10 movies similar to The Hunger Games about the struggle for survival

Movie premiere “The Hunger Games” took place in March 2012. He was recognized as one of the best blockbusters with an impressive box office (over $ 400 million). The Hunger Games not only paid off, but also brought a good profit to its creators.

The film takes place in the future. The world is divided into districts. The government decides to institute the Hunger Games. This is a competition in which the strongest will win, all the rest will die. The spectacle will be shown live, the whole world will be able to watch the events taking place.

Participants are chosen by lot. Sister Katniss is out of luck: her name is on the list. Katniss decides to take a desperate step, she understands that her sister will not be able to win, and therefore survive. The girl offers to replace her. Along with Katniss, Peeta, who is in love with her, will participate in the battle for survival. What will win: love or the desire to live?

The Hunger Games is a great way to have a good time. Fascinating, interesting and definitely worth a look. If you have already seen it, then pay attention to the list of films and series similar to The Hunger Games.

10 Running Man (1987)

10 movies similar to The Hunger Games about the struggle for survival

A dystopian film made over 30 years ago. The action takes place in the future. 2019 year. Power belongs to the military structures. Violent game shows are held annually in the country, their goal is to divert the attention of residents from other more important problems.

Ben Richards is an ordinary cop. He will have to take part in the “Running Man” battle because he refused to follow the order of superiors – to shoot an unarmed crowd of people. Together with him, his friends Weiss and Laughlin will participate in the show.

Will Ben be able to reach the final and defeat the monsters, which account for hundreds of killed people, or is he destined to become another victim? The answer to this question is in the movie. “Running Man”.

9. Survival Tournament (2009)

10 movies similar to The Hunger Games about the struggle for survival

Action movie. Every seven years, unusual competitions are held in the city. Killers come here from all over the world. Everyone will have to show their skills and fight in this terrifying battle.

Out of 30 participants, only one will survive, but these are not all interested parties. On the other side of the screen sit people who have made their bets. Each of them bet a large amount of money on one or another player …

“Survival Tournament” – a pretty good action movie, but most viewers note that its plot is predictable. Of course, do not forget that everyone has their own opinion on this matter.

8. Royal Rumble (2000)

10 movies similar to The Hunger Games about the struggle for survival

A Japanese film that combines elements of fantasy, thriller, drama and adventure. Economic crisis, unrest in the country. Even schoolchildren refuse to study.

In order to somehow influence negligent students, the government decides to introduce a new project “Battle Royale”.

Students in one class are tricked into being taken to a deserted island. Each participant has a metal hoop around his neck, which can explode at any moment.

The teacher introduces them to the rules of the game. In three days, out of 42 students, only one can survive. If there is no winner, then everyone will die. The students are divided into groups, the struggle begins …

7. Through the snow (2013)

10 movies similar to The Hunger Games about the struggle for survival

Post-apocalyptic thriller co-produced by South Korea and France. In 2014, a man-made disaster occurs. There is nothing alive on Earth, the Ice Age has come.

During the catastrophe, a train is launched, only life has been preserved here. People live here, they go through the snow and ice towards the unknown.

In the very first carriages – the rich and those who were previously in power. They eat well, have fun and continue to enjoy life. The last wagons are filled with poor people who have nothing to eat.

The uprisings lead nowhere, they are suppressed, and the guilty are punished. Curtis dreams of restoring justice, but will he be able to do it and at what cost?

6. Divergent (2014)

10 movies similar to The Hunger Games about the struggle for survival

The film is a dystopia. Post-apocalyptic Chicago, each person must obey the established rules. Such an arrangement of society is a guarantee of the absence of conflicts.

Every year, 16-year-olds have to decide what they should do in life. To do this, you need to answer the questions of the test, and it will become clear to which faction they belong.

Beatrice took the test and found that she is divergentum. These people fit every faction, they are difficult to manage, so the government prefers to get rid of them. The girl hides the test results and chooses the Fearless faction…

5. Island (2005)

10 movies similar to The Hunger Games about the struggle for survival

Another fantastic action movie about the post-apocalyptic world. There was a global catastrophe, the surviving people live in a special complex. There are strict rules here, but every member of society has the opportunity to improve their lives.

Periodically, a lottery is played, where the main prize is a move to Island, the only unpolluted place in the world. There are all conditions for a comfortable stay.

Lincoln has been living in the complex for 3 years. He soon learns that his friend Jordan has won the lottery. Lincoln has a bad feeling, he is trying to find out more about this mysterious place – the Island …

4. Dedicated (2014)

10 movies similar to The Hunger Games about the struggle for survival

An ideal world in which there is no conflict, suffering, fun and memories. Every student who graduates from school receives an assignment. He is told what he will do next. You don’t have to choose.

Jonas is very worried, because he is one of all to become the Recipient of Memory. These are the people who keep the memories. Now Jonas can understand what it’s like to remember the past. He has a desire: he wants everyone to be able to remember. Jonas will try to do everything possible so that each person has his own past.

In film “Dedicated” touched on current topics. Therefore, despite the unoriginal plot, it is perfect to brighten up a boring evening.

3. Condemned (2007)

10 movies similar to The Hunger Games about the struggle for survival

American thriller. Jack Conrad is a criminal on death row. One can only dream of an easy death, but Conrad has a chance for salvation. True, for this you have to kill a few people.

John is selected to participate in an extreme show. 10 criminals will participate in the fight for survival. 9 will die, the 10th will receive life and deliverance. sentenced ready to do anything to win freedom.

2. Time (2011)

10 movies similar to The Hunger Games about the struggle for survival

Future. People got immortality, but you have to pay for it. Currency – time. Each person has a watch on his hand that shows how much he has left.

In one city there are poor people who are forced to earn time for tomorrow. In another city – the rich, they have a lot of time, enough for more than one life.

Will is accused of a murder he didn’t commit. He has no other choice but to run. Will takes a hostage. Sylvia is the daughter of a time bank owner who has no idea what is really going on in the world. When a girl learns about the true state of things from a hostage, she turns into Will’s accomplice …

1. Maze Runner (2014)

10 movies similar to The Hunger Games about the struggle for survival

Youth dystopia, the story of a teenager Thomas. The guy gets into the enclosed space of the Glade. Every month, the elevator brings a new teenager here. The Glade is enclosed by a labyrinth, and no one has yet managed to escape its limits. At night, it changes, and terrible creatures live here that attack the inhabitants of the Glade.

One day the elevator brings the girl. She is holding a note in her hands saying that she is “the last of them all”. Teenagers hope that they will be able to get out of the maze.

A group led by Thomas sets out on a dangerous journey. It is not known where their labyrinth will end up, or if they will be able to find out what is beyond it.

The Maze Runner – a fascinating film for teenagers, which even adults will enjoy watching.

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