10 Movies Woody Allen Recommends You to Watch

If you want to spend your evening watching an exciting movie, we recommend that you take a look at this selection.

Film director Woody Allen recommended watching 10 films when he shared the list with Sight & Sound magazine (a magazine published by British Film Arts since 1932. Initially only a critics’ poll was conducted, but since 1992 film directors have been compiling the list).

Watch brilliant films and do not be bored!

10 Bicycle thieves | 1948

10 Movies Woody Allen Recommends You to Watch

The film is set in Rome after the war. Antonio Ricchi has no job, but one day a miracle happens – he finds it.

The requirements for the job are very simple – in order to deliver letters, you need to have a bicycle with you, a man just has one.

Overwhelmed with joy, Antonio goes to work, but his bike disappears… Someone stole it, but without it, a man will not be able to start his own business.

He is afraid to be on the street with his family, so in the company of his son, Antonio decides to find the thief, as well as his bike. And nothing will stop him…

9. Seventh Seal | 1957

10 Movies Woody Allen Recommends You to Watch

Ingmar Bergman’s one-act play Wood Painting was the basis of the film The Seventh Seal. This is a black and white arthouse film.

The director was inspired by the “Death Playing Chess” mural in a Swiss church. The work was done in the workshop

Albertus Pictor around 1480. XIV century, the film begins with the fact that the knight invites Death to play chess. He is not sure that the Devil and God exist … If Death wins, he will take the knight with him, and if he wins, then Death will retreat.

Throughout the film, Knight and Death return to their party…

8. Citizen Kane | 1941

10 Movies Woody Allen Recommends You to Watch

The irreparable happens – in one very rich and luxurious estate, a magnate named Charles Kane dies.

He was able to achieve unprecedented heights, was surrounded by whatever he wanted, but he could not find the most important thing – happiness. He made every effort to be remembered: he built a theater for his wife, built, bought, donated, but did not notice what was next to him. He did not know how to see the beauty in simple things, those that surrounded him.

Before his death, he said only one word: “Rosebud”, which could not but interest journalists who decided to find out what this word means and who the tycoon Charles Kane really was …

7. Amarkord | 1973

10 Movies Woody Allen Recommends You to Watch

The film was shot by the legendary film director Federico Fellini in 1973. Amarcord is the world that a teenager sees. The film is set in the 1930s, during which Mussolini (an Italian politician) ruled. The film illustrates the story of a 15-year-old boy growing up, he is overcome by fantasies about a curvaceous hostess who runs her tobacco shop, a lady in red …

“Amarcord” in the Romagnol dialect of a resort town called Rimini (Fellini’s birthplace) means “I remember.” Hormones are seething in young boys, and life, which is shown in one cinema, is similar to the standard …

6. 8 and a half | 1963

10 Movies Woody Allen Recommends You to Watch

Tragicomedy by Federico Fellini. The number 8 denotes the serial number in the filmography of the filmmaker – at that time he made 6 films, 2 short films, and the film Variety Lights was shot together with Alberto Lattuada.

The film “8 and a half” will tell you the story of Fellini’s wanderings, his impressions, his search for himself … Surreal reality is intertwined with relationships with women who reciprocate him, and this whole world is transformed from imagination under the influence of experiences, various mental states.

5. Four hundred blows | 1959

10 Movies Woody Allen Recommends You to Watch

Antoine Doinel is a 12-year-old heavy teenager who was given to himself because of the concerns of his parents.

His mother is only busy with her life, she has neither time nor energy for her own son, and his stepfather does not have enough inner strength to somehow influence his family: his wife and son. In addition, he is always busy with work.

The teacher Antoine cares about the boy, but only in those moments when he should be punished. Nothing good comes from this – hatred accumulates in the boy … Antoine and his friend decide to run away from home, but this does not lead to anything good …

4. Usually | 1950

10 Movies Woody Allen Recommends You to Watch

Crime film directed by Akira Kurosawa. The film takes place in a Japanese village of the XII century. A woman was found in the forest, and she became a victim of a maniac. Her husband was brutally murdered.

The tragedy was watched by 4 parties: the victim herself, the murdered, the woodcutter and the criminal. Each of them has different testimony, so it is difficult to find the culprit … Almost impossible. Which story will turn out to be true? Will it be possible to find out?

3. Grand Illusion | 1937

10 Movies Woody Allen Recommends You to Watch

The First World War is on. German Rauffenstein shot down a French plane. You might think that the pilots were born in shirts, because they miraculously managed to survive, but they were captured.

In the prisoner-of-war camp, the pilots meet British officers and agree to work with them to create a tunnel that promises them freedom.

But after the victory of the French military on the Western Front, the prisoners, which included the pilots, Morechal and Boldieu, were transferred to another prison. Here the head was the one who shot down their plane – Rauffenstein. He warmly welcomed them and was sure that no one could get out of this place …

2. Modest charm of the bourgeoisie | 1972

10 Movies Woody Allen Recommends You to Watch

Comedy. If you want to laugh, be sure to watch this film directed by Luis Buñuel. Thévenot and the Seneschal have been friends with the ambassador, Raphael, of a fictional country called Miranda for many years.

He invites them to his house, but his wife was very confused when she saw them, because she did not have time to set the table. The Seneschal invites them to a nearby restaurant.

At the table, the company discusses the menu, it seems strange to them that the portions are too small, and the caviar is not of the right quality … After some time, they notice the owner of the restaurant dead. And all the time, some circumstances prevent the bourgeois from having dinner …

1. Paths of Glory | 1957

10 Movies Woody Allen Recommends You to Watch

1916, the First World War is on. The regiment of foot soldiers of the French army was led by Colonel Dax. The relationship between subordinates and colonels is good and friendly, but everyone wants to return home as soon as possible, since the war has been going on for 2 years.

The head of the corps comes up with one idea – to sacrifice several people in order to lure the enemy. General Broupard orders to attack the Germans, and Dex sends his guys to certain death … The Germans kill them, but Dex tries to protect those who succeed.

The general avoids responsibility and does not admit his guilt, but accuses the soldiers of cowardice. He orders to shoot the soldiers chosen at random. The rest are accused of disobeying orders, and so the soldiers fall prey to the cowardice of their superior.

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