that the victim tell everyone about what had happened.

Science describes this phenomenon as mental. A dream in reality. The so-called sleep paralysis. Feeling of hanging upside down and meeting otherworldly beings.

9. Fire bloodsuckers

10 mysterious objects and creatures hunted by explorers in Africa

Location: Kenya. In this area, there was an opinion that vampires were seen in the first responders, in particular in the fire departments.

According to an eyewitness, firefighters, instead of rescuing people from the fire, took them away in unknown directions and pumped blood out of them.

All the events described took place in front of the police. This made it possible to make an assumption about mutual responsibility between employees of these specialties.

8. Ceratops Emela–Ntuka

10 mysterious objects and creatures hunted by explorers in Africa

Probably, before creating modern species, nature combined incompatible species. So there is still no consensus about ceraptos.

Some recognize it as a reptile, others as an ungulate mammal. In growth, this wonder of the world came out the size of an elephant and folding around the neck, like a crocodile. Quite a bloodthirsty predatory animal.

7. Kulakamba

10 mysterious objects and creatures hunted by explorers in Africa


This is a gorilla that makes peculiar sounds, which immortalized the name of the animal. It lived on the territory of modern Cameroon and Gabon.

Why this branch of biology turned out to be a dead end is not yet discussed. They didn’t look very attractive. Large skull with overhanging brow ridges. Small facial part of the skull. Huge ears. If people are descended from monkeys, then such a parent may be good that he did not give offspring.

6. Umdglebi deadly tree

10 mysterious objects and creatures hunted by explorers in Africa

A tree that, judging by the description, had extremely poisonous properties. And it or they grew in South America. According to scientists, this specimen of the flora is unpretentious.

It grows on different soils, has a bark in two rows. The outer seems to slide off the inner. The leaves are dark green.

The plant produced carbonic acid. At present, it is even difficult to imagine that there could be a lethal concentration of this substance in the air. And then – yes. Paralysis of the nervous system and death followed very quickly.

But since the fruits were extremely useful for the inhabitants of that area, they had to figure out how to collect them. For example, going to a tree from the leeward side.

5. Flying lizard Kongamato

10 mysterious objects and creatures hunted by explorers in Africa


Kongamato literally means “overturning boats”. Flying lizard. Eyewitnesses describe a pink-skinned, featherless body up to 1,5 meters long. Its wings are lifted into the air, like a bat’s.

Scientists of the beginning of the last century, while in Africa, showed local residents drawings with prehistoric animals. People were unanimous and pointed to the picture with the pterodactyl.

In living stories with witnesses who saw the monster, there was fear. For them, meeting with such a “bird” was tantamount to death. Scientists remain hopeful that ideal corners have been preserved in the world where these rare creatures can live.

4. Lonely Marozzi Lion


10 mysterious objects and creatures hunted by explorers in Africa

An amazing animal was seen by farmers in East and Central Africa. Its peculiarity was that the wool had a spotty character.

An expedition was sent to Kenya, which was supposed to find unusual half-leopard half-lions. Unfortunately, she was not successful.

It was possible to describe only traces that most likely belonged to ordinary lions.

3. Alien contact in Ariel

10 mysterious objects and creatures hunted by explorers in Africa

Location: Zimbabwe. Year 1994. Ariel Elementary School. Small children described metal objects in the sky in a circular shape, illuminated by flashing red lights.

According to the children, one apparatus separated from the group and landed 100 meters from the children. Creatures of very small stature descended from the ship.

The children got scared. They panicked. Many ran to adults for help. The teachers arrived in time to see nothing.

Later, this situation was analyzed very seriously. The materials indicate that the children did not invent anything.

2. Prehistoric monitor lizard Ninki-Nanka

10 mysterious objects and creatures hunted by explorers in Africa

Monitor lizards are lizards. The largest ones reach 3 meters in length. They are carnivores and feed on animals. The little ones are bitten. Large ones get bitten multiple times. And then the victim dies from fatal blood loss.

A dinosaur resembling an unknown form of monitor lizard is currently being sought. The search for a few enthusiasts led to the fact that, according to the descriptions of eyewitnesses, this unknown animal could be attributed to giant reptiles. 9 meters long. With the body of a crocodile, neck like a giraffe. Green colour. Which often spent most of its time lying in a swamp.

What the monster eats, eyewitnesses could not describe. But I was impressed by the huge mouth, with teeth protruding from it the length of a human finger.

1. Prehistoric monster Mokele-Mbembe

10 mysterious objects and creatures hunted by explorers in Africa

Translated from one of the local languages ​​- “this is the one who blocks the river.” A half-dragon half-elephant known from fossils.

He comes from central Africa. Its existence is not denied. Evidence about the features of his life is collected by cryptozoologists and cryptobotanists.

The creature lived in a swamp. Possessed the growth of an elephant. Alligator tail. The neck looked powerful. And on the head was an outgrowth resembling a horn or a giant tooth. The body of the giant had shades of gray.

Contemporaries tried to find the animal. They saw and documented huge footprints of an unknown creature and even heard its roar. But the dinosaur itself was not found.

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