Despite the constant advances in medicine, there are still many diseases whose causes are unknown. Science has been struggling with them for years. Learn ten mysterious diseases.
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1/10 Sarcoidosis
Symptoms of sarcoidosis are the presence of small granulomas that can appear in any organ. There is no known cause of this condition. It has been suggested that bacteria may be responsible, but this has not been well proven. Treatment of sarcoidosis is mainly based on the administration of steroids.
2/10 Pica
Another name for this disease is “perverted appetite”. The ailment is manifested by an appetite for inedible things: sand, chalk, cigarette butts. It most often appears in children and pregnant women. The disease is treated through therapy with a psychologist.
3/10 Narcolepsy
Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder characterized by cataplexy, which is a sudden loss of muscle tone. In addition, there is excessive daytime sleepiness and a sudden fall into “lucid sleep”. Until now, it is not known what causes narcolepsy. Only symptomatic treatment is possible. In the treatment of narcolepsy, antidepressants and derivatives of amphetamines and other stimulants are used.
4/10 Choroba moyamoya
This disease appears most often in young Asian women. Symptoms include obstruction of large intracranial arteries, causing transient ischemic attacks, stroke or haemorrhage. It is often a comorbid disease with other ailments. For moyamoya disease, treatment is symptomatic to prevent a stroke.
5/ 10 Cyclic vomiting syndrome
Among the diseases of unexplained etiology, various types of digestive system disorders appear very often. One of them is chronic vomiting syndrome, which manifests as recurrent nausea. Symptomatic treatment and administration of measures to prevent vomiting are possible. Only symptomatic treatment is possible.
6/ 10 Crohn’s disease
Another mysterious disease of the digestive system is Crohn’s disease. The ailment consists of acute inflammation of the small intestine. Symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal pain, resistance in the abdomen. The disease is not cured. Even after the affected part of the intestine is removed, relapses usually follow. There are many treatments used in Crohn’s disease. Many of them are based on pharmacotherapy. Surgical procedures are also often required to remove the damaged part of the intestine.
7/ 10 Ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative colitis is a somewhat similar glide, which manifests itself with prolonged abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation, weakness, and blood in the stools. There are several factors that can increase your risk of developing the disease. These are, among others, genetic factors, stress, unstable emotional state. Despite this, the mechanism of the development of the disease is not fully understood. The treatment involves diet, medications, and in extreme cases, surgical methods.
8/ 10 Restless Legs Syndrome
This ailment manifests itself by exhaustion and a feeling of “restless legs” which may be associated with a tingling sensation. Symptoms usually worsen during periods of inactivity, such as at night, and disappear with activity. The disease may be inherited or combined with other ailments, e.g. diabetes or rheumatism. Often, however, the reasons are unknown. In the treatment of the disease, iron supplementation and relaxation exercises are performed.
9/ 10 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
The symptoms of this disease are dementia and myoclonus, which are short muscle contractions. Sometimes there are also sleep disturbances and fatigue. The disease is fatal. It is most likely caused by the presence of prions in the body – proteins with the wrong spatial arrangement. The presence of prions in the body causes healthy proteins to change structure as well, but this mechanism is not well understood.
10/ 10 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Common symptoms include headaches, difficulty concentrating, drowsiness, and physical fatigue. We speak of a disease when symptoms persist for over a year. While XMRV may be the culprit behind the syndrome, there is no hard evidence of it. However, diagnosed people should not donate blood.